David Timothy Brown, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President - International Cooperation
Associate Professor, Environmental Policy Institute, BrockUniversity
Director, Brock International
Tel. (905) 688-5550, ext. 3293 - Fax (905) 682-9020
Resume in standard format as prescribed by BrockUniversity
Current to 22March 2005
Citizenship:Canadian / Mother Tongue:EnglishPlace of Birth:Montréal, Québec / Other Languages:French, rudimentary Thai
Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degree awarded February 9th, 1989; conferred June 6th, 1989. Accepted into the Ph.D. program, Dept. of Renewable Resources, September 1984. Advisor: Dr. G. J. Doucet; replaced by Dr. R.D. Titman in 1985. Thesis submitted August 1988: Winter foraging behavior of whitetailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in a northern deer yard.
Accepted into the M.Sc. program, Dept. of Renewable Resources, September 1982. Streamed directly into Ph.D. program after 2 years.
B.Sc.MacdonaldCollege of McGillUniversity
Graduated with Bachelor of Science in Agriculture (B.Sc. (Agr.)), University Scholar, First Class Honours, June 1980. Major in Environmental Biology.
DECVanierCollege (CEGEP)
Diplome d'Etudes Collegielles (D.E.C.), June 1977.
Major in Health Sciences.
2004-05Director, SrinakharinwirotUniversityInternationalCollege, while on administrative leave from BrockUniversity. Development and launch of new interdisciplinary undergraduate international college program within the administrative framework of SrinakharinwirotUniversity.
2001-04Associate Vice President, International Cooperation.Appointment commenced March 2001, renewed July 2002. Offices of the President and Vice President, Academic - BrockUniversity.
1999Director, Brock International. Nominal 2/3-time secondment administrative position, converted March
-20042001 to part of full-time AVP International Cooperation portfolio (Office of the President, BrockUniversity).
OngoingAssociate Professor,Environmental Policy Institute, BrockUniversity. Tenure and promotion to Associate Professor awarded July 1994.
1997-98 Research Associate, Centre for Industrial and Environmental Training, BuraphaUniversity, Bang Saen, Chonburi, Thailand (on sabbatical).
1994-97Director, Environmental Policy Institute (formerly Institute of Urban and Environmental Studies) for three year term.
1991-94Assistant Professor, Institute of Urban and Environmental Studies, BrockUniversity. Three-year appointment to replace Bruce Krushelnicki (on leave), converted to tenure-stream appointment July 1993.
1990Faculty Lecturer in the Department of Renewable Resources, Macdonald College of McGillUniversity, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, P.Q. Sabbatic replacement for David M. Bird. Contract appointment, Sept. Dec. 1990.
1989-90Assistant Professor in the Institute of Urban and Environmental Studies, BrockUniversity, St. Catharines, Ontario. Fulltime sabbatic replacement for John Middleton with full teaching, research and administrative duties.
1989Sessional lecturer in the Department of Renewable Resources, MacdonaldCollege. Sabbatic replacement for Dr. Rodger Titman. Contract appointment, January April 1989.
1989Postdoctoral Fellow, Deer Winter Environment Project, l’Université du Québec à Montréal. Sixmonth appointment, January June 1989. Project Coordinator: Dr. William L. Vickery, Dept. des Sciences Biologiques, Université du Québec à Montréal, C.P. 8888, Succ. 'A', Montréal, Québec H3C 3P8. Development and programming of a computer model of the winter environment and energetics of whitetailed deer.
1988Faculty Lecturer in the Institute of Urban and Environmental Studies, BrockUniversity, St. Catharines, Ontario. Fulltime lecturer in Environmental Studies. Sabbatic replacement for Dr. F. Berkes. Contract appointment, July - December 1988.
1985Faculty lecturer in the Department of Renewable Resources, MacdonaldCollege. Sabbatic replacement for Dr. J. R. Bider, January April 1985.
1. Research and Scholarly Communications
a) Papers presented at conferences and learned societies
Brown, David T. 2005. Internationalization: Lessons Learned at Brock. Thai Fulbright conference on Internationalization of Universities. Office of International Affairs, SrinakharinwirotUniversity, Bangkok, Thailand – 16 February 2005.
Brown, David and Zhi Lin Jones. 2004 An Introduction to Canada. Invited paper, Tianjin Institute of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade (TIFERT), Tianjin, China – 28 October 2004.
