Scotland’s hepatitis c patient conference
wednesday 19 March 2014
The Tolbooth, Stirling

A Hepatitis C Conference for Patients by Patients

This event will have input from experts and peers on subjects’ patients see as important to themselves, as well as providing an excellent opportunity to gather patient experience, ideas and opinions to contribute to Scotland’s response to Hepatitis C.

This booking form is for people living in NHS Lanarkshire, visit - for booking forms for other areas. /

Find out about new treatments

Workshops on living with Hepatitis C

Have your voice heard in our electronic voting session

Meet people diagnosed with Hepatitis C

To Register your place please contact the details below:


09:30Registration, Tea and Coffee

10:00Chairs Welcome, TBC

10:10Keynote address,Michael Matheson MSP, Minister for Public Health

10:25New Treatments, Dr John Dillon, NHS Tayside

11:00Patient Activism, Charles Gore, Hepatitis C Trust


11:35Workshop Session 1


1:10Workshop Session 2


2:15Patient Perspective

2:30Interactive Feedback Session, Leon Wylie, Hepatitis Scotland

3:50Chairs Closing Remarks

4:00Conference Close


There will be 2 workshop sessions where you will be able to select topics that you have an interest in finding out more about.

Workshop topics will include:

  • Living with Hepatitis C:Finding out ways to make better informed decisions about managing your condition.
  • Hepatitis C and Families: Dr Mary Hepburn will discuss what the implications are on your sexual and reproductive health while living with, and after, Hepatitis C.
  • Clarifying Hospital Appointments: Explaining what happens during a hospital appointment, and why so many tests are done and what these tests are for.
  • Managed Care Networks (MCNs): This session will explain what MCNs are, and what decisions they make on services in your Health Board Area.
  • Peer Support: A session on the different types of peer support available, how to access it, and how to start your own peer support group.

Location and TRavel

The conference will be held at: the Tolbooth, Jail Wynd, Stirling, FK8 1DE.

Once you have booked your place free transport arrangements will be made locally. You will be informed of these by Wed 12th March.

If you choose to make your own travel arrangements these may not be reimbursed.

The Tolbooth is located in Stirling old town, close to the Castle and only 10 minutes walk from the Train Station.

Directions are available from

Booking Form: Please fill in and return by Friday 28th February 2014to:

Marc Simpson (07435 787 431)/ Susan McBride (07760755703),Positive Support, Room 2.10, Dalziel Building, 7 Scott Street, Motherwell, ML1 1PN Telephone: 01698 337195

Email: or

I am attending this conference as:
Patient Staff Member Other (please specify) ______
Dietary Requirements:
Access Needs:
This conference will give people the opportunity to ask questions about different aspects of Hepatitis C. If you have any questions you would like answered at this conference please write them below, and we will do our best to answer them on the day.

Details provided in this booking form will only be used for communications regarding this conference