A Conversation with Heather Tucci-Jarraf,
Trustee of The One People's Public Trust
Hello everyone Brian here from the American Kabuki ground crew. I am so incredibly thrilled to be here celebrating this beautiful moment of Now with all of the amazing beings who will be listening to this call over the course of the coming days and weeks. Words couldn’t possibly express the level of gratitude I feel for being blessed with the opportunity to play a part, even if just a small one, of this recent unfolding events that have been taking place in this grand cosmic shift that we are currently undergoing.
Now, whether everyone in the world realizes it yet or not, it truly is the most exciting time to be alive in the history of humanity and I thank my Creator everyday for sending me front row, VIP seats to all the action.
Now, from an inner knowing that goes beyond mental comprehension, I know that we all chose to be here at this time to experience the journey we all are embarking on right now, altogether as one people united. While we may have not been shot heralding into the new age on the 21st at least consciously, like a great many out there predicted, we absolutely are experiencing an enormous shift in energies and massive transformations to our inner as well as outer worlds. I know I speak for many when I say that I fully believe that the shift of the ages, which all the Ancients prophesized would occur in 2012 is in fact unfolding right before our eyes on a myriad of levels on each moment.
Now, Ascension isn’t what we are here to discuss today, what we are here to discuss is the liberation of the planet, and the 7 billion of us that call the earth “home”.
Now over the past year, talk of prosperity funds, whether it be in the form of NESARA, the St GermaineTrust, the Leo Wanta Funds, the Reagan-Mitterand Protocol, all of the above have become a hot topic being discussed across every blog site and discussion board across the internet, leaving many very frustrated and losing hope that one day one of these funds could break into mainstream media and pave the way to a New Age for peace and prosperity.
Now, I am here to share with everyone that the moment we have all been waiting for is finally and very divinely upon us. A few days ago, on December 25, an organization called The One People’s Public Trust,came exploding onto the scene with their first official “announcement.” This document appears to be announcing that the United Nations, the IMF, BIS (Bank of International Settlements), the Hague, the World Bank and others have been legally and officially foreclosed upon. The next part of the document which I will read here has triggered an absolute tsunami of response, as well as verymuch heated debate and discussionacross all the blogs and online forums all over the internet.
And this passage reads,” The people, all people equally on earth, have an individual, duly-verified sum certain of 5 billion (that’s billion with a “B”)in lawful money of the United States of America gold and silver. Over 3 quintillion, 500 quadrillion, (which, by the way is a 3 and a 5 followed by 17 zeros) just and duly verified equity debt against the debtors. There is an additional duly-verified sum certainof 5 billion in lawful money of the United States of America, gold and silver, for each of those people damaged by the actions and systems of the debtors, over 3 quadrillion lawful money of the United States of America, gold and silver, in duly-verified debt of damages against the debtors.”
Now, what this means exactly has been left to lots and lots of speculation, obviously, so today we are here in full transparency to discover the truth of this official announcement. Now,these passages are just a few short highlights to what hasnow become multipleannouncements by The One People’s Public Trustheaded by the organization’s front man, or front woman I should say, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf.
B: Hi Heather, welcome to the call, are you there?
H: I am Brian, thank you. How are you this evening?
B: I am doing well, Heather. How are you?
H: It’s good, it’s good, thank you for having me.
B: Absolutely, and we also have on the call a special guest,we haveD from the Removing the Shackles Blog site. D are you with us?
D: I am with you Brian.Hi Heather! Nice to talk to you again as well.
H: Hi D. Good to talk to you, too.
B: Welcome to you both. Before we dive in here ladies, let me give a little background. I have had the opportunity to get to know Heather a little bit over the last few days. I truly feel like we have known each other for a lot longer than that, but consciously speaking, our paths crossed for the first time last Friday, the 28 of December and since then we’ve exchanged a mountain of emails back and forth.
We were actually supposed to do this talk yesterday, but we ended up talking on Skype for about five hours so we weren’t able to getto it and get it in. So, talking to Heather has personally answered so many questions I have had for myself, and now, in the spirit of full transparency and absolute truth, which are the watchwords as of late, it’s time to share that information with the people. What do you say, Heather? Sound like a plan? OK, perfect.