Brown, David T. 2004. Academic Faculty and Staff Exchange on a Budget: Strategies for Facilitating International Teaching, Research, and Mentorship between Developing and Developed Nations. SEAMEO –UNESCO Education Congress and Expo, Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre, Bangkok, Thailand – 29 May 2004. Powerpoint presentation available at
Brown, David T. 2002. Problems and Prospects of Using Academic Agents for International Recruitment in Canadian Postsecondary Institutions. AUCC ILO Days Invited Workshop session, Friday 27 September 2002. International Development Research Centre,Ottawa.
Brown, David T. 2002. Evaluation and Impact of Internationalization. Commonwealth Universities Study Abroad Consortium Benchmarking Seminar on Internationalisation, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, March 20 – 22nd, 2002.
Brown, David T. 2000. Some obstacles to implementing an internationalization strategy. Invited presentation, AUCC 'Beyond Borders' conference, Montreal - 02 November 2000.
Brown, David T. 2000. The Niagara Greenways Network: Lessons from the past, suggestions for the future. Poster to accompany interactive computer presentation demonstrating the Niagara Greenways Network online resources and database (see below). Presented at 'Rethinking the Niagara Frontier: A Bi-national Forum. Invitiational two-day session on the future of the Niagara Frontier', hosted by the Waterfront Regeneration Trust and the University of Buffalo, sponsored by the US EPA, Environment Canada, the Margaret L. Wendt Foundation, and the Niagara Parks Commission, Best Western Inn on the River, Niagara Falls, New York, 31 March 2000.
Brown, David T. 1999. Looking Back With Eyes on the Future: Successes, Failures, and Future Prospects For Thai-Canadian Collaboration. Invited conference paper for 'Thai-Canadian Partnerships: Opportunities in the Making', Siam Intercontinental Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand, October 3 - 8, 1999.
Santatiwut, Nantana and David T. Brown. 1999. Report of Current and Planned Activities 1999: the Centre for Industrial and Environmental Training (CIET), BuraphaUniversity. Conference paper for 'Thai-Canadian Partnership: Opportunities in the Making', Siam Intercontinental Hotel, hosted by the Ministry of University Affairs (Thailand) and CIDA. Bangkok, Thailand, October 3 - 8, 1999.
Brown, David T. 1999. Looking Back, Moving Ahead: Successes, Challenges, and Sustainable Partnerships. Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) Awards of Excellence in Internationalization report submission, October 1999. 5 pp.
Brown, David T. 1999. Invited panelist, Round Table on ‘Challenges of Interdisciplinary Research’, focussing upon Curriculum Challenges. With Thom Meredith (McGillUniversity) and Phillippe Crabbe (University of Ottawa), chaired by Ann Dale (Sustainable Development Research Institute, University of British Columbia). Tenth Annual Conference of the Society for Human Ecology, Macdonald College of McGill University, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, P.Q., 27-30 May 1999.
Brown, David T. 1999. Principles, policies and practice of sustainable integrated waste management in Thailand. Tenth Annual Conference of the Society for Human Ecology, Macdonald College of McGill University, Ste. Anne de Bellevue, P.Q., 27-30 May 1999.
Brown, David T. 1997. Garbage Bins to Gigabytes: Educating for Sustainable Integrated Waste Management in Thailand. Invited paper, Third UNESCO-ACEID international Conference ‘Educational Innovation for Sustainable Development’, Bangkok, Thailand, December 1997.
Brown, David T. 1997. A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable Integrated Waste Management. Invited lecture to Graduate Symposium Course HKU 98208 - Pollution Studies II: Solid Waste. Department of Ecology and Biodiversity, Hong Kong University, 16 October 1997.
Brown, David T. and Kashane Chalermwat. 1996. Wastes on the Web: Reducing Wastes in Thailand with the CIET Materials Exchange. Third Annual CIET Conference, November 28-29, 1996, Rayong, Thailand. Centre for Industrial and Environmental Training, BuraphaUniversity, Bang Saen, Thailand.
Brown, David T. 1996. Sustainable Integrated Waste Management in Thailand: Lessons from the Eastern Seaboard. Invited paper, 1996 International Summer Institute on Participatory Development, University of Calgary, July 16, 1996.
Brown, David T. 1996. Integrated Waste Management and the CIET Materials Exchange. Industrial Estates Authority of Thailand, Port of Laem Chabang, Sriracha, Thailand, June 26, 1996.
