A Cosmogonic Model of Human Consciousness: Part II

A Cosmogonic Model of Human Consciousness: Part II

Journal of Consciousness Exploration & Research | December 2012 | Volume 3 | Issue 11 | pp. xxx-xxxx

Messori, C., A Cosmogonic Model of Human Consciousness: Part II


A Cosmogonic Model of Human Consciousness: Part II

Claudio Messori[*]


This series of articles present a physicalist account on the origin of human consciousness. What is presented is a cosmogonic model based on the centrality of Tension assumed as an intrinsic and irreducible ontological presupposition associated with a pre-energetic undifferentiated and totipotent proto-dynamic principle (dynamis), whose differentiation gives birth to a space-time system of correlative interactions between physical objects denominated differentiated tensorial fractals (or tangent tensions) and undifferentiated tensorial fractals (or qualia). To describe the structure and dynamics that qualify the fundamental space-time dimension we can make use of the holographic principle, fractal self-similarity and the role reserved to the twisting moment (torque) in certain dual torus topology. In this light, human consciousness is recognized as the ecological and neuropsychological result obtained from the joint action realized through the holographic module, between poietic function, syntropic function and mnemotropic function the meanings of which shall be defined in the articles.

Part II of this series of articles contain: 2. Mnemopoiesis, mnemotropy and planes of manifestation; and 3. Strange Holographic Attractor, physical dimensions, mnemo-tropic configurations.

Key words: consciousness, states of consciousness, image-making, qualia, psychism, auto-organization, strange holographic attractor, syntropy, entropy, negentropy, mnemotropy, mnemopoiesis, confinement process, dynamis, holographic-fractal space-time, event-horizon, , toroid-poloid, tension, torque, Coriolis force, spin-internal motion.

Dedicated to the Jungian unus mundus

2. Mnemopoiesis, mnemotropy and planes of manifestation

Consciousness can be understood as an emergent property of memory. Kunio Yasue

Memory is a printed pattern of order supported by long range correlations. Hiroomi Umezawa

In the coexistence of observable states (explicated) and non observable states (implicated) [David Bohm] and in the alternating of rarefied states and condensed states what remains is the prescriptive and undifferentiated role exercised on the genesis and non-linear transformation of the forms of manifestation from an original and universal poietic principle (which produces development and structure ) called auto-organization [1].

The contextualization of this prescriptive and undifferentiated action is realized in the constitution of physical objects called attractors, syntropic nuclei [2] (inductors of coherence in the organization of a system) that perform a catalyzing action on the dynamics of the confinement processes lying at the basis of phenomenological becoming, impressing a preferential orientation on them.

The combined action obtained via the poietic function of auto-organization and the syntropic function of the attractors is nonetheless sufficient to bring to a close an Allopoietic Universe[3] tending towards the entropic[4] and oriented towards a perfect thermodynamic equilibrium, i.e. towards annihilation (in order for any universe of transformations to subsist there must be an enduring unstable state characterized by a distribution of hot points and cold points, if this were not to happen, if, for example, the energy state of a universe of transformations were to degrade into perfect thermodynamic equilibrium, the differentiated distribution of hot points and cold points would be substituted by an undifferentiated and uniform distribution of only hot points or only cold points, which would lead to a zeroing of any energy process, and consequently to a zeroing of the universe of energy transformations), however this is not actually sufficient when the complexity and progression of its dynamic and its structuring make it an Autopoietic Universe[5] structured as a fractal[6] [2] tending towards the syntropic. In this case there is a need for the availability of an acting principle which, through recourse to mnesic processes [3] introduces a variable and convergent quota of information (negentropy[7] or negative entropy, Erwin Schrödinger) [4] non-computational (non-logical) in the genesis, diversification and development of confinement processes lying at the root of phenomenological becoming. The task of engramming a web[8] (space-time) through recourse to mnesic processes, a web that can guarantee continuity and redundancy in the interweaving of the non-linear pattern of cause and effect that qualifies the Universe of Transformations that we are part of, where nothing is created, nothing is destroyed, but everything is transformed via recourse to mnesic processes, is performed by what I shall call mnemotropy. The pair of consonants mn in the word mn-emotropy means memento, memory, reminiscence (Plato), in reference to what endures, what remains, from which come the Greek verb mimnèsko, which means remember, and the word mnème-es, which means memory, giving the Latin mnesi-s, but also mens, meaning mind. The word tropos stands for everything that changes, that is subject to transformation and that possesses an orientation, a direction. The word mnemotropy then possesses two meanings, one extensive and one intensive. The extensive meaning is a memory-of-becoming i.e. what is transformed with coherence (orientation, direction) possesses a memory of the history of the transformation, where by history is meant the totality (wholeness) of the imprints of the past/present/future confinement processes that condition that localization of that particular confinement process. Instead, the intensive meaning is memory-in-becoming, or that which is transformed with coherence has recourse to enduring memory processes.

(A)  Definition of mnemotropy:

Mnemotropy is an inherent, fundamental and necessary property, of the implicated dynamic of our Universe of Transformations. By mnemotropy is indicated the irreducible and universal negentropic action (José Cruz Íñiguez Romero), which, through recourse to non-linear mnesic processes of a chaotic type, introduces a variable and convergent holographically-configured quota of non-computational information (non-logical) in the genesis, diversification and development of the confinement processes lying at the basis of phenomological becoming. In relationship to the process of implementating the poietic role of auto-organization and the syntropic action of the attractors in the genesis, diversification and development of the confinement processes, the role performed by the introduction of a variable and convergent quota of information based on recourse to mnesic processes is twofold: on the one hand it introduces a motive of causal continuity (space-time dependent), non-measurable and intrinsically unpredictable, in the genesis, diversification and development of confinement processes; on the other it makes possible and compatible with the genesis, diversification and development of the confinement processes themselves the superseding (transition/bifurcation) of the contingent space-time confines that restrict the possibilities of their manifestation.

The result of the joint action that traverses the holographic module is realized between poietic function, syntropic function and mnemotropic function is an a-intentional articulate and complex ordering function that I qualify as mnemopoiesis[9], where mnem- stands for memory, -o stands for holographic, poie- stands for poietic, -sis stands for syntropic, hence: memory-(h)olographic-poietic-syntropic, whose acronym is MOPS.

The overall state of every confinement process or system of confinement processes of phenomenological becoming depends and is supported by a certain degree and level of synergy between poietic action/syntropic action/mnemotropic action which, in other words, is indicated as a state of mnemopoiesis. Outwith the human environment, where the use of the term consciousness remains amply justified and appropriate, what with respect to the biological human being we have seen narrowing to the concept of conditioned-consciousness, is rendered via the concept of an a-intentional articulate and complex ordering function and indicated by the name mnemopoiesis. From a psycho-physical point of view what in relation to the human being we call a state of consciousness is to be understood as the state of mnemopoiesis inherent to the human being, while the passage from a state of consciousness to another is to be understood as a transition from one state of mnemopoiesis to another. In determining the dynamics that qualify the state of human consciousness the a-intentional character of the equivalent state of mnemopoiesis has a value, as do the general psycho-physical laws that qualify the MOPS. On the directive of these indications, by altered state of consciousness is meant the state of alteration, whether transitory or permanent, reversible or irreversible, of the relational structure of a given state of mnemopoiesis. A structure that cannot ignore the philogenetic, genetic, epigenetic, ontogenetic, psychic and anthropopoietic relationship of the individual with his/her surroundings.

In particular, the alteration can occur in the form of interference or in the form of compromise and may involve:

i)  the degree and/or the level of synergy between poietic action/syntropic action/mnemotropic action;

ii)  the dynamics of the poietic function;

iii)  the dynamics of the syntropic function;

iv)  the dynamics of the mnemotropic function;

v)  the dynamics of the holographic frame that supports the interaction between the functions.

E.g., in altered states of consciousness induced by certain meditative or shamanic practices, or by the use of psycho-active substances, or found in relation to paranormal phenomena (ESP) or phenomena of possession, there is the establishment of non-local relationships of interference that are more or less intense and lasting between mnemotropic configurations particular to the individual, as well as mnemotropic configurations extraneous to him/her, with consequences that may prove extremely deleterious or extremely illuminating.

By confinement process, mnesic process and auto-organization are meant, respectively:

i)  every structuring process of a system of correlations endowed with a degree of subsistence (condition of resonance) such as to make it distinct and/or distinguishable (even when not observable) from the context of the relationships it forms part of[10] ; in general, a confinement process is equivalent to a phenomenon of localization; in a relativistic and quantum-relativistic perspective like the one adopted here, which recognizes the legitimacy of a physical entity acting as much in space-time as in the quantum field, the localization cannot be established through recourse to an inertial system defined by ordinary parameters of time and space nor by assuming a purely mathematical conception of space-time (like the one adopted classically in the case of a black hole[11]), on the contrary the sole inertial reference system adoptable is that given by the event-horizon (in the sense of a space-time boundary[12]) [5], the virtual borderline[13] between planes of the manifestation that traces the limits of observability and the comparability of the phenomena that lie beyond here and beyond the event-horizon itself; from the moment that, by definition, the event-horizon is a de-localized virtual entity[14] the relativistic confinement processes and hence of localization de-localized that have the event-horizon as an inertial reference system correspond to de-localized correlative functions (entanglement);

