Standard: WHI.6 The student will demonstrate knowledge of ancient Rome from about 700 b.c. to 500a.d. in terms of its impact on Western civilization by
a) assessing the influence of geography on Roman economic, social, and political development;
b) explaining the social structure and role of slavery, significance of citizenship, and the development of democratic features in the government of the Roman Republic;
c) sequencing events leading to Roman military domination of the Mediterranean basin and Western Europe and the spread of Roman culture in these areas;
d) assessing the impact of military conquests on the army, economy, and social structure of Rome;
e) listing contributions in art and architecture, technology and science, medicine, literature and history, language, religious institutions, and law;
Benchmark 3.6: The student understands the causes and consequences of the unification of the Mediterranean basin under Roman rule.
A. Describe the influence of geography on, and the contributions of the Etruscans and the western Greek colonies to, the development of early Roman civilization (central location, Italian Peninsula, Alps and Mediterranean for protection from eastern powers, sea borne commerce).
F. Describe the political and social institutions of the Roman Republic (including representative democracy, patricians, plebeians, foreign citizenship, Twelve Tables, Senate, assemblies, consul, veto, tribune, slavery) and rights and responsibilities of citizenship (taxes, military service).
J. Identify the major contributions of Roman civilization (including Pantheon, Colosseum, Forum, roads, aqueducts, arches, public health, baths, water systems, medical schools, Latin, Romance languages, mythology, innocent until proven guilty, Ptolemy, Virgil’s Aeneid).
Topic: Rome
Title: Ancient Rome: Rise to Power
Length of segment: Total Video: 49min 52secs; Part I: 25min 52secs; Part II: 24mins
(2 lessons)
Overview: Founding of Rome, Rome’s infrastructure, Formation of Republic, Coliseum, Brief Influence on America and Napoleon
Teacher Preparation: Photocopy Video Guides (see below)
Follow up: Have students watch Part I of video and complete video guides. Using their video guides for help, then have students compare/contrast Rome and America based upon these four topics:
1. Infrastructure, 2. Founding, 3. Entertainment, 4. Places/People learned from
Then discuss answers either as pairs or as a class.
Have students watch Part II of video and complete video guides. Then have students write an opinioned paragraph on both of the following topics:
1. What might have happened if Cincinnatus had not stepped down as dictator? Why do you think these events might have occurred?
2. What might have happened if George Washington had not stepped down as our first President? Why do you think these events might have occurred?
Recommended lesson length:
(2 lessons)
Part I: 35-40mins
Part II: 35mins
Rome Video: Rise to Power
Name ______Period ______Date______
Part I
1. The Coliseum could seat ______people, and there was standing room for ______more.
2. In one series of games, ______people and ______animals were slaughtered.
3. When the Coliseum was built, Rome was a city of ______people. This size was not repeated in a European city until London in the ______century.
4. What would a time traveler notice about Rome? List three characteristics.
5. Why did Julius Caesar forbid wheeled carts during the day?
6. The Romans invented the science of ______. Using a new material called ______, the Romans built their city.
7. The greatest urban planning achievement of the Romans was the ______supply. The aqueducts reached ______miles into the mountains.
8. Romans consumed ______tons of grain weekly.
9. The Roman empire stretched from ______to Syria.
10. You could travel from ______to ______on paved roads, using one currency, and with only one passport in your pocket.
11. There were over ______soldiers in the Roman army.
12. Rome was the first ______.
13. The ______founders were greatly influenced by Rome.
14. The basis of our ______system lies in Rome.
15. Napoleon said, “The story of Rome is the story of ______.”
16. When the Greeks and Phoenicians sailed west to establish colonies, what did they find already existed in Italy?
17. Before the Romans, there were the ______, who gave the Romans everything but left no ______.
18. The Etruscans held the richest deposits of iron ore, ______, and ______in the central Mediterranean.
19. How were Etruscan women treated differently than in other empires?
20. What did the Etruscans do at funerals of important men and other rituals?
21. Etruscan engineers taught the Romans how to ______the marshes and channel water into underground ______.
22. Livy was one of Rome’s greatest ______, who lived during the reign of the emperor ______.
23. Why didn’t Augustus like the way Romans lived when he came to power?
24. Romulus and Remus were raised by ______.
25. Augrs were the ______of early Rome who divined the will of ______.
26. How did they decide that Romulus would be the first king of Rome?
Part II
1. The Sabines were the ______of the Romans. The Romans stole the ______of these people.
2. In 17 A.D., Livy’s Chronicles contained ______volumes (books) written in ______, but the Chronicles had no effect on the Roman lifestyle.
3. The Etruscan king Servius Telius carried out Rome’s first ______.
4. Servius sowed the seeds of ______government. He created the ______, the legislative branch of government.
5. The fighting force of Rome was called the ______.
6. What did Lucretia represent to the Romans?
7. The rape of Lucretia and her subsequent suicide caused the Romans to do what?
8. Lucretia’s legacy to Rome was its ______.
9. The Romans vowed never again to live under a ______.
10. Rome would be a res publica, a ______.
11. The letters SPQR stood for “Senatus populus que Romanus.” In English, this means ______.
12. The Romans freed themselves from the Etruscans in ______BC. They fought for over ______years.
13. Publius codified the ______ideas of Rome.
14. Rome would build a triumphal ______to celebrate its military victories.
15. The Romans called the Gauls from France “______”.
16. In cases of crisis, Rome elected a ______who ruled for ______months. The greatest of these was Cincinnatus. He is compared to the famous American leader ______.