Brown, David T. 1996. Introduction to Sustainable Integrated Waste Mangement. Invited seminar, Faculty of Public Health, ThammassartUniversity, Bangkok, Thailand, June 24, 1996.
Brown, David T., Al Unwin, and Kashane Chalermwat. 1996. Waste Auditing and Waste Reduction Workplans. Three-part seminar series on conducting waste audits in industrial and institutional contexts. May 27, 28, June 3, 1996. SahaPatIndustrial Park, Laem Chabang, Thailand.
Brown, David T. 1995. Industrial Waste Mangement in Canada: Moving Towards Sustainability? Second Annual CIET Conference, November 17-18, 1995, Empress Wangtara Hotel, Chachoengsao, Thailand. Centre for Industrial and Environmental Training, BuraphaUniversity, Bang Saen, Chonburi, Thailand.
Brown, David T. 1995. Sustainable Waste Management: From principles to practice. CIET Seminar series, Centre for Industrial and Environmental Training, BuraphaUniversity, Bang Saen, Thailand, June 8th, 1995.
Brown, David T. 1995. Sustainable Waste Management: From principles to practice. (Repetition, by invitation, of above talk). Faculty of Science, SrinakharinwirotUniversity, Bangkok, Thailand, June 12th, 1995.
Brown, David T. 1994. Fighting Fragmentation: Interdisciplinarity, Integration, and the Ecosystem Approach. Invited presentation to the Centro de Estudios del Ambiente Humano, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, Argentina, Dec. 1994.
Brown, David T. 1994. Locating the Linkages: The Niagara Greenways Network Inventory Project. Poster presentation at Leading Edge '94:A conference linking research, planning and community in the Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Reserve. Ontario Ministry of Environment and Energy. October 26-28, 1994, HockleyValley Resort, Mono Township, Ontario
Brown, David T. 1993. Cooperative Management of Utility Corridors in Canada: Policy Structures and Procedural Tools. Presented at the Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-Way Management, MontréalP.Q., Sept. 21, 1993. Invited moderator for above conference.
Brown, David T. 1992. Keynote address, overview presentation, chairmanship and summary session of the inaugural meeting of the Niagara Greenways Network, BrockUniversity, November 27th, 1992.
Brown, David T. 1992. The Problems and Promise of Plastics. I.J.C. / Great Lakes Educational Advisory Committee / Laidlaw Foundation Educator's Conference on the Great LakesBasin Ecosystem. BrockUniversity, July 27th, 1992.
Brown, David T. 1991. Deserted Corridors: The Case for Special-Interest Right-of-Way Management. Presented at the 2nd annual conference of the International Association for the Study of Common Property, Winnipeg, Sept. 26-29.
Brown, David T. 1990. The Greening of the CanadianCity: Trashing the Consumer Society. BrockUniversity Canadian Studies Program's Two Days of Canada Conference, BrockUniversity, February 1990.
b. Books and chapters contributed to books
Brown, David T. 1993. The Legacy of the Landfill: Perspectives on the Solid Waste Crisis. Chapter 1 (pp. 1 - 36) in: Mustafa, Nabil (ed.). Plastics Waste Management: Disposal, Recycling, and Reuse. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY.
Brown, David T. 1993. Landfills and Legislation: Overview of Regulations Affecting In-Ground Disposal of Nonhazardous Solid Waste in Canada and the United States. Chapter 2 (pp. 37 - 58) in: Mustafa, Nabil (ed.). Plastics Waste Management: Disposal, Recycling, and Reuse. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY.
Brown, David T. and Lisa J. Morgan. 1993. Plastics, Packaging, and Environmentally Friendly Products. Chapter 15 (pp. 347 - 368) in: Mustafa, Nabil (ed.). Plastics Waste Management: Disposal, Recycling, and Reuse. Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, NY.
c. Articles in refereed journals
Brown, David T. 1993. Reclaiming Deserted Corridors: Rights of Way as Common Property Resources. Alternatives 19(3):24-28.
Brown, David T. and G.J. Doucet. 1991. Temporal changes in winter diet selection by whitetailed deer in a northern yard. Journal of Wildlife Management 55(3):361-376.
d. Published refereed conference proceedings
Brown, David T. 2004. Academic Faculty and Staff Exchange on a Budget: Strategies for Facilitating International Teaching, Research, and Mentorship between Developing and Developed Nations. SEAMEO –UNESCO Education Congress and Expo, Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre, Bangkok, Thailand – 29 May 2004 .
