United States
A Document Based Question for Second Grade
Our United States Flag
Historical Context
The picture at the top of this page shows the United States flag. The Flag is an important symbol of the United States. It stands for our country and the people. There are many ways our country shows respect for the flag.
Write a paragraph about how our country feels about the United States flag. Use the documents on the next three pages to write some detail sentences that tell how the people of our country show this.
How to Fold a Flag
"Learn2 fold an American flag." Copyright 1996-2000.Learn2.com, inc.
Flags are not just a piece of cloth.
They mean something to the people of our country.
That is why there are some written rules
you need to follow when folding a flag.
Question#1 Why are there rules for how to fold the American Flag?
Main Street Parade in America
Copyright1995-2000 Denver Public Library, Colorado Historical Society, and DenverArt Museum.
Horydczak, Theodore, "Washington as it Was." 1923-1959. American Memory.
Question#2 Where are the American Flags flying in each of the pictures?______
You're a grand old flag,
You're a high flying flag,
And forever in peace may you wave,
You're the emblem of the land I love,
The home of the free and the brave
Ev'ry heart beats true 'neath the Red, White and blue
Where there's never a boast or brag,
But should auld acquintance be forgot,
Keep your eye on the grand old flag!
"You're a Grand Old Flag." National Flag Day Foundation, Inc.
Question #3 This song tells about the flag, and what it stands for. How does the song writer feel about the flag and why?
Write a paragraph that tells how the people of the United States feel about their flag. Use the pictures and song to give some detail sentences on how they show this.
Document-Based Question Feedback Review Form A
Name (optional):______
District: ______
Title Of DBQ Used: ______
Grade Level You Teach: ______
[1]How well did the students understand the task?
[2]How did students use the information in the historical context?
[3]Which documents seemed easier for students to understand? Why?
[4]Which documents seemed more difficult for students to understand? Why?
[5]How did students respond to how the DBQ was laid out (document sequence, formatting and spacing of text, pictures, etc)?
Document-Based Question Feedback Review Form B
Name (optional): ______
District: ______Grade Level You Teach: ______
Title of DBQ Used: ______
Please circle your rating for each of the following questions. Five is considered outstanding and one underdeveloped.
Historical Context:
1. How well does it help to narrow the focus?54321
2. How concise and clear is it?54321
3. To what degree is its vocabulary age appropriate?54321
- How well does it allow for students to gain an
understanding of the historical time and place in
which the DBQ is being written for?54321
- How well does the task explain what students
are to do?54321
Scaffolding Questions
- How well do they help students to understand the
2. To what degree is the vocabulary age appropriate?54321
3. Are the questions clear in requirements?54321
- Are they designed and set up in a user-
friendly way?54321
5. How well do the questions relate to the historical
- How well do the questions help students to make
connections among the documents?54321
Selection of the documents
- To what degree of variety exists among the
different types of documents (i.e. pictures, text, maps,
charts, graphs, etc)?54321
- How appropriate are the reading levels of the
documents to the age of the students taking this DBQ?54321
3. How clear and easy to read are the documents?54321
4. How well do the documents address the task?54321
- Are the documents sequenced in such a way that
they aid students’ organization and understanding of material?YESNO