Welcome to the Olive Branch Band Program! Parents, I invite you to all scheduled performances and ask that you fully support your child in his or her band experience. Our main purpose is to provide a balanced music education to the students of Olive Branch. Through band we strive to teach cooperation and hard work, which are the cornerstones of most undertakings.

This band handbook will give you some sense of our goals and curriculum, our philosophy of grading for this course, and our expectations of each band member. Parents and students are requested to read this entire handbook, discuss it, and keep it for reference for the entire school year. This is the beginning of a musical journey that will hopefully last a lifetime. The more you invest of yourself, the more you will be rewarded. Together we can make this the best year ever.


Being a part of the band program comes with many benefits as well as many responsibilities. As with any team, the other members of the band are counting on you so that they can do what they need to do. The band’s appearances at sporting events, concerts, parades, contests, and other community events can only be done with your practice and attendance. The success of the organization will lead to the success of the individual and vise versa. The success of our band program is dependant on you doing your best every day, as well as coming to band with a positive attitude and a willingness to learn.


The school district provides the necessary setting and facilities for our performances and some of the larger, more expensive equipment. We have the obligation to provide the best possible performances for the school, community, and citizens of our area. This means you agree to give up some of your free time for the entertainment of others. It also means that if the school owns your instrument, you are willing to take proper care of it. This could mean paying for repair or replacement if a school owned instrument is damaged while in your possession.


All band students have the same basic expenses. The only differences are instrument specific expenses such as reeds, valve oil, or drum sticks. During the year some instrument accessories may be purchased from the band program. If we do not have the supplies your child needs, you can go to Olive Branch Pickers in Old Towne.

There is a band activity fee that is required by the school for all students participating in a school related activity. This fee is ______ which will go toward purchasing method books, festival fees, and band shirts. This may be paid in cash, check, or money order. Please make all checks payable to Olive Branch Middle School (OBMS). BAND FEES ARE DUE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 10, 2016.

Periodically it is also necessary for the band to hold fundraisers. We try to keep these to a bare minimum while still providing the tools needed to give a quality music education to your child. We will do two fundraisers a year in order to raise money for music, equipment, and instruments. All money raised by these fundraisers will go directly back to helping your child have a positive learning experience.


Concert dress will vary throughout the year. We will always inform your students what they are to wear. We will also communicate with the parents! We will do our best to send letters home, email instructions, and put instructions on the website! All students are required to be in the proper band uniform for all performances. Any student not wearing the regulated uniform at the time of a performance may NOT be permitted to participate in that performance. The band will provide each student with only one band shirt per year. If this shirt is lost or needs to be replaced, additional shirts may be purchased from Mr. Bailey at our cost.


Good attendance is both expected and necessary for the success of our band program. Remember, all performances and after school rehearsals, are mandatory as the calendar is posted well in advance. I know that some conflicts are unavoidable, and I am willing to work with students. Make sure to always communicate conflicts to the band director prior to a scheduled event.

7th Grade band students - will have 2 or 3 after school rehearsals this year. The reason we need to have these is because we have split our 7th grade band into 2 separate classes. By splitting the band into two classes we will be able to give much more individualized instruction to your child. However, because we are in two separate classes, the band has a whole won’t get to play together during their normal band time. Therefore, when we are preparing for a performance, it will be imperative that we bring the students all together so that they can get used to playing with everyone. The only way we can do this is to have a rehearsal after school.

Reasons for Excused Absences:

·  An excused illness from school. No note is not required, however a note to the director, a voice mail message, or an e-mail explaining the absences is greatly appreciated and a good idea to insure that the director notes the excused absence.

·  A personal problem explained with a parental note and authorized by the director prior to a scheduled event.

·  An emergency problem that cannot be addressed before the event. This MUST be explained with a parental note the day following a scheduled event.

Reasons for Unexcused Absences:

·  Failure to attend a scheduled event with no explanation given.

·  “I forgot,” “I overslept,” “I couldn’t find a ride,” or any other of the classic excuses that I’m sure you, as parents, hear as well.


Having the right equipment can make a big difference in the success or failure of a music student! Without good reeds, oil, or sticks a student cannot play up to his/her potential. The following is a list of all required materials that the student will need for their band class.

All students must have:

·  A hard covered, 3-ring binder with pockets

·  Clear sheet protectors (at least 20)

·  At least 2 pencils

·  Required Method Book (will be given to child by band directors)

In addition to the required materials, many students will want, and are encouraged, to get optional accessories such as a metronome, tuner, reed case, strait mute, or practice mute. These things may be purchased from Olive Branch Pickers in Old Towne or other outside sources. If you would like advice on which accessories are best for you child feel free to contact a director. We would be happy to suggest some reputable brands and types.


