A Note to Students and Parents
The selection of courses is one of the most significant decisions a student makes in his or her high school career. This Academic Planning Guide contains information regarding graduation requirements and all courses offered at Honeoye Central School. We hope this will give you a greater understanding of the high school curriculum and the opportunities it provides.
Please review this information carefully and use it to help plan the student’s educational program. Group and individual sessions between students and counselors take place every year so that students can make informed decisions and reexamine those decisions as they progress through high school. Every student in grades 8-12 will participate in an individual academic review with his or her counselor every year. Parent conferences will be scheduled for 8th grade students. Other parent conferences will be scheduled upon request.
In selecting courses, students should keep in mind their interests, abilities, college and career goals, as well as the development of a broad educational background.
We are confident that a well-designed planning process will result in many satisfying and rewarding experiences for each student. Please feel free to call or email us if you have questions or concerns regarding this important activity.
Sharon K. Greenwood, Linda Witte,
School Counselor School Counselor
Grades 9-12 Grades K - 8
Table of Contents Page
Graduation Requirements …………………………………………………………….. 4
Credit, Courses, and Assessments
Academic Planning …………………………………………………………………… 5
Schedule Changes, Course Load, and Overcrowded Classes
Academic Expectations ………………………………………………………………. 6
Attendance, Passing Mark, Supports, Eligibility, and Class Status
Academic Achievements ……………………………………………………………... 7
Honor Rolls, Class Rank, GPA, College Prep, Advanced Placement
Summer School ………………………………………………………………………. 8
Dual Credit/early College Admissions Program …………………………………….. 9
Graduation Awards ………………………………………………………………….. 10
Extracurricular Activities ……………………………………………………………. 11
Course Offerings
Art …………………………………………………………………………………… 13
Business/Marketing …………………………………………………………………. 18
Career, Academic & Personal Development ………………………………………... 21
English Language Arts ……………………………………………………………… 23
LOTE (Language Other Than English) ……………………………………………... 25
Mathematics ………………………………………………………………………… 28
Music ……………………………………………………………………………….. 31
Physical Education & Health ……………………………………………………….. 32
Science ……………………………………………………………………………… 33
Social Studies ……………………………………………………………………….. 36
Technology ………………………………………………………………………….. 39
Technical & Career Education ……………………………………………………… 42
Graduation Requirements
Academic requirements for graduation include three components:
1. Earning a minimum number of credits (22 credits)
2. Completing required courses
3. Passing state assessments (Regents Exams)
Required Core Courses and Credits
Course / Required for a DiplomaEnglish / 4
Social Studies / 4
Math / 3
Science / 3
(at least 2 lab courses and must include Living Environment)
Physical Education / 2
The Arts / 1
LOTE / 1
Health / 1/2
Additional Required Courses & NYS Assessments
Basic Regents Diploma / Advanced Regents DiplomaCourses / 3 credits in LOTE or
5 credit alternative ***
ELA / 65% / 65%
US History / 65% / 65%
Global History / 65% / 65%
Math / 65% on 1 exam / 65% on 3 exams (Algebra, Geometry & Alg2/Trig
Science / 65% on 1 exam / 65% on 2 exams
LOTE / 65% Proficiency Test
Or 1 credit LOTE / 65% on Regents or
5 credit alternative **
** 5 credit LOTE alternative in the following areas:
The Arts (fine arts, music, visual arts)
Career & Technical Education (business, technology, vocational education)
Academic Planning: Reviews of Academic Program & Progress
Activity / DatesSenior Graduation/Exit Reviews / September and October
Ninth and Tenth Grade Academic Reviews / November - January
Technical & Career Education Presentations – Global 10 Classes / December
Eighth and Eleventh Grade Academic Reviews / January – March
Sophomore Visit to the Finger Lakes Technical and Career Center / March
Special Education Placements, IEP and
504 Plan Annual Reviews
Technical & Career Annual Reviews / March – May
Course Requests Returned to Students / May - June
Schedule Changes
At the beginning of the school year, a week is set-aside for students to change their schedules. After the week has passed no further additions or deletions from a schedule will be allowed until the end of the 1st quarter and the first semester (end of January) when a student may drop a course, as long as 6 courses plus Physical Education remain in his/her daily schedule.
