16th August 2016


A Meeting of the Parish Council was held on 16th August at 7.00pm in The Gilbert Hall, Nancledra.


Mr K Hughes (Chairman)

Mr J Brookes

Mrs J Evans

Mr M Harandon (Vice- Chairman)

Mrs A Philip

IN ATTENDANCE: Mrs M Taylor (Clerk)


The Chairman welcomed Mrs Gilbert and Mr Gilbert to the meeting . Mr Gilbert had been invited to the meeting to discuss his plans for the land adjacent to The Moors in Amalebra, which has been partly cleared and has been the subject of concerns expressed by local residents.

Mr Gilbert asked to be informed of the purpose of Parish Councils, and received informative answers from the Chairman, Councillors and Clerk.

Mr Gilbert explained that, beyond clearing the part of the land that had formerly been in use as a meadow, he and his co-owner had no particular plans for the land. The Parish Council informed him about the purpose of the Parish Landscape Plan and how it hoped to give a focus to the areas of the parish and its environs that are significant, or unique, in terms of their bio-diversity and ecological importance. It was pointed out by Councillor Harandon, that a large part of the land is classified as ‘wet woodland’ or Carr, which is becoming rare and important for the bio-diversity it supports.

The Chairman assured Mr Gilbert that the Parish Council would be very happy to help in any way with the plans to re-establish the former meadow and hoped that Mr Gilbert would keep in touch.

The Chairman thanked Mr Gilbert and Mrs Gilbert for attending the meeting.

1. DECLARATIONS OF DISCLOSABLE PECUNIARY AND OTHER INTERESTS, RELATING TO ANY AGENDA ITEM:The Chairman declared interest as a Charitable Trustee of the Cornwall Community Flood Forum. The Chairman is also sitting on an advisory group for the MP, Derek Thomas.



Mr D Carr, PCSO Terry Webb,

4. POLICE MATTERS a) Crime Report: the report was circulated and showed that 2 crimes had been recorded for the period June-July 2016, one for a dog not under control and one for drink-driving. Both matters had been dealt with.

The Chairman informed the meeting of a more recent crime reported; that of a break in and forced entry at a barn in Halsetown. b) Neighbourhood Watch:A fraudulent email scam had been reported in which an email informed the recipients that Rev E Foot had been robbed in the Ukraine and was in urgent need of money to get home.


The Chairman attended a meeting with Western Power on 6th July to discuss the removal of overhead power cables in Towednack.

The Chairman visited Byway 28 on 12th July to carry out a site visit with the Clerk to view the work being undertaken to clear the Byway. This was discussed in more detail at Item 9.

The Chairman attended a meeting of Zennor Parish Council on 12th July.

The Chairman attended a Chairmanship Course on 19th July at County Hall. The Chairman described the interesting aspects of the course content with councillors.

The Chairman met with Derek Thomas MP on 22nd July regarding the Dark Skies project.

The Chairman met with John Brooks on 24th July to set up a Facebook page for Dark Skies. Thanks were extended to Marcus Hughes for his assistance in this matter.

The Chairman visited the House of Commons on 25th July to brief Mr Thomas’s office manager on the progress of the Dark Skies project.

The Chairman reported that he had been unable to attend the Halsetown Fete on 31st July when he had intended to support the NHW stand.

The Chairman attended an evening appointment on 3rd August with Derek Thomas MP to discuss Dark Skies and other projects that may benefit the parish in the future.

The Chairman will attend the meeting of the Cornwall Community Flood Forum on 9th September.

6. PLANNING MATTERS. a) Applications :PA16/07381 Agricultural or forestry prior notification for a natural cob building roundhouse that has a floor area 25 square metres and roof of maximum 4 metres high, to keep tools and dry vegetables and herbs for a biodynamic educational community project for children and young adults. - Land South Of Bohemia Nancledra Cornwall TR26 3AF.RESOLVED: Councillors will examine the plans online and the matter will be discussed at the next meeting.

b) Decisions:PA16/01686 Bag End APPROVED 30th July 2016

PA16/03909 Tredorwin APPROVED 24th July 2016

7. MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING HELD ON 28th June 2016: The minutes, previously circulated were taken as read and signed by the Chairman as a true record

8. MATTERS ARISING: a) Dark Sky update.

The Chairman reported that progress to register the parish and the whole of West Cornwall and the Isles of Scillywith the International Dark SkiesAssociation was being made, a Facebook page had been set up:

The CPRE and Cornwall Council have confirmed their support. Caradon Observatory has offered to help with fulfilling the educational part of the criteria for registration with the International Dark Skies Association. Derek Thomas MP is assisting by including a questionnaire in the survey he is sending out to all households in West Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly.

The Community Network Panel has invited the Chairman and Vice Chairman to attend its meeting to spread awareness of the initiative.

Climate Vision is willing to get involved by advising on carbon reduction.

