Subhan Chaudry


Science Test

Ms. Fahmy

Study Guide

I.  Terms

a)  Element: Any substance that cannot be broken down into simpler substances.

b)  Compound: When two or more elements combine chemically.

c)  Proteins: Large organic molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sometimes sulfur.

d)  Food Chain: A series of events in which one organism eats another and obtains energy.

e)  Food Web: The many overlapping food chains in an ecosystem arranged together.

f)  Consumer: An organism that obtains energy by feeding on other organisms

g)  Omnivore: A consumer that eats both plants and other organisms.

h)  Herbivore: A consumer that eats only plants.

i)  Carnivore: A consumer that eats only other organisms.

j)  Niche: The role of a living thing in its environment.

k)  Lipids: Fats, oils, and waxes.

l)  Population Density: The number of individuals/particles in an area.

m)  Birth Rate: The number of births in a population in a certain amount of time.

n)  Death Rate: The number of deaths in a population in a certain amount of time.

o)  Commensalism: The interaction with two parties in which one is benefitting while the other is not benefitting or being harmed.

p)  Mutualism: The interaction with two parties in which both are benefitting equally.

q)  Parasitism: The interaction with two parties in which one is being harmed while the other is benefitting.

r)  Habitat: The location and surrounding environment where an organism resides.

s)  Limiting Factor: An environment factor that prevents a population from increasing. Ex. Water, food, space, and weather conditions.

t)  Indigenous: Native to that area.

u)  Invasive: Not native to an area; invades it.

v)  Immigration: Moving into a population.

w)  Emigration: Leaving a population.

x)  Organic Compounds: Compounds that contain the element carbon.

y)  Inorganic Compounds: Compounds that do not contain the element carbon.

z)  Producer: An organism that can make its own food.

aa)  Nucleic Acids: Very large organic molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and phosphorus.

bb) Photosynthesis: The process in which an organism produces its food with sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide.

cc)  Abiotic Factors: The non-living part of an ecosystem.

dd) Biotic Factors: The living part of an ecosystem.

ee)  Indirect Observation: Determining the size of a population using tracks and signs.

ff)  Direct Observation: Determining the size of a population by counting all of its members.

II.  Questions

a)  How does the project relate to your life?

b)  What is the difference between a niche and a habitat?

c)  What are fungi and bacteria responsible for doing?

III.  Things To Know

a)  The process of interactions in an ecosystem

b)  Water shapes cells.

c)  Equations:

a.  Population density = Number of individuals

i.  Unit Area

b.  If birth rate > death rate, population size increases.

c.  If death rate > birth rate, population size decreases.

d)  Levels of energy pyramid

e)  Understanding Graphs

f)  How to read a table and graph.

g)  How to fill a table and make a graph.

h)  Radish seeds experiment

i)  Plot Study