Call to order

A meeting of the GO Team forBarack and Michelle Obama Academy was held at Media Center Conference Room on 9/19/17.


Attendees included:

Barbara Coble / Ann Fowler / Alicia Decrescio / Shirley Freeman
Deyvi Portee / Robin Christian / Yaquetta Crockett

Members not in attendance

Members not in attendance included:

Latif Hardy / AiyannaCottman

Voting Results of Officer Election


Candidate Name: Alicia Decrescio
List the # of GO Team members in favor of candidate / 6
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate

Notes: [add comments about actions taken]



Candidate Name: Deyvi Portee
List the # of GO Team members in favor of candidate / 6
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate

Notes: [add comments about actions taken]



Candidate Name: Yaquetta Crockett
List the # of GO Team members in favor of candidate / 6
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate

Notes: [add comments about actions taken if needed]


Cluster Representative

Candidate Name: AiyannaCottman
List the # of GO Team members in favor of candidate / 6
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate
Candidate Name:
List the GO Team members in favor of candidate
List the GO Team members not in favor of candidate

Notes: [add comments about actions taken if needed]


2017-2018 Meeting Schedule














Media Center Conference Room







Media Center Conference Room







Media Center Conference Room







Media Center Conference Room







Media Center Conference Room







Media Center Conference Room

Discussion Items


  • Received $11,000 for Family Engagement.
  • Use funds to support Lit, Math, Sci. Night and Parent Consultants/cannot purchase food
  • Adopted School Design option for Family Engagement and will bring in agencies to work with families.
  • CIS and Care team discussed parent’s needs. Need consultants to help parents advocate for their child.
  • Family Engagement initiatives have been earmarked.
  • Principal Christian provided Parent and Family Engagement Funds Chart.
  • Ted talks and Robotics will be implemented with technology for Science week
  • Kilpatrick Thompson-New partner for BaMO Academy and will help fund Science week
  • Principal Christian provided Family Engagement Choice III Initiatives

Action Items

  • Nominations for Officer elections
  • Have 1 parent position open-Principal nomination for LaketaMercadel
  • Ms. Crockett read LaketaMercadel’s bio
  • 6 votes for parent LakitaMercadel
  • Nomination Elections: 6 votes for Alicia Decrescio for Chair, 6 votes for Deyvi Portee for Vice Chair, 6 votes for Yaquetta Crockett for Secretary, 6 votes for Cluster Advisory Rep for AiyannaCottman.

Information Items

  • Funds were moved around (refer to 402 funds chart)
  • We received an additional $63,000
  • Last year we did not show largest gains in Math and across the District it showed a decline in Math.
  • Jackson cluster (Elem) decided to start program with Eureka Math. This will help students reach for Milestones and builds PD with teachers.
  • BaMO will bring in Eureka on PL days. (refer to 402 funds chart)
  • Oct 9th-Oct 10th-Math Solutions and Number talks trainings. (only school in Jackson cluster implementing this)
  • New Math Coach-O. Waller-Hall
  • Added additional tutorial day-Wed/Thurs for 3rd-5th and utilizing buses
  • Partner with Emory to work with siblings of the students staying for tutoring
  • Non-homeroom for enrichment activities
  • Ameri-corp will work on Saturdays for Discovery Saturdays
  • School Improvement Funds Chart/Pay teachers $29/hr for tutoring
  • Principal Christian is implementing a book study (4 books: Teaching with poverty in mind, Closing the attitude gap, Never work harder than your students, and The teacher 50) with

staff working on school culture and to equip teachers to understanding culture competencies

  • Saturday PD sessions on tier I instruction-$150 stipend to teachers
  • $63,000 helped us roll out the 2nd day of tutoring

Staff Update

  • Leveled 1 teacher (3rd grade) to Parkside Elementary/Kept classes the same in K-2
  • Hired a para for K
  • Regina Goines went into 4th grade from Bus. Manager position (teacher support)
  • Hire part-time parent liaison
  • Bus. Manager position is available


  • GO team training-send out email to all members
  • Strategic Planning Process-update the strategic plan
  • Change our last meeting date

Meeting adjourned

Secretary / Date of approval

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