So for the purpose of this call today, Heather, my role and D’s role in this is going to be to give the public, or the people, I should say, a voice, and due to the scope of the subject matter we are dealing with here, which is obviously global in nature with the potential of effecting every person on the planet and because of that the people are obviously and rightfully so have lots and lots of questions.
So, over the last couple of days, I have gathered many of those questions from Kauilapele’s blog, American Kabuki’s blog. You also sent me questions from emails that you have received; I know D’s probably got plenty of questions from her readers as well. So I will be using these to navigate the chat here as best we can. Does that sound good?
So Heather for the purposes of the, we’re gonna call this a conversation, thisisnot an interview,it’s a talk. It’s informal. My role in this, D’s role in this isgonna be to give the people a voice, the “People”,for everybodythat’s been following this story since last Friday. Obviously, due to the scope of the subject matter we’re dealing with here which is beyond, you know, It’s global, it’s universal in nature really. It has the potential of affecting everyone on the planet. So there’s a lot of questions that have been flowing in consistently since last Friday, and over the last couple of days we’ve gathered these questions from various blogs, D’s blog, Breaking the Silence, or I should say Removing the Shackles, Kauilapele, American Kabuki and emails that you’ve sent me.
So, we’re gonna use these questions that people have to kind of guide us through the conversation that we have here. But before we start, I have one little request of you, Heather.
H: OK(laughter)
B: Based on what we know of you so far…What’s that?...
H: I said,I’ll agree to itwhen you tell me what it is.
B: OK, here it is, you are obviously very well educated, you have a very uncanny ability to articulate and express yourself around anything that you have done with your legal background. I know you have been a lawyer for ten years . . . But, you know as good as I do that a lot of the feedback that we’ve received thus far is that the format is too “legalese” or legal talk for the average show to understand. So, you put out an announcement too that that was for very good reason, because this was drafted in an attempt to, – the people weren’t the intended audience ofthe very legal stuff that you put out. But I really want to try to keep this as street level and in a style and format that everyone’s gonna be able to understand. Is that fair?
H: That’s excellent, that’s more natural.
B:Very good, alright.So I already know the answer to this first question, but we need to hear it from you, because everybody hasn’t been present on the talks that you’ve had so far but . .there’s a lot of people who want to believe with their entire heart and soul that the story we are here to discuss is true, or because they have never heard of you or The People’s Trust organization there’s been a fairly substantial amount of resistance. So why don’t we start out with who is Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and how on earth did you get involved in all this?
H: Ok, well, Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf is just one of the people, I mean when it boils down to it, all of the roles that I play, I’m just one of the people, just like all of you guys, just likeeveryone else that’s on the planet. And as to why I got involved, I got involved for the same reasons all you guys got involved. I was searching for the truth. And here we are, I am on this call. And then, as far as when did I get involved? I was working overseas basically, in high levels of Banking, Trade and Finance and International Law and we all made a choice. We made a choice to go in and clean things up, andit wasn’t just me, it wasn’t just the people I was working with, it was a whole slew of people within what we term as the “slavery systems”. And that happened, basically, the choice was made on how it was going to go in March of2009. Does that answer that question? Basically enough.
B: So, what happened in March 2009?
H: Actually we had been working on an investigation for approximately, I think 3 months, maybe less, regarding mirror loans at the World Bank. And we found through that mirror loan investigation that we were doing, regarding Panama, the Republic of Panama, we found Freddie/Fannie paper, Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae fraudulent paper, significant amounts of it, and out of curiosity, for one of the people that was on the investigation team, I went back behind the screens and went all the way back to... I had randomly selected some of the houses out of the Freddie and Fannie Paper, and went all the way back to the homes and found that this paper, these securities of about ($)50 million, I think it was about, yea ($)50 million, and it was probablybased on property that was worth, maybe, if you were lucky, 10 percent of that amount, maybe less.So with that, that is basically what started it. It was a personal issue, a personal matter, aperson, one of the people, helping another one of the people.
And from there, we just kind of sat there, we adjusted, we prioritized, we really just reflected. What are we doing, why are we doing it and what can we do about it, do we want to do anything about it? So, people really kind of sat there and thought about it and a choice was made. So we made a choice to go in, and how do we help people understand,
NO loans were made? There’s no such thing as lawful current funds. There is lawful money, but there is no lawful current funds.
