Speak Final Projects

For an extra credit final project on Speak you will choose a project from the ideas below. You will be assessed based on the quality and development of ideas, relevance, organization, style, and wording and phrasing. In addition to these requirements, you will also be responsible for appearance, legibility, grammar, tone and use of additional resources. Your final project, no matter what option you choose, needs to:

a. Demonstrate that you have read and understood Speak

b. Display a grasp of at least one important theme of the book

Option 1: Create a scrapbook to portray Melinda’s life during her freshman year. Include pictures, postcards, memories, diary entries/letters, and objects that tell us her favorite foods, places, activities, important moments in her life, her goals, happiest and saddest moments, etc. Each page should reflect something different about Melinda’s life.

Option 2: Design, plan, and carry out a work of art that accomplishes the above final requirements. You may use any form of art (painting, sketching, charcoals/pastels, collage, sculpture, graphic design, etc.) In addition to your work of art, you need to provide a 1-page, typed reflection on your work of art that includes an explanation of your thought process in creating the piece and how it relates to the book.

Option 3: Write a minimum of six one-paragraph entries in a blog and add other elements you think Melinda might include if she had designed a blog. Consider which timeline you would like to use- you could write from Melinda’s perspective during the book, before the book happened, or predict how her sophomore year would go (after events of the book). Make sure you consider the appearance of the blog and that it reflects Melinda’s personality, character development, interests, etc.

Option 4: Create a CD or an IPod playlist including at least six songs you think Melinda would play if she had a CD burner or an MP3 player. You must also include one paragraph for every song that explains why you chose the song and why it fits as a “Melinda” song. Your completed assignment needs to include either the burned CD or the songs downloaded on to a device you can bring into class and play for me.

This project will be due May 30th at the beginning of class. If you need materials, have questions, or need further explanation, please see Mr. Sertich or Miss. Huggins.