Writing Rubric – 20pt scale

18.5 - 20 (A)

Superior papers are specific in their references, cogent in their definitions,

and free of plot summary that is not relevant to the question. These essays need not be without flaws, but they demonstrate the writer's ability to discuss a literary work with insight and understanding and to control a wide range of the elements of effective composition. At all times they stay focused on the prompt, providing specific support--mostly through direct quotations--and connecting scholarly commentary to the overall meaning.

16.5 - 18 (B)

These papers are less thorough, less perceptive or less specific than 9-8

papers. They are well-written but with less maturity and control. While they demonstrate the writer's ability to analyze a literary work, they reveal a more limited understanding and less stylistic maturity than do the papers in the 9-8 range.

14.5 - 16 (C)

Safe and “plastic,” superficiality characterizes these essays. Discussion of

meaning may be formulaic, mechanical, or inadequately related to the chosen details. Typically, these essays reveal simplistic thinking and/or immature writing. They usually demonstrate inconsistent control over the elements of composition and are not as well conceived, organized, or developed as the upper- half papers. However, the writing is sufficient to convey the writer's ideas, stays mostly focused on the prompt, and contains at least some effort to produce analysis, direct or indirect.

12.5 - 14 (D)

Discussion is likely to be unpersuasive, perfunctory, underdeveloped or

misguided. The meaning they deduce may be inaccurate or insubstantial and not clearly related to the question. Part of the question may be omitted altogether.

The writing may convey the writer's ideas, but it reveals weak control over such elements as diction, organization, syntax or grammar. Typically, these essays contain significant misinterpretations of the question or the work they discuss; they may also contain little, if any, supporting evidence, and practice paraphrase and plot summary at the expense of analysis.

0 - 12 (F)

These essays compound the weakness of essays in the 12.5 -14 range and

are frequently unacceptably brief. They are poorly written on several counts, including many distracting errors in grammar and mechanics. Although the writer may have made some effort to answer the question, the views presented have little clarity or coherence.

based on an excerpt adapted from Conni M. Shelnut ,Lakeland, FL

Rubric for AP Essays

Score / Letter Grade / Point Value (20) / Criteria for score
9 / A / 20 / Excellent, specific thesis; excellent illustrations/specific, detailed support; excellent organization; sound mechanics; effective imagination, sees and makes connections; no major grammatical errors (SVA, PNC, PNA, CS, SF, RO)
8 / A- / 18.5 / Excellent, specific thesis; excellent illustrations/specific, detailed support; efficient organization; less imagination of speculation; a few mechanical flaws which do not reduce the impact of the analysis; no more than 1 instance of major grammatical errors
7 / B+ / 18 / Intelligent, yet less concise thesis; effective illustrations; sound organization; adequate mechanics; a “safe” paper, beautifully done; no more than 2 instances of major grammatical errors
6 / B / 16.5 / Good, safe thesis, completely adequate in every way; some illustrations; a beginning, middle, and end; significantly less imagination; no more than 3 instances of major grammatical errors
5 / C+ / 16 / The thesis is adequate, yet unnecessarily general; predictable illustrations; general analysis; a few definite mechanical flaws; intelligent observations and conclusions; contains minor errors in comprehension of work (mistaken character or place names, etc.); no more than 3 instances of major grammatical errors; use of 2nd person or 1st person – one instance
4 / C / 15 / The thesis is too large or vague; some illustrations, but surface analysis; definite mechanical flaws or carelessness; the writing has “moments” when it’s an essay as opposed to a plot summary or other form; shows major problems with comprehension of work; no more than 4 instances of major grammatical errors
3 / D+ / 14 / An adequate report; the thesis is much too large or vague; an intelligent summary; few illustrations; punctuation flaws; might reflect a simple lack of effort or hurried, last-minute preparation; 4 or more instances of major grammatical errors; use of 1st or 2nd person – more than one instance
2 / D / 12.5 / The thesis, if it exists, is hiding; it is up to the reader to find it; assortment of rambling generalizations; amidst all the generalization, there are enough intelligent observations to justify a passing grade; many grammatical errors; 5 or more instances of major grammatical errors
1 / F / 12 / Lack of effort; no thesis, therefore nothing to illustrate; no interest in topic; usually, rather brief, undeveloped; completely off-topic; shows no comprehension of work; contains 6 or more major grammatical errors.

Essay Scoring Guide

❏ / 8/9 / Clear, logical, fluid and follows format with artful transitions; focused on thesis
❏ / 6/7 / Logical; follows format with smooth transitions
❏ / 5 / Present, but there may be some confusion
❏ / 3/4 / Flawed; does not follow format; weak control
❏ / 8/9 / Insightful, meaningful; demonstrates writer’s ability to discuss and clearly analyze with
❏ / 6/7 / insight, understanding, and control
Less thorough, less incisive, or less specific; demonstrates writer’s ability to analyze
❏ / 5 / literary work, but reveal a more limited understanding than 9/8 papers
Safe, plastic, superficial; reveals simplistic thinking and/or immature writing with thin,
❏ / 3/4 / commonplace information that addresses prompt
Misinterpretations, underdeveloped or misguided; paraphrase and plot-summary at the
expense of analysis
❏ / 8/9 / Skillful use of excellent concrete detail selection; documented correctly
❏ / 6/7 / Good concrete detail selection; documented correctly
❏ / 5 / Acceptable use of concrete detail selection; documented correctly
❏ / 3/4 / Weak and/or flawed concrete detail selection; doesn’t support topic sentence / question
❏ / 8/9 / Excellent, critical use of varied sentence structure; powerful, excellent word choice
❏ / 6/7 / used correctly; wording is obviously well chosen
Good variety; good word choice used correctly which emphasizes the point
❏ / 5 / Limited with simple sentences; average, ordinary word choice or odd word choice;
❏ / 3/4 / diction may be marred by repetitions and imprecision
Sentences are awkward, ambiguous, and/or confusing / little if any sentence variety;
simple word choice; words used incorrectly; slang; odd phrasing
❏ / 8/9 / Superior paper with stylistic flair that expresses ideas with clarity and skill; excellent
❏ / 6/7 / grammar, punctuation, spelling
Minimal / insignificant mechanical errors that do not detract from meaning
❏ / 5 / Mechanics and/or legibility is a consistent problem; repeats may be a concern
❏ / 3/4 / Essay is hard to understand due to grammar, mechanics, and/or legibility; evidence of
careful proofreading is scanty, or nonexistent.

9/8 (A): Excellent / Powerful / Rich Content 18.5-20 Points: A

7/6 (B): Good / Solid 16.5-18 Points: B

5 (C): Adequate / Average 14.5-16 Points: C

4/3 (D): Demonstrates Problems / Rudimentary 12.5-14 Points: D

Mellen 15-16