1. Group 1
a. Cosimo de’ Medici
b. Raphael
i. School of Athens
c. Baldassare Castiglione
i. Book of the Courtier
d. Republic of Florence
e. Stylized faces
2. Group 2
a. Lorenzo de’ Medici (the Magnificent)
b. Michelangelo
i. David
ii. Sistine Chapel
iii. Dome on St. Peter’s basilica
iv. Pieta
c. Giorgio Vasari
i. The Lives of the Artists
d. Medici family
e. Sfumato
3. Group 3
a. Charles VIII
b. Titian
c. Erasmus
i. In Praise of Folly
d. Duchy of Milan
e. Contrapposto
4. Group 4
a. Girolamo Savonarola
b. El Greco
c. Tomas More
i. Utopia
d. Sforza family
e. Greek temple architecture
5. Group 5
a. Pope Alexander VI
b. Jan van Eyck
c. Jacques Lefevre d’Etables
d. Republic of Venice
e. “High Renaissance”
6. Group 6
a. Isabella d’Este
b. Bosch
c. Francisco Ximenes de Cisneros
d. Papal States
e. Bramante
7. Group 7
a. Cesare Borgia
b. Peter Brueghel, the Elder
c. Francois Rabelais
i. Gargantua and Pantagruel
d. Naples, Kingdom of the Two Sicilies
e. Mannerism
8. Group 8
a. Charles V
b. Albrecht Dürer
c. Michel de Montaigne
d. Sack of Rome, 1527
e. Northern Renaissance
9. Group 9
a. Johan Gutenberg – printing press, moveable type
b. Hans Holbein the Younger
c. William Shakespeare
d. Humanism
e. Christian Humanism
10. Group 10
a. Machiavelli
i. The Prince
ii. Discourses
b. Giotto
c. Miguel de Cervantes
i. Don Quixote
d. Civil Humanism
e. Flemish style
11. Group 11
a. Petrarch
b. Brunelleschi
i. Il Duomo
c. Christine de Pisan
d. Latin Vulgate
e. Fugger family
12. Group 12
a. Bocaccio
i. Decameron
b. Lorenzo Ghiberti
i. “gates of paradise”
c. City-states
d. Virtú
13. Group 13
a. Leonardo Bruni
b. Donatello
i. David
c. Signori
d. Quattrocentro, 1400’s
14. Group 14
a. Lorenzo Valla
i. Elegances of the Latin Language
ii. On the False Donation of Constantine
b. Masaccio
i. Expulsion of Adam & Eve
c. Oligarchies
d. Cinquecento, 1500’s
15. Group 15
a. Marsilio Ficino
b. Sandro Botticelli
i. Birth of Venus
c. Commenda system
d. Perspective
16. Group 16
a. Pico Della Mirandola
i. Oration on the Dignity of Man
b. Leonardo da Vinci
i. Mona Lisa
ii. The Last Supper
c. Condotierri
d. chiaroscuro