Doucet, G.J. and D.T. Brown. 1997 (publication date June 1998). Snowshoe hare, red squirrel and gray squirrel winter activity in a 120 kV powerline right of way and in adjacent forests. Pp. 295-298 in Williams, James R. (ed.). Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Environmental Concerns in ROW Management: 24-26 February 1997, New Orleans, LA. Elsevier Science, Inc., New York. (ISBN 008 043 1984)
Brown, David T., J. Chernishenko, N. Irizawa, J. Jackson, C. Kinghorn and J. McGregor. 1995. Locating the Linkages: The Niagara Greenways Network Inventory Project. Pp. 393-400 in Carty, S. (ed.) Leading Edge '94: A Conference linking research, planning, and community in the Niagara Escarpment. Proceedings of the Leading Edge '94 conference, October 26-28, 1994, Mono Township, Ontario. Ministry of Environment and Energy, Toronto.
Brown, David T. 1995. Cooperative Management of Utility Corridors in Canada. Pp. 343-350 in Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Environmental Concerns in Rights-of-Way Management, Montréal, P.Q., Sept. 21, 1993. Hydro-Québec, Vice-Présidence Environnement, Montréal, Québec.
Whoriskey, F.G., R.D. Titman and D.T. Brown, editors. 1991. Behavioral Strategies for Coping with Winter / Strategies de comportement hivernal. Refereed conference proceedings of a symposium jointly sponsored by the Northeast Division of the Animal Behavior Society and the Société Québecoise pour l'Etude Biologique du Comportement (SQEBC). SQEBC Special Publication 1, 150 pp. SQEBC, C.P. 3080, Montréal, P.Q.
Doucet, G.J., J.R. Bider, P. Lamothe and D.T. Brown. 1984. Wildlife data issues in the routing of energy corridors: facility siting and routing. Proc. Energy and Environment Symposium, Banff, Alta. April 1984.
Doucet, G. J., D. T. Brown and P. Lamothe. 1983. Whitetailed deer response to conifer plantations as a mitigation measure in a powerline rightofway located in a Québec deer yard. Proc. N.E. Fish & Wildl. Conf., Mt. Snow, Vt. May 1983.
e) Book reviews
Brown, David T. 1994 (cover date Jan.-Mar. 1992) Book Review: Wild Animals and American Environmental Ethics, by Lisa Mighetto. Canadian Field-Naturalist 106(4):546-547.
Brown, David T. 1991. Book Review: Toward A Common Future - A Report on Sustainable Development and its Implications for Canada, by Michael Keating. Canadian Field-Naturalist 105:146-147.
Brown, David. T. 1991. Book Review: Predators and Predation: The Struggle for Life in the Animal World, edited by Pierre Pfeiffer. Canadian Field-Naturalist 104:615-616.
Brown, David T. 1991. Book Review: Game Management, by Aldo Leopold, with a new foreword by Laurence R. Jahn. Canadian Field-Naturalist 104:505-506.
Brown, David T. 1990. Book Review: The Maine Woods, by Henry David Thoreau, with introduction by Edward Hoagland. Canadian Field-Naturalist 103: 629630.
f) Articles in non-refereed journals or other non-refereed publications
Brown, David T. 2001. Limit the profit sector’s role in education. University Affairs, In My Opinion / Ầ Mon Avis, May 2001:34.
Brown, David T. and Kashane Chalermwat. 1996. Wastes on the Web: Reducing Wastes in Thailand with the CIET Materials Exchange. Proceedings of Third Annual CIET Conference, November 28-29, 1996, Rayong, Thailand. Centre for Industrial and Environmental Training, BuraphaUniversity, Bang Saen, Thailand. 10 pp. plus Thai translation.
Brown, David T. 1996. Bashing the 'Burbs, Dissing the Downtown. The Downtowner (St. Catharines), May/June 1996.
Brown, David T. 1995. Industrial Waste Management in Canada: Moving Towards Sustainability? Proceedings of Second Annual CIET Conference, November 17-18, 1995, Empress Wangtara Hotel, Chachoengsao, Thailand. Centre for Industrial and Environmental Training, BuraphaUniversity, Bang Saen, Thailand. 8 pp.
