A foreigner, who intends to conduct work in the Republic of South Africa, but who does not qualify to apply for a quota work permit, may be issued with a general work permit. The following documentation must be submitted in respect of each person applying for a general work permit:
- a fully completed application form including part P, which must be completed by theemployer, and including two (2) passport photographs (see Form BI-1738);
- a passport valid for no less than thirty (30) days after departure from the Republic of SouthAfrica, and containing at least two (2) blank pages for endorsements;
- a copy of passport, page with photograph;
- a contract of employment stipulating the conditions of employment and signed by both theemployer and the applicant;
- proof of qualifications evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority and translatedby a sworn translator into English;
- proof of experience and skills in line with the job offer;
- a letter from the employer motivating why a citizen or permanent resident could not fill theposition, as well as proof of efforts made to obtain the services of a citizen or resident,together with the particulars of the unsuccessful candidates;
- proof of publication of an advertisement in the national print media as an original clipping:
a)reflecting the full particulars of the relevant newspaper or magazine;
b)stipulating the minimum qualifications and experience required to fill the position;
c)clearly defining the position offered and the duties to be performed;
d)measuring at least 60 millimetres by 60 millimetres;
e)stating the closing date for the application in the advertisement; and
f)shall not be older than three (3) months at the time of application, which period shall becalculated from the closing date for applications;
- an undertaking by the employer to inform the Director-General of the Department of HomeAffairs should the applicant not comply with the Immigration Act as amended, or leave theemployer;
- if required by law, proof of registration with the relevant professional body, council or board;
- full particulars of the employer, including, if applicable, proof of registration of the businesswith the Registrar of Companies; and
- a certificate from the Department of Labour or an extract from the database of a salarybenchmarking organisation stipulating the average salary earned by employees occupyingsimilar positions in the Republic of South Africa;
- a yellow fever vaccination certificate, if the applicant travelled or intends travelling from orthrough a yellow fever endemic area: provided that the certificate shall not be requiredwhen the applicant travelled or intends travelling in direct transit through such area;
- in respect of the applicant’s marital status or spousal relationship, the followingdocumentation shall be submitted (certified copy with translation into English certified by Public Notary):
a)a marriage certificate in the case of a married applicant;
b)proof of a permanent spousal relationship in the case of so called life partners, including:
- the prescribed affidavit, which is available on request from our office;
- documentation proving cohabitation and the extent to which the relatedfinancial responsibilities are shared by the parties;
- proof of a legal divorce or the death of a spouse in the event of a precedingmarriage; and
- in the case of a relationship concluded between two foreigners in a foreigncountry, official recognition thereof issued by the authorities of the relevantcountry;
c)a death certificate in the case of a widowed applicants
d)a decree of divorce in the case of a divorced applicant; or
e)proof of legal separation in the case of a separated applicant;
- in respect of minor dependent children accompanying the applicant to or joining theapplicant in the Republic, the following documentation shall be submitted (certified copy with translation into English certified by Public Notary):
a)an unabridged birth certificate;
b)proof of adoption, in the case of an adopted minor;
c)proof of guardianship or custody, in the case of a minor subject to guardianship orcustody; or
d)consent from the guardian, in the case of an unaccompanied minor;
- a police clearance certificate, issued by the police or security authority in each countrywhere the applicant resided for 12 months or longer since having attained the age of 18years, in respect of criminal records or the character of the applicant, and this certificateshall not be older than six (6) months at the time of its submission;
- a medical report (see Form BI-811), which shall not be older than six (6) months at the timeof its submission;
- a radiological report (see Form BI-806), which shall not be older than six (6) months at thetime of its submission, and shall not be required in respect of children under the age of 12years or pregnant women;
- proof of a validreturn flight reservation,
- payment of a cash deposit of 1500US dollars (should be paid in KZ Tenge by the rate of National Bank of Kazakhstan on the day of payment),- or written undertaking by theemployer accepting responsibility for the costs related to the deportation of the applicantand his or her dependent family members, should it become necessary, provided that in thecase of a cash deposit, such deposit which shall be refunded to the applicant after his/herfinal departure or after a permanent residence permit has been issued to the applicant;
- confirmation of the applicant’s valid mobile phone number and email address;
- The non-refundable application fee of 32815 KZT.
Payment of the above-mentioned application fee and cash deposit, if applicable, may be made through a bank transfer to the following account:
Beneficiary name:South African Embassy in Kazakhstan/ПосольствоЮАРвКазахстане
Bank Name: JSC SB “RBS (Kazakhstan)” Astana Branch/АОДБ “RBS (Kazakhstan)” филиалАстана
Address: Astana, Kazakhstan 010000
6/1, Kabanbay batyr av./ 010000, г.Астана, пр. Кабанбайбатыра 6/1
TRN 600400527301
Iban Number :KZ81922KZT0002225697
Code of payment purpose: 859
Ref. : General work permit; (applicant’s name)
NB: Please send us copy of receipt by email or fax (7172) 925329
Furthermore, if applicable, the cash deposit should be transferred separately from the applicationfee. Only applicants who submit their applications personally at our office may alternatively pay theapplication fee and cash deposit, if applicable, in cash; such applicants must however, ensure thatthey have the exact amounts, as no change is available from our office.
- A general work permit shall lapse if, within six (6) months of its issuance, and within everyyear thereafter, its holder fails to submit to the Director-General of the Department of HomeAffairs confirmation that he or she is still employed and the terms and conditions of his orher employment, including the job description.
- In respect of a general work permit holder whose employment contract has beenterminated, the permit shall remain valid for a period not longer than six (6) months, untilthat holder has exhausted all applicable rights of recourse, provided that the period may beextended for further periods of three (3) months at a time on submission of proof to thesatisfaction of the Director-General of the Department of Home Affairs that, due tocircumstances beyond the control of the holder, the recourse procedures have not beenfinalised.
- Should it become evident that the prospective employee i.e. applicant would not be able tomeet one or more of the requirements, the South African employer should request theDirector: Permits at the Department of Home Affairs to waive the requirements in terms ofsection 31(2)(c) of the Immigration Act, as amended. The employer must motivate eachrequest with full particulars and background, and should the waiver be granted,confirmation thereof must be submitted with the application.
- Documentation that accompanies the application shall be original or certified copies andtranslated by a sworn translator into English.
- A complete application may be either mailed to our office, or submitted personally duringthe consular opening hours: Mon-Fri; 09:00-12:30.
- On condition that a complete application for a permit is submitted, the time required toprocess the application is normally 15 working days. Please note however, that during thehigh season (June-August & November-January), the processing of applications may takelonger.