August 4, 2015

A DVD of the meeting is available through the Treasurer’s Office.

Mrs. Simms-Parks called the meeting to order in the Recital Hall at Kettering Fairmont High School.

Mrs. Simms-Parks asked for an adoption of the agenda. Mrs. Kane moved to approved the agenda with the addition of Item B underneath Item 10, the Instructional Service Agenda and the addition of an Executive Session as Item 15, and the omission of Item 10 Human Resource Services Agenda, specifically Items F and Item G and moved for approval. Mr. Ambrose seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Miss Gilmore, yes; Mr. Bayless, yes; Mrs. Kane, yes; Mr. Ambrose, yes and Mrs. Simms-Parks, yes.

The roll was called with the following members present: Mr. Bayless, Mr. Ambrose, Mrs. Kane, Miss Gilmore and Mrs. Simms-Parks.

Others present: Mr. Schall, Mr. Lackey, Mrs. Basson, Mr. Inskeep and Mrs. Mears.

Mrs. Simms-Parks asked everyone to stand for the Pledge of Allegiance.

Miss Gilmore moved to approve the minutes from the July 14, 2015 meeting. Mrs. Kane seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Miss Gilmore, yes; Mr. Bayless, yes; Mrs. Kane, yes; Mr. Ambrose, yes and Mrs. Simms-Parks, yes.

Recognition and Reports:

Mr. Ambrose wanted to update the board as to the condition of Ahmad Doucet, the injured wrestler for Fairmont High School and reminded everyone of the upcoming 5K walk/run at Kettering Middle School on August 16, 2015 to support the family.

Board Committee Reports:

Mr. Bayless asked Mr. Inskeep to prepare two resolutions for consideration at the next meeting, two weeks from tonight, on insuring greater accountability and transparencies for Ohio Charter Schools and speaking on the situation that has come up in Youngstown City Schools regarding what to do when there seems to be a failing school district.

Miss Gilmore gave a summary of what the principal talks about at graduation for the televised board meeting.

Mrs. Simms-Parks also added that all attended the Administrator’s Retreat and how great it was to see everybody working hard on their innovative ideas for the year. She also stated that most attended the Southdale Elementary Retreat and today she stepped in to see the new hire orientation. Mrs. Simms-Parks gave thanks to all the administrator’s for all of those things.

Mr. Inskeep reminded the board that their retreat was Thursday, August 6, with light refreshments and lunch provided at Kettering Health Network.

Hearing of the Public Regarding Agenda Items: none

Information for Decision-Making:

Mrs. Simms-Parks stated that the board will be meeting in the Recital Hall at Kettering Fairmont High School on August 18, September 1 and September 15 at 6 p.m.

Decisions of the Board: none

Human Resource Services Agenda:

Miss Gilmore move to approve the Human Resource Services Agenda as presented. Mr. Bayless seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Miss Gilmore, yes; Mr. Bayless, yes; Mrs. Kane, yes; Mr. Ambrose, yes; and Mrs. Simms-Parks, yes.

Business Services Agenda:

Mrs. Kane moved to approve the Business Services Agenda as written. Miss Gilmore seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Miss Gilmore, yes; Mr. Bayless, yes; Mrs. Kane, yes; Mr. Ambrose, yes; and Mrs. Simms-Parks, yes.

Instructional Services Agenda:

Miss Gilmore moved to approve the Instructional Services Agenda as presented. Mr. Ambrose seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Miss Gilmore, yes; Mr. Bayless, yes; Mrs. Kane, yes; Mr. Ambrose, yes; and Mrs. Simms-Parks, yes.

Office of the Treasurer Agenda:

Miss Gilmore moved to adopt the Office of the Treasurer Agenda as presented. Mr. Bayless seconded the motion. Mr. Schall gave quick updates on the financial reports and answered questions on the agreement with ESC regarding shared services on the software. Roll Call Vote: Miss Gilmore, yes; Mr. Bayless, yes; Mrs. Kane, yes; Mr. Ambrose, yes; and Mrs. Simms-Parks, yes.

Hearing of the Public: none.

Miss Kane moved that the board go into executive session to consider the employment of a public employee. Miss Gilmore seconded the motion. Roll Call Vote: Miss Gilmore, yes; Mr. Bayless, yes; Mrs. Kane, yes; Mr. Ambrose, yes; and Mrs. Simms-Parks, yes.

Mrs. Simms-Parks adjourned the meeting stating that they would not be coming back to conduct business.


Lori-Simms-Parks, President Daniel Schall, Treasurer