Brown, David T. 1995. Planning change in our communities: Vox populi, or a pox on the populace? The Downtowner (St. Catharines), July/August 1995, pp. 5, 10-11.
Brown, David T. 1995. (Invited paper). Urban greenways: Alternatives to Carmageddon. Pathways: The Ontario Journal of Outdoor Education 7(2):22-26 (January/February 1995).
Brown, David T. 1994. Heritage in St. Catharines: Lessons from the downtown Y.M.C.A. The Downtowner (St. Catharines), November / December 1994, pp.10-16.
Brown, David T. and John Middleton. 1993. Of Progeny, Parking, and Progressive Policies: Should Parking Space Requirements Be Legislated? The Downtowner (St. Catharines), May / June 1993, p.4.
Brown, David T. 1992. Car culture often clashes with hikers and cyclists. The Niagara Falls Review,August 15, 1992.
Brown, David T. 1992. Urban Greenways: Alternatives to Autogeddon. The Downtowner , Nov./Dec. 1992, pp. 6 - 8
Brown, David T. l986. Of Deer and Diets: Foraging in a Winter Yard. Macdonald Journal 47(4): 1619.
g) Research-based reports to governmental or other comparable agencies
Brown, David T. 1998. Final Report - Section 305: Strategic Planning for an Integrated Waste Management Program in the Eastern Seaboard Region of Thailand. CIDA HRD Policy and Institutional Linkages Project in Thailand # 906/14868. Centre for Industrial and Environmental Training, BuraphaUniversity, Bang Saen.
Brown, David T. 1998. Section 305: Summary of Project Progress - 15th and 16th Quarters - Strategic Planning for an Integrated Waste Management Program in the Eastern Seaboard Region of Thailand. CIDA HRD Policy and Institutional Linkages Project in Thailand # 906/14868. Centre for Industrial and Environmental Training, BuraphaUniversity, Bang Saen.
Brown, David T. 1996. Report on the state of waste management in the Eastern Seaboard region of Thailand. Deliverable 1.2, Section 2.1.305: Strategic Planning for an Integrated Waste Management Program in Laem Chabang, Eastern Seaboard Region, Thailand. CIDA HRD Policy and Institutional Linkages Project in Thailand # 906/14868. Centre for Industrial and Environmental Training, BuraphaUniversity, Bang Saen.
Brown, David. 1996. Semi-Annual Progress Report, CIDA HRD Policy and Institutional Linkages Project in Thailand # 906/14868. Office of International Affairs, BrockUniversity.
Brown, David T. 1996. Report on the applicability of the 4 Rs approach to waste management in the Thai context. Deliverable 2.4, Section 2.1.305: Strategic Planning for an Integrated Waste Management Program in Laem Chabang, Eastern Seaboard Region, Thailand. CIDA HRD Policy/ Institutional Linkages Project in Thailand # 906/14868. Centre for Industrial and Environmental Training, BuraphaUniversity, Bang Saen. 24 pp.
Brown, David T. and Ann Zimmerman. 1996. Statement of Common Principles for Interdisciplinary Environmental and Sustainable Development Education and Research Programs in Post-Secondary Institutions. P. 24 in MacLeod, J. and C. Doucet (eds.). University Presidents' Workshop: Learning and Sustainability. Summary Report. National Round Table on the Environment and the Economy, 1 Nicholas Street, OttawaK1N 7B7.
Brown, David. 1994-1996. Quarterly Progress Reports, CIDA HRD Policy and Institutional Linkages Project in Thailand # 906/14868. Office of International Affairs, BrockUniversity.
Brown, David T. 1995. Review and Comments - DraftLakeOntario Greenway Strategy. Prepared for the LakeOntario Greenway Strategy Steering Committee, Waterfront Regeneration Trust, March 1995. 7 pp.
Brown, David T. 1994. Progress Report: Frenchman's Creek Water Resource Study, Town of Fort Erie. Prepared for the Ecological and Environmental Advisory Committee, RegionalMunicipality of Niagara. 14 pp.
Brown, David T. 1994. Rails to Trails conversion of the Fonthill Spur. Prepared for the Town of Pelham, the City of Thorold, and the Interministerial Committee on Abandoned Railway Rights-of-Way. 8 pp.
Bird, David M. and David T. Brown. 1991. Evaluation of the feasibility of falconry and hawking in Québec. Report prepared for the Ministère du Loisir, de la Chasse, et de la Pêche, Québec. 252 pp.