Changes must be approved on a change form that is available from the Counseling Center. No changes are allowed at other times of the year.
Course Load
Students at Honeoye Central School are required to carry a course load of at least 6 1/2 credits each semester. Students receiving Resource Room support and instruction (a non-credit course) may carry 5 1/2 credits.
Overcrowded Classes
Students may elect to take any High School course for which they have the required preparation and in which there is sufficient space for all who desire to take the course. Upper classmen have priority in overcrowded classes
Course Cancellation
Honeoye Central School reserves the right to discontinue, postpone or cancel classes due to budgetary constraints or staffing changes.
Academic Expectations
Classroom attendance is a vital component of every student’s education. Students with excessive class absences are at risk of not receiving course credit.
Passing Mark
The passing mark is 65. In order to receive credit for a course the final average must be 65 or more. Final averages are computed by using the four quarter averages and the final exam mark, with each counting 20% of the final average.
For half-year courses the two-quarter marks are counted 2/5 each and the final exam 1/5 in determining the final average.
Passing a Regents Exam does not guarantee credit for the course. In order to receive course credit, the final average must be 65 or above.
Academic Levels and Support
Advanced Placement / Accelerated or enriched courses of study for the most able and interested students can lead to earning college credits.Advanced Regents / Challenging program leading to the Advanced Regents Diploma. Excellent preparation for college. Minimum of 8 State Assessments
Regents / Challenging program leading to the Regents Diploma. Minimum of 6 State Assessments
Resource Room / Support services and instruction provided by special education staff for students with an identified learning disability
Academic Intervention Services (AIS) / Basic skills instruction provided to students meeting service eligibility criteria.
Academic Eligibility & Status
Students must maintain academic eligibility to access any and all privileges.
Academic status levels are:
· Good Academic Standing: full privileges
· Academic Support: limited privileges
· Academic Ineligibility: suspended privileges
Class Status
Class status at Honeoye is determined by number of credits earned and accumulated.
Freshman - Must have been promoted from Grade 8
Sophomore - Must have a total of 4 1/2 credits, which include English 9
Junior - Must have a total of 10 credits, which include English 10
Senior - Must be enrolled in a program that will lead to June graduation
Academic Achievements
Honor Roll and Recognitions
Honor Roll
/An average of 85 to 89.9.
To receive a certificate for the year a student must have an average of 85-89.9 for the first three report card periods.
Principal’s Honor Roll
/An average of 90 to 94.9.
Student who maintain an average of 90 to 94.9 for the first three marking periods receive a pin and certificate signifying this high academic achievement.Staff Honors
/An average of 95 to 100.
Students who maintain of 95 or above average for the first three quarters receive an Olympic-style medallion, which may be worn around the neck over graduation gowns. Staff Honors are the highest academic awards given at Honeoye Central School.Class Rank and GPA Computation
Averages of all courses except Physical Education are used to determine a student’s Grade Point Average (GPA) and Class Rank. Final grades in college-level courses (AP, Gemini, SUPA) are increased by 5% in the GPA calculation. GPA is computed after each semester. Class rank is computed after the 5th, 6th and 7th semesters of high school.
College Preparatory Program
Honeoye Central School strongly recommends that students planning to continue their education beyond high school enroll in the most rigorous courses that they are able to successfully complete. We recommend that students continue to study mathematics for all four years of high school. We recommend complimenting the Advanced Regents Diploma program with college-level courses to gain the best preparation and opportunities for college success.
Advanced Placement Program
Advanced courses are available to students who exhibit superior skills and demonstrate an interest in and willingness to achieve. These courses are geared to the freshman college level, thus requiring a substantial commitment of time and effort by the student. Students must meet admissions criteria. Tuition is charged by the college.