ii)  every process that is stationary but not stable of retention of the absent [Messori, 2011]: a) induced by the non-linear and non-computational (non-logical) interaction that exists between all the relationships (relativistic, quantum, ordinary) involved in the progress of a confinement process and b) retained and re-elaborated via tension conjugate dynamics (in which the quantum plane is interfaced via phase conjugate dynamics) in the form of a holographic image pattern [15] (mass- and energy-free) in the chaotic fractal (correlative dynamics between interspaces and intertimes[16] of the poloid in the Haramein-Rauscher U4 Space-time Dual Torus Topology,Fig.11,[6]) of the fractal fabric (quasi-continuous, non-quantized) of the space-time horizon of dimensional events[17], in turn interfaced with the chaotic fractal of the space-time horizon of fundamental events, the mirror symmetry horizon [7] generated by the transition between the non-excited regime and excited regimes of the Irreducible Relativistic Dimension (N-EIRD®EIRD, see Paragraph 4.);

iii)  every process in which the organization (restrictions and redundancy) of a system is developed spontaneously, without this development being controlled by factors inside or outside the system: every degree of the manifestation is unconditionally inclined and prescriptively oriented to set in motion confinement processes and to develop the relationship systems that give form (in-form) to the dimensions of manifestation[18][8].

In the case of complex non linear systems[19] auto-organization is contextualized in the spontaneous formation of islands of order or attractors which:

-  within the ambit of the Excited Irreducible Relativistic Dimension (EIRD; see Paragraph 4.) attract the evolution of its dynamic towards the constitution of polarized hysteresis domains[20] (Fig 1; Fig. 2; Fig. 2b) governed by correlative interactions between mass- and energy-free physical objects denominated differentiated tensorial fractals (or tangent tensions) and undifferentiated tensorial fractals (or qualia), the first polarized in the spatial component and the second polarized in the temporal component of the space-time continuum (Fig. 1 and Fig. 3);

-  within the ambit of the Excited Reducible Relativistic Dimension (ERRD; see Paragraph 8.) attract the evolution of its dynamic towards the constitution of space-time holographic fractals (mass- and energy-free) given by the rotational↔torsional stabilization of a dipolar tensorial moment known as spin/internal motion [Huping Hu and Maoxin Wu][9], stationary and fractalary relativistic objects (non-quantized) featuring a quasi-kinetic potential (where the motion impulse is latent), the seat of a prochiral stereogenic centre, possessing a polarization angle shifted towards the spatial component of the space-time geometry of the ERRD regime. The tendency to auto-organization of these relativistic fractal objects called spin/internal motion generates a tensorial solitonic field (Instantons, Monopoles, Non-Abelian Vortices in Theories of Supersymmetric Gauges; Strings; Nambu-Goldstone bosons) [10] made up of two tensorial fields (one polarized in the spatial component of space-time and associated with the rotational tensorial fractal, the other polarized in the temporal component and associated with the torque tensorial fractal) identical (replicant), symmetrical (rotational and torque symmetry), spatially in phase but temporally out of phase;

-  in the ambit of the Quantum Dimension (QD; see Paragraphs 8.1, 8.2) they attract the evolution of its dynamic towards the constitution of domains of oscillatory coherence (frequency/phase relationships) governed by correlative interactions between matter fields/wave fields and dipolar gradients of energy quantums (QED, Quantum Electrodynamic Field Theory);

-  in the ambit of the ordinary dimension or Hyper (cosmological) and Middle Dimension (H-MD; see Paragraph 8.3) they attract the evolution of its dynamic towards the constitution of domains of atomic-superatomic stereodynamic coherence governed by correlative interactions between electronic stereogenic processes (spatial distribution of the electromagnetic charges induced by the eliptical polarization, helicity, of the electromagnetic fields and/or the production of excitons[21]) and photonic stereogenic processes (scalar or torsional temporal distribution of the phase relationships induced by the modulation of the reciprocal angle of rotation/torsion impressed upon the pairs of waves,vectorial and scalar, that make up the electromagnetic wave and/or the pair of waves,replicants, that make up the solitons [22]).