A Bibliography of Literary Theory, Criticism and Philology
by José Ángel García Landa
(University of Zaragoza, Spain)
James Boswell (1740-1795)
(Scottish laird and man of letters, friend of Samuel Johnson)
Boswell, James. "A Poetical Epistle to Doctor Sterne, Parson Yorick, and Tristram Shandy." 1760. In Tristram Shandy (ed. H. Anderson). New York: Norton, 1980. 475-9.
_____. Boswell's London Journal, 1762-1763. Ed. Frederick A. Pottle. Introd. Christopher Morley. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1950.
_____. Boswell's London Journal, 1762-1763. (Yale Ed of the Private Papers of James Boswell) Heinemann, 1951.
_____. From Boswell on the Grand Tour [Boswell Interviews Voltaire]. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1.2751-52.*
_____. Dorando, a Spanish Tale. 1767.
_____. The Essence of the Douglas Cause. 1767.
_____. An Account of Corsica. 1768. Ed. Sydney C. Roberts. Cambridge, 1923.
_____. Preface to the Third Edition of An Account of Corsica. In The Personal Note. Ed. H. J. C. Grierson and S. Wason. London: Chatto, 1946. 94-6.
_____. The Ominous Years, 1774-6. Ed. Ryskamp and Pottle. London: Heinemann, 1963.
_____. The Hypochodriack. Periodical essay. 70 nos. 1777-83. Rpt. from The London Magazine.
_____. The Hypochondriack. Ed. Margery Bailey. 2 vols. Stanford U, 1928.
_____. Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. Travel Book. 1785.
_____. The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. 1785. Ed. George Birkbeck Hill. 1887.
_____. Journal.... In Johnson's Journey to the Western Isles of Scotland and Boswell's Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides with Samuel Johnson. Ed. R. W. Chapman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1924.
_____. The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. Ed. Chauncey B. Tinker. 2 vols. 1924.
_____. The Journal of a Tour to the Hebrides. 1786 (With Samuel Johnson's A Journey to the Western Islands of Scotland. 1775). Ed. Peter Levi. London: Penguin, 1984.
_____. Life of Samuel Johnson. 2 vols. 1791.
_____. Life of Samuel Johnson. Ed. Edmond Malone. 4 vols., 1799, 1804, etc.
_____. Life of Johnson. 4 vols. 6th ed. London: Cadell, 1811.
_____. Life of Samuel Johnson. Ed. John W. Croker. 5 vols. 1831.
_____. Life of Johnson. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1904. Electronic edition. Ed. Jack Lynch.˜jlynch/Johnson/BLJ/
_____. The Life of Samuel Johnson. London: Dent, 1906.
_____. The Life of Samuel Johnson. Ed. G. Birkbeck Hill. 6 vols. 1887.
_____. Boswell's Life of Johnson. Ed. Mowbray Morris. (Globe Edition). London: Macmillan, 1894. 1925.
_____. The Life of Samuel Johnson. Ed. Arnold Glover. 3 vols. London: Dent, 1926.
_____. Boswell's Life of Johnson. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1927.(Text of 3rd ed of 1799, respecting Boswell's orthography).
_____. The Life of Samuel Johnson. Ed. G. Birkbeck Hill. Rev. L. F. Powell. 6 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1934. 1950.
_____. The Life of Samuel Johnson. Ed. R.W. Chapman. 2 vols. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1933.
_____. Life of Samuel Johnson. 1791. Ed. R. W. Chapman. Rev. J. D. Fleeman. Oxford, 1953. 1970.
_____. Boswell's Life of Johnson. Ed. R. W. Chapman. Rev. J. D. Fleeman. Introd. Pat Rogers. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1980.
_____. The Life of Samuel Johnson. Modern Library Giant, 1950?.
_____. Life of Johnson. Ed. Hill/Powell. Rev. David Fleeman. Introd. Pat Rogers. Oxford: Oxford UP.
_____. The Life of Johnson. (Penguin Classics). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
_____. James Boswell's Life of Johnson: An Edition of the Original Manuscript in Four Volumes. Vol. 1: 1709-1765. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1995.
_____. (Character of Johnson). In Johnson, Prose & Poetry. With Boswell's Character, Macaulay's Life, and Raleigh's Essay. Ed. R. Chapman. 1922. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1961.
_____. Meeting Dr Johnson. (Penguin 60s Classics). Harmondsworth: Penguin.
_____. From The Life of Samuel Johnson, LL.D. In The Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. Ed. M. H. Abrams, Stephen Greenblatt et al. New York: Norton, 1999. 1.2752-83.*
_____. Vida de Samuel Johnson. Trans. José Miguel Santamaría and Cándido Santamaría. Madrid: Espasa, 2007.
_____. Vida de Samuel Johnson. Trans. Miguel Martínez-Lage. Acantilado, 2007. (Martínez-Lage, Premio Nacional de Traducción).
_____. Private Papers of James Boswell from Malahide Castle. Ed. Geoffrey Scott and Frederick A. Pottle. 18 vols. 1928-34. Privately printed.