Students can earn college credit through FLCC’s Gemini Program and/or Syracuse University’s SUPA program. In some courses, the Advanced Placement (AP) Exam is administered in May. Students who achieve a successful grade on this exam may, at the discretion of the chosen college, receive college credit and/or advanced placement status.
The basic premises of the Advanced Placement Program are that many high school students are ready for college freshman work and such ability should be recognized, given encouragement, and rewarded.
Summer School
Summer school is provided to students who have failed courses and/or tests already taken in the regular school environment. It is not consistent with the philosophies of the District to utilize summer school courses for acceleration at District expense. Only those students who encounter scheduling conflicts will be allowed to take summer school courses for the first time at District expense. However, credit will be accepted for those who meet course requirements in summer school for those students and families who wish to utilize summer school for acceleration purposes at the respective families’ expense. The cost to the families must be prepaid prior to summer school enrollment.
If a student fails a regular school year course and he/she wishes to be eligible for the course(s) in summer school, the student must have attained a minimum final average of 55% or better in the course that he/she wish to enroll during the summer school program offering. All course-required projects (example – senior portfolio, etc.), thesis papers, science lab requirements and assessments (does not include homework and normal unit/lesson assessments) that can not be offered in summer school, must be completed prior to summer school participation, in the regular 40-week academic school year.
No summer school student may miss more than two days of classes to receive credit. Students enrolled in summer school physical education courses may not miss more than one day of class to receive credit. Students who exceed the allowable absences under the attendance requirements will be dismissed from all effected summer school courses.
After the summer school course is completed, the following formula will be utilized for final grade determination and transcript reporting:
0.60 (40 week regular school year course final average) + 0.40 (summer school final course average) = final grade*
Example – A student receives a 60% during their regular school year course and they receive an 80% in their summer school course. Based upon the above formula, 0.60(60) + 0.40(80) = 68 will be the final score reported on the student’s transcript.
* Final grade determined using this formula will be used for GPA computation, transcript reporting, and permanent record usage
Dual Credit/Early College Admission Program
The Dual Credit/Early College Admission Program was set up by the Honeoye Central School Board of Education in 1975 to provide highly motivated, academically oriented seniors the opportunity to start college before high school graduation while at the same time completing high school graduation requirements. Students accepted into the program must enroll in an accredited college and take courses equivalent to the high school course needed to complete diploma requirements.
Guidelines for acceptance into the program are:
1. Rank in the top 1/3 of their class.
2. Pass the New York State Regents Examination in English 11 and U.S. History and Government with a minimum mark of 80.
3. Present 3 letters of recommendation from current teachers. (One each must be from English 11 and U.S. History teachers and the third a teacher of their choice.)
4. Be accepted by an accredited college as a full time student (12 semester hours or more).
5. Have full support and approval of parents/guardians.
6. Submit a one-page essay outlining goals, the purpose of the program and the courses of study planned.
7. Students applying to the program and their parents must meet with the School Counselor to review the application, the student's and parent's responsibilities, and Honeoye Central School's role.
8. No more than 5% of the senior class will be accepted into the program.
9. Applications must be submitted prior to June 1 of the Junior year. It is the responsibility of the student to maintain contact with Honeoye Central School through the Counseling Center and to provide documentation of their program and progress. Students accepted into the program may not participate in academic or extra curricular activities at Honeoye Central School without written permission of the activity advisor and the high school principal.
Students must submit a copy of their college schedule to the High School Counselor at the beginning of each semester and an official transcript from the college at the end of each semester.
Upon successful completion of the approved program students will be allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies and receive a high school diploma from Honeoye Central School.
Graduation Awards
Through the generosity of people in the Honeoye Community many cash awards are presented to seniors at graduation. They include:
· Valedictorian Award - Rank #1 Academically in Sr. Class