So these are the decisions we had to make. We were watching everyone suffer, we were suffering. Even those in the highest levels of banking suffer… in the highest levels of purported government are suffering. All the way down. You just, you get tired of it. So that was the very beginning. Does that answer that? I mean as far as what ended up to this phone call.
B: Absolutely, and you know Heather, from talking to you yesterday for as long as we did, I know that your story and your background . . we could sit here and we could talk about it for hours if not days really, but from here, what I want to kind of, the direction I think everybody wants to see us go is... The next phase in your journey was the decision to start the investigation that culminated in the putting out of the Paradigm Report. Is that accurate?
H: Yeah, in fact, I mentioned the Fannie/Freddie papers, and basically it was just taking the culmination of all of the investigations we’d worked up to at that point and when we made the decision in between the time that we found the Freddie/Fannie papers and the decision to do the investigation, we needed to figure out exactly what needed to be done, and so it was sort of like a (muffled word) type of protocol where we had to go in and to figure out the many aspects to the investigation and alter them based on the results, real time. So that’s what the Paradigm Report was, it was a field (muffled) report, yea there are lots of mistakes in there, typing wise, grammatical, spelling, the point is the substanceinside the report. That was the important part.
Really we were asking can the private system be saved? Is it worth saving? and the answer is no, it could not be saved. And why put energy into something that cannot be saved?
B: Ok, so what was it that went into develop, you know,the Paradigm Report, that was research that for spanned over the course of a matter of, I think you said it was, 2 years? What were you researching and what was the final outcome? I know people can obviously read this document for themselves, but really what people want to know is what went into it, what was the outcome and. . . Ultimately what was the objective that you were looking to accomplish with you and the people that were involved in getting that paper put out?
H: What went into it? Body and soul of many (giggle). As far as the goal was, like I said, to go in and find a solution. Identify the problems and identify a solution. And could it, could the solution incorporate some of the frame work thatwas already existing? Or did it have to be completely mowed down and built from scratch? That was basically the essence. It had to dealwith banking, that was obviously the nexus point for every problem on the planet. So the problem at that point needed to be identified back to, well, then how did that problem then come into existence? And you go back to the history, you go back to the history of America and the first two central banks that they attempted to do, and the report identifies that more (muffled words) so that people can refer to that part. But looking at the past allowed us to figure out, okay how did they maneuver? Using Education and the Judicial system. And then after that it was a matter of OK, well what right now is their biggest fear? Which is communication between people, so the internet. Identifying these markers or these factors allowed us to go in and say OK we need to go in further, because a paper trail needs to be made where no paper trail currently exists, at least not one that connects all the dots. At that point we had a few people that had offered to go ahead use their house as a test case, and all that. And since I knew I would be running the investigationIt ended up being a logical choice that I would have to just use my house as a test case, so that I could control all the different factors. It’s one thing to try to help someone who is freaking out,while you are trying to do an investigation, It is much easier to just control yourself and go through the factors.
B: So. . .
H: I have the most information. I have the most, well-rounded database out of all of us. So, that’s how it started.
B: So essentially you put yourself up for allowing your home to go to foreclosure and, in order to be a test subject for tracing the fraud that needed to be committed against you to get you out of your property back to the source of where the fraud was coming from? So,you could accurately track that paper trail, correct?
H: Yeah, that’s right, essentially I was headed over to Switzerland anyway to take over presidency of a company and they were currently looking for a house. I had gone in with someone else and, basically it was kind of like, okay this islikeher pet project. . .we all have projects that we would each, had close to home that we were cultivating. Some were agricultural projects... helping feed humanity... some were energy projects, getting clean energy to everyone... and those are very quiet projects you did that ruffled a lot of feathers. Mine went along with (muffled – fate?) and the experience that I’d had, and the training I’ve had which wascorruption, Law, it had to do with Law. And what it came down to as of this moment, people have the opportunity to see that the conjunction of Law with the financial system, with the purported government system, with these private systems, that we believed have been for the people by the people, everyone can see where it all has to go back to the Law. It has to go back to the Law of One.
H: Does that answer your question?