_____. Papers in The Eighteenth Century. 48 vols. database. (English Letters). Intelex / Oxford UP, 2004. (Correspondence and papers from Edmond Halley, Daniel Defoe, Richard Steele, Humphrey Wanley, Joseph Addison, Edward Young, John Gay, Samuel Richardson, Mary Wortley Montagu, Lord Chesterfield, Henry and Sarah Fielding, Laurence Sterne, Tobias Smollett, Edmund Burke, William Cowper, William Johnston Temple, James Boswell, William Jones, Richard Sheridan. From the Oxford UP ed.).
Fitzgerald, Percy H. Life of Boswell. 2 vols. 1891.
Hyde, Mary. The Impossible Friendship: Boswell and Mrs Thrale. 1973.
Pottle, Frederick A., and Charles H. Bennett. "Boswell and Mrs. Piozzi." Modern Philology 39 (1942): 421-30.
Roger, Charles. "Memoir" prefixed to Boswelliana. 1874.
Tinker, Chauncey B. Young Boswell. Boston, 1922.
Bredvold, Louis I. "Johnson Memorabilia: Boswell, Mrs. Thrale, Fanny Burney." In Bredvold, The Literature of the Restoration and the Eighteenth Century 1660-1798. London: Collier-Macmillan, 1962. 134-37.*
Bronson, Bertrand H. Johnson and Boswell. Berkeley, 1944.
Bruss, Elizabeth W. "James Boswell Genius and Stenography." In Bruss, Autobiographical Acts: The Changing Situation of a Literary Genre. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1976. 61-92.*
Clingham Greg. James Boswell: The Life of Johnson. (Landmarks of World Literature). 1992.
_____, ed. New Light on Boswell: Critical and Historical Essays on the Occasion of the Bicententary of the 'Life' of Johnson. Introd. David Daiches. 1991.
Dobson, Austin. A Paladin of Philantropy and other Essays. Chatto, 1899. (Goldsmith, Angelo, Steele, Boswell's editors, John Gay, Grub Street, etc).
Johnson, Boswell and their Circle: Essays Presented to Lawrence Fitzroy Powell in Honour of His Eighty-Fourth Birthday. Oxford, 1965.
?Lewis, Wyndham D. B. The Hooded Hawk or, The Case of Mr Boswell. Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1946.
Lucas, F. L. The Search for Good Sense: Four 18th-Century Characters. Cassell 1958. (Johnson, Chesterfield, Boswell, Goldsmith).
Lynd, Robert. "Boswell." In Lynd, Dr. Johnson and Company. London: Hodder, n. d. 49-90.
Macaulay (Lord). "Croker's Edition of Boswell's Life of Johnson." In Macaulay, Critical and Historical Essays. London: Longmans, 1884. 165-89.*
MacCarthy, Desmond. "Boswell." In Desmond MacCarthy: The Man and His Writings. Introd. David Cecil. London: Constable, 1984. 138-43.*
Powell, L. F. "Boswell's Original Journal of His Tour to the Hebrides and the Printed Version." Essays and Studies 23 (1938): 58-69.
Quennell, Peter. Four Portraits: Studies of the Eighteenth Century. Collins, 1946. (Boswell, Gibbon, Sterne, Wilkes).
Rader, Ralph. "Literary Form in Factual Narrative: The Example of Boswell's Johnson." In Essays in Eighteenth Century Biography. Ed. P. B. Daghlian. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1968.
_____. "Literary Form in Factual Narrative: The Example of Boswell's Johnson." In Boswell's Life of Johnson: New Questions, New Answers. Ed. John A. Vance. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Press, 1985.
_____. "Literary Form in Factual Narrative: The Example of Boswell's Johnson." In Modern Critical Interpretations: Johnson and Boswell. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House, 1986.
Reed, Joseph W., and Frederick Pottle, eds. Boswell: Laird of Auchinleck.
Scott, Geoffrey. The Making of the Life of Johnson. Vol. 6 of The Private Papers of James Boswell from Malahide Castle. 1929.
Smith, David Nichol, R. W. Chapman and L. F. Powell. Johnson and Boswell Revisited by Themselves and Others. Oxford, 1928.
Smith-Dampier, John L. Who's Who In Boswell. 1935.
Suarez, Michael F., SJ. "Boswell's Blue Pencil: Errors and Excisions in the Life of Johnson." Rev. of James Boswell's Life of Johnson: An Edition of the Original Manuscript in Four Volumes. Vol. 1: 1709-1765. Edinburgh: Edinburgh UP, 1995. TLS 15 Dec. 1995: 11.*
Vance, John A., ed. Boswell's Life of Johnson: New Questions, New Answers. Athens: Univ. of Georgia Press, 1985.
Bloom, Harold, ed. Modern Critical Interpretations: Johnson and Boswell. New York: Chelsea House, 1986.
Martínez-Lage, Miguel. "James Boswell: Un retrato para la posteridad." Lecture at Fundación Juan March 11 Oct. 2007. Online audio:
_____. "La aristocracia intelectual del siglo XVIII: Samuel Johnson." Lecture at Fundación Juan March 9 Oct. 2007.*
Abbott, Claude C. A Catalogue of Papers Relating to Boswell . . . found at Fettercairn House. Oxford, 1936.
Pottle, Frederick A. The Literary Career of James Boswell, Esq., being the Bibliographical Materials for a Life of Boswell. Oxford, 1929.
_____. The Private Papers of James Boswell from Malahide Castle: A Catalogue. 1931.