Information for thepost ofPart Time Early Years/Year 1 Teacher
Yoxall St Peter’s C of E Primary School
a partner school in the John Taylor Multi Academy Trust
On atemporary contract starting 1st September 2017
Closing date for applications: 9am–Monday 12th June 2017
Thank you for your interest in the post of a EYFS/Year1Class Teacher at Yoxall St Peter’s C of E Primary School. I am pleased to enclose an information pack that includes the following:
➢Letter from the Acting Headteacher
➢Job description
➢Person specification
➢Application form
➢Equal Opportunities Monitoring form
We welcome you to come and have a look around, to see our wonderful school in action. Please contact the school office on: 01543 476636or e-mail: to arrange a mutually convenient time to visit.
Interviews will take place on:Thursday 15th June 2017
Candidates will be asked to teach a mixed class of pupils and undertake a formal interview.
Title of Post:Teacher
Person to whom teacher is responsible:The Headteacher
Salary Grade: MS1-US3
Starting Date: 1September 2017
Status of Post:Early years/Year 1 Class Teacher
This job description may be amended at any time, following consultation between the Head Teacher and member of staff and will be reviewed annually.
Core Purpose
To provide a high quality and aspirational learning for all children in line with our motto:
Dream, believe, learn and achieve
General Duties and Responsibilities
To carry out the duties of a school teacher as set out in the School Teachers’ Pay and Conditions.
To continue to meet, (as a minimum) the required Teachers’ Standards.
Knowledge and Understanding
◊Have knowledge of and keep up to date with the New National Curriculum and the StaffordshireAgreed Syllabus for Religious Education.
◊Understand how pupils’ learning is affected by their physical, intellectual, emotional and social development and to understand the stages of child development.
◊Select and make good use of ICT skills for classroom and management support.
Planning - both independently and as a contributor to the Year Group Team
◊Plan and deliver in relation to the National Curriculum and the Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education with regard for the school’s aim statement, policies and schemes of work, the teaching programme for all children within your teaching groups.
◊Provide clear structures for lessons and for sequences of lessons, which maintain pace, motivation, challenge and new learning to inspire children.
◊Identify clear teaching objectives and content, appropriate to the subject matter and the pupils being taught, and specify how these will be taught and assessed.
◊Set tasks including homework which challenge pupils and ensure high levels of pupil interest.
◊Make effective use of assessment information on pupils’ attainment and progress and in planning future learning opportunities for all pupils.
◊Identify and provide appropriate challenge for all pupils.
◊Understand and provide support for children identified as Pupil Premium.
◊Be familiar with the Code of Practice and identification, assessment and support of pupils with special educational needs and disabilities. Liaise with SENDCOS and specialists to ensure that the needs of pupils on the SEND register are met.
Teaching and Class Management
◊Ensure effective learning of whole classes, groups and individuals, establishing high expectations of attainment, so that teaching objectives are met and best use is made of available teaching time.
◊Be accountable for the progress of all children within your responsibility
◊Share clear teaching objectives and success criteria with pupils – making clear what the children will learn.
◊Set high expectations for pupils’ behaviour, establishing and maintaining a good standard of discipline through well focused teaching and positive relationships.
◊Monitor and intervene when teaching to ensure sound learning and discipline.
◊Establish a safe environment to support learning in which pupils feel secure and confident.
◊Establish and maintain a purposeful working atmosphere to enable every child to learn.
◊Set appropriate and demanding expectations for presentation of work.
◊Evaluate your own teaching critically to improve effectiveness.
◊Use a variety of teaching and learning styles to keep all pupils engaged in their learning and highly motivated.
Pastoral Care and Wellbeing
◊Promote the well-being of individual pupils and any class or group of pupils assigned to you including supervision in cloakrooms, the playground and around the school
◊Promote a positive environment in which pupils feel safe and secure
◊Ensure that information is shared with colleagues to ensure the well-being of pupils in your care
◊Accurately complete the register at the beginning of morning and afternoon sessions
◊Implement The Child protection Policy as Safeguarding is the responsibility of all Yoxall St Peter’s staff.
◊Ensure that medical information about the pupils you teach is known.
Monitoring, Assessment, Recording, Reporting and Accountability
◊Assess how well learning objectives have been met and use this assessment to improve teaching and learning.
◊ Assess and record each pupil’s progress systematically through focused observation, questioning, testing and marking/feedback.
◊Mark and monitor class work and homework. Provide constructive feedback and set targets for future learning and progress.
◊Understand National Curriculum level descriptors and use this knowledge to assess pupil progress.
◊Provide reports on individual academic and social progress to the Head Teacher and parents.
◊Use national, local and school data to set and monitor targets for individual pupils in maths, reading, writing and science.
◊Meet with parents to discuss their child’s learning and academic and social progress.
◊Manage and lead in an agreed area of school improvement.
◊Contribute to the professional development of other teachers and support staff.
◊Take responsibility for parents helping you in school with your teaching groups.
◊Contribute to the organisation within your year group team taking a fair share in organising activities, visits and visitors to provide a rich and stimulating curriculum.
Other Professional Requirements
◊Understand your professional responsibilities and have a working knowledge and understanding of relevant legislation.
◊Establish effective working relationships with colleagues.
◊Set a good example through your presentation and your personal and professional conduct.
◊Contribute to the corporate life of the school through staff meetings including year group meetings, assemblies, shared projects and school functions.
◊Take responsibility for your professional development and keep up to date with research and developments in pedagogy.
◊Promote good relationships with parents and carers.
Head Teacher
Yoxall St Peter’s C of E School
Person Specification for the post of Early Years/Year 1 Class Teacher
/ 1.1 / Qualified Teacher Status2 / Experience / 2.1 / Early Years or KS1 experience and expertise
3 /
Written application
/ 3.1 / Relevant to the post, well constructed and clearly presented4 / Presentation at interview / 4.1 / Shows warmth and enthusiasm
4.2 / Articulate
5 / Knowledge, understanding and skills / 5.1 / Knowledge and understanding of the characteristics of effective schools
5.2 / Understanding of and sympathy with the nature of a Church of England school
5.3 / Ability and skills to teach the full range of the National Curriculum to at least a consistently good standard
5.4 / A knowledge of theory and practice in providing child centred education that places pupils at the centre of the learning process
5.5 / Effective use of ICT in the classroom and as a management tool
5.6 / Good ICT skills to ensure effective use of ICT
5.7 / A secure understanding of assessment strategies and the use of assessment to inform the next stages of learning
5 / Knowledge, understanding and skills - continued / 5.8 / Ability to organise work, prioritise tasks, make decisions and manage time effectively
6 / Qualities / 6.1 / Ability to think creatively and imaginatively
6.2 / Empathy with children
7 /
/ 7.1 / Ability to promote positive behaviour from all pupils ensuring high standards of discipline and good relationships7.2 / Ability to work as an effective team member
7.3 / Understanding of the need for a good home/school relationships and the school’s responsibility to parents
7.4 / Awareness of the need for the school to play a full part in the local community e.g. in promoting links with industry
8 / Personal Characteristics / 8.1 / Professionalism / 8.11 Good sense of humour
8.2 / Commitment
8.3 / Enthusiasm
8.4 / Positive attitude
8.5 / Tidy and well organised
9 / Reliability / 9.1 / Has demonstrated reliability over a sustained period of time e.g. during employment
10 / References / 10.1 / Recommended