Councillor Brookes commented that it was good to have such high profile support but that this will be of no benefit if it is not possible to get the whole community behind the project.

b) Weatherproofing of shelter: The Clerk has purchased 2x1litre pots of Danish Oil @ 11.89 each from Screwfix. This amount should cover 20-24 sqmetres and be adequate for the shelter and bench. RESOLVED: Unless the job has been completed by the next meeting a date/volunteers will be agreed at the next meeting.

c) Cledry Meadow signs.The new sign was circulated and councillors were pleased with the appearance and material. RESOLVED: Exact positioning and method of attachment will be decided at the next meeting.

d)Coldharbour Finger post:The quotation for the finger post sign from Iron Brothers has been received as follows:

To produce 1 Off Cast Iron finger to suit existing post, double sided, finished in black and whitePrice £520.00 plus vat

To travel to site, remove existing fingers and finial and return to IB. Shot-blast fingers and finial and paint black and white. Wire brush the existing post in situ and paint with Hammerite. Re fit all fingers and finial.Price £635.00 plus vat

Total sum for full renovation: £1155.00

The Clerk will seek funding from Councillor Mitchell

e) Overhead Power Cables. This matter was discussed under Chairman’s Statement, Item 5

f)Boundary ChangeThe Clerk presented a defined revised boundary that could be submitted with reasons for change to theLocal Government Boundary Commission.It was proposed by Councillor Hughes that the matter be pursued with the Boundary Commission and that Derek Thomas MP be contacted for his support once the process for application had been clarified. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Brookes and carried unanimously RESOLVED: The Clerk will contact the Boundary Commission and, when appropriate, Derek Thomas MP.

g) Radio Training. This will take place at the next meeting on 30th August.

h) Footpaths: Councillor Evans, referring to footpath 119/1/2 queried whether Mr Curnow had been asked to cut this path, which was now becoming impassable. The Clerk responded that she would get a quote from Mr Curnow, hopefully before the next meeting. It is important that the path is cut, as it is a Gold Path, it was formerly cut by PAROW at no charge to the Parish Council.

9. BYWAY 28. The Clerk read recent correspondence between the Parish Council and Mr A Roberts and Mr K Roberts at Woonsmith Farm regarding the recent works on the byway and the subsequent piling of spoil on Mr Roberts land by the contractor clearing the byway. Mr A & K Roberts do not agree to keep their cattle off the byway unless the spoil is removed.

RESOLVED: As the spoil was not placed on the Roberts’ land at the request of the Parish Council, it cannot order or fund the removal. The Clerk will write to the Roberts’ explaining the Parish Council position and clarifying the Chairman’s actions at the recent site visit, which seem to have been mis-interpreted. The Clerk will obtain a quotation for removing the spoil and, on receipt, will write to Mr Wood, who had kindly ordered and funded the work, to confirm that it is his responsibility to deal with the matter appropriately.

10. LAND ADJACENT TO THE MOORS. Following the discussions during public participation it was proposed by Councillor Hughes that the Parish Council continues to engage and work with Messrs T& G Gilbert and to offer assistance/advice on how best to manage the wet woodland and to reinstate the former meadow area. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Harandon and carried unanimously.

11. ACCOUNTS: a) Summary of month’s accounts.

a. General Account £

Balance as at last meeting 4244.55

Payments for approval:

C. Curnow re: 1200.00

LMP 1st cut

M Taylor re: Slate of the Art 50.00

Sign for Cledry Meadow

M Taylor re: Payment for pasties 50.00

at Big Lunch

CALC: re Chairmanship training 24.00

Chairmans expenses for travel to

training course.67miles @ 0.47ppm 31.49

Received: Interest June 4th 1.09

Balance after these transactions 2890.15

2. Cemetery Account

Balance as at last meeting: 11,252.32

Received: Interest June 4th 1.94

Balance after this transaction 11254.26

3. Deposit Account

Balance as at last meeting 1070.82

Received: Interest June 4th 0.27

Balance after this transaction 1071.09

b) Audit update: The Audit is still with Grant Thornton

c) Banking arrangements. The Clerk circulated forms to be completed for changing to Barclay’s banking which does not levy any charges.

d) The Chairman presented a gavel as a gift to the Parish Council. Councillors thanked him for the gesture. It was proposed by Councillor Hughes that the Asset register be amended to add the gavel, the new slate Cledry Meadow signs and the Chain of Office and the security safe. The proposal was seconded by Councillor Harandon and carried unanimously.

RESOLVED: The Asset Register will be amended by the Clerk

18. CHAIRMAN”S DIARY & REPORTS.(See Chairman’s Statement)

17. CORRESPONDENCE. As circulated to councillors. The Clerk informed the meeting that she was now in possession of the AONB Management Plan 2016-2021. The copy will be kept for reference.

18. DATE OF NEXT MEETING: August 30th 2016

19. AGENDA ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETING: Councillors will contact theClerkbefore the next meeting with items they wish to be included.

There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at9.40 pm

Signed……………………………..Chairman Date……………………..