It is important to remember that band is, in fact, a “real class” and a commitment made to the school and classmates. Students will have to earn grades, just like in any other class, and these grades will count toward honor roll and their GPA. The following is a breakdown of how each student will be graded in band:

Performances All performances are mandatory! If extenuating circumstances require that a student miss a performance, please let a director know at the time the event is scheduled so that we can try to resolve the situation. If this is not possible (due to sickness, a death in the family, or other unavoidable circumstances) I will need to speak with a parent or guardian as soon as possible after the missed activity. We will schedule all performances well in advance in order to give both the student and parent ample time to plan for attendance. Please help teach your child the importance of honoring commitments, by putting the rehearsal and performance dates on your calendar now.

Rehearsals It is imperative that each student come prepared each day to learn. Students will begin each week of band with a 100% daily grade. If a student does not have their instrument, or is disruptive to the point that they must be removed from the classroom setting, points will be taken away. If a student doesn’t have their music or instrument 20 points will be deducted from their weekly grade.

Pass offs. Pass offs, or playing tests, will grade tone, melodic and/or rhythmic accuracy, intonation, tempo, scales and sight reading. These tests will often also serve as chair placement tests and will vary for each class and grading period. Requirements will also vary depending on the instrument being played, which band the student is in, and what time of year it is (beginning, middle, or end).

Written Tests We consider both written and playing tests to be a very important part of the curriculum. These tests are the best way for us, as band directors, to monitor the advancement of your child’s playing ability and practice habits. These tests include written tests on note names and musical symbols covered in class.


Classroom procedures:

1.  Walk into the classroom in an orderly manner.

2.  Each student will have 4 minutes after the tardy bell rings to be seated with all materials.

3.  Always walk AROUND the rows of chairs rather than THROUGH the chairs.

4.  At the end of class, straighten your chair and stand.

5.  After class put your instrument away correctly, and leave in an orderly manner.

Classroom Expectations:

1.  Follow all procedures.

2.  There will be no food, drink, or gym in the bandhall.

3.  Be respectful to yourself and others at all times.

4.  Raise your hand for permission to speak or move around the room.

5.  All students are expected to participate in class each day they are present.


1.  Verbal Reprimand

2.  Conference with director and a phone call to the parents

3.  Discipline Referral to the office.

4.  Removal from the band program

Any band member who enters A.L.C. twice during a semester for any reason in any class may be dismissed from the band program. It is possible to be a great player, but cause disruptions in class by having a bad attitude. This will not be tolerated. Re-entry will be considered only if the student’s parent meets with a director, but will not be guaranteed.


A key element of a successful band program is communication. It is imperative that we have an open line of communication about performance dates, grades, and student behavior. We value input from parents greatly, and encourage you to take an active roll in your child’s music education.

The best way to contact a director is by e-mail. We check our e-mail every day, and will reply as quickly as possible. We will have your child fill out a parent contact sheet the first day of class. This will have a place for the parent’s e-mail address. With this we will make a mass e-mail database, and periodically send out information to parents about upcoming events, and important dates.

Parents may call the school at 662-895-4610 or email us.


The Band Staff

Jason Gunn Jim Mayo

Head Middle School Director Assistant Director/Percussion Instructor

8th Grade Band, 7th Grade Band All Percussion Classes

6th Grade High Brass

Aaron Bailey DJ Fitzgerald

High School Director High School Assistant Director

6th Grade Low Brass

6th and 7th Grade Woodwinds

Please fill this form out and return to a band director.

O.B.M.S. Parent/Student Contract

Parents, thank you for going over the handbook with your son or daughter, and for supporting your child and our band program. Please fill out this sheet and return it to school by Wednesday, August 10.

I have gone over the band handbook with .

(Student’s Name)

We have read, understand, and support that band is considered graded class, and this grade will count toward their GPA and honor roll. We are familiar with all aspects of the band handbook, and we respect and support the attendance and grading policy regarding required materials and performances.

Please read the entire handbook and return this page signed by both the band student and parent/guardian. We suggest that this handbook is kept throughout the school year for quick reference.


Student’s Name: ______

Parent’s Name: ______

Parent Phone:

Parent Cell:

Active E-mail address (VERY IMPORTANT)

T Shirt Size: (Please note Youth sizes verses Adult sizes!!)

Parent Signature: Date:

Student Signature: Date: