A Conciencia Program supported bydonors

Quarterly Report ‘From the School to the Family’


Resume of the positive and negative experiences we lived through during this trimester

Positive: The school support unit started in March and continued during this trimester, kids were able to learn and practice thanks to it.We started with the building of a new classroom at the school!

Negative: Because of the building of the new classrooms space in the school is reduced and for this reason support lessons have to be dictated in three terms.

An extra Classroom is being built

School Support

The school support lessons continued working during these months and will be open until December.80 kids attended them.Classes are given in 2 terms. The teachers are: Victor, who gives classes to younger children and Maria José who helps children from the higher levels. Children are confident with Maria José and Victor, and are not only committed to learning but also became friends with the teachers who give them support and contention.

Recreation and Educational


School supplies were bought for the comeback to the school after winter holidays. The school support teachers received supplies for the totality of the children that participated in the school support lessons.

Two human figures were bought for biology classes, markers, drawing paper.

Supplies were also given individually to those children who needed them.

Every children of the school received a pair of gym shoes.

Workshops for Parents and Teachers

We organized a workshop about authority and behavior titled: “Citizen Responsibility”, many parents assisted as well as all the teachers of the school. This workshop was dictated by Silvina Di Cecco on April 13th 2005.

Volunteer Work

We are an association that promotes Volunteer work; this is the reason why we would like to inform you about the volunteer work that was given to fulfill our objectives


Name / Surname / Activity / Hs. Per month
Erica / Ziem / General Activities / 4
Agustina / Vega
Luqui / General activities
General Activities
General coordination
General coordination
General Activities
General Activities / 4

Children going to Class

Next steps

We are pleased to announce you that thanks to NOTS we are opening a new project we had been dreaming of during a long time, this is the computers program, which needed finance to get started.

Thanks to NOTS and your support, we already got those funds.

We will soon tell you more about it. It is now getting started!



NOTS Foundation€ 6.660

Other donors€ 3.414

Total€ 10.074

Spent first quarter€ 3.414

Left for this year€ 6.660