We're gearing up for 2010

What some prior contestants/finalists have to say:

Wisconsin RWA's Fab Five was the first contest I submitted "Redeeming Will Scarlet" to, and it turned out to be my first contest final. An amazing feeling! The positive responses and generous feedback I received from judges helped me believe in this project like nothing else could, convincing me to pitch at Nationals--a pitch that led to my first sale. Now retitled What a Scoundrel Wants, the book was released as a Kensington Zebra Debut in December 2008. I love to think that my road to success started with the Fab Five. Thanks so much

Carrie Lofty, finalist 2007 historical category

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I never did final in the FAB Five. Wish I could have. Here is what the FAB Five did for me:

The contest forced me to concentrate on my opening MANY times. The feedback from the judges was in-depth and always positive. When I added a prologue that upped the tension and drama of the first ten pages, that is when I made the finalist round in the Golden Heart which helped make my first sale.

Kathryn Leigh Albright
~ The Angel & the Outlaw ~ Harlequin Historicals, December 2007

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We've kept the basics the same for 2010.

Don't want to mess with rising postage costs and printing?

All entries will be submitted electronically.

We still have five fabulous finalists in seven categories.

Each category has a cap of 25 maximum entries.

We haven't changed what worked so well in the past:

· Ten pages

· No synopsis

· Simple score sheet

· Great feedback

So polish those first ten pages of your novel. Make them so FABULOUS an agent or editor has to have more!

Five Fabulous Finalists in Seven Categories!

Historical - Romantic novels with a historical setting. Projected word count: 80,000-100,000 plus words. Example target markets: Bantam Dell; NAL; Avon; Berkley-Jove; Grand Central; Dorchester; Harlequin Historicals.

Paranormal/Fantasy/Futuristic/Time Travel - Romantic novels with any time setting that includes elements such as time travel, angels, witches, vampires, aliens, or other paranormal themes. Novels can vary in length. Example markets: Silhouette Nocturne/Luna; Tor/Forge; Pocket Star; Dorchester/Leisure.

Romantic Suspense - Romantic novels with strong suspense/intrigue components along with a love story. Example markets: Berkley; St. Martin's Press; Kensington; Harlequin Intrigue.

Series Contemporary Long/Short - Romantic novels with a projected count of 40,000-70,000 words including short series romances. Released each month. The love story is the main focus. Example markets: Silhouette Desire; Harlequin Romance, Blaze and American.

Single Title Romance - Romantic novels with a projected count over 75,000 words including long series romances. More involved plotlines & secondary plots, but HEA. Example markets: Sourcebooks; Avon; Pocket; HQN; Kensington.

Women’s Fiction – Novels with word length of approx. 85,000 - 110,000 featuring stories with a strong romantic element. Heroine/hero don't need to meet early in manuscript, and doesn't require HEA. Example markets: St. Martin's Press; NAL; Pocket; Bantam Dell.

Young Adult – Novels with a strong romantic theme geared toward teen and young adult readers. Projected word count is 40,000 plus words. Example markets: Simon Pulse, Berkley Jam, MTV Books, Little, Brown & Co., Puffin, Scholastic, Bantam.

If your entry seems to fit more than one category, make your choice based on the stronger of these elements.

· What predominates in the first ten pages.

· What predominates in the plot line and setting.

· What is your target market.

· What is your projected length.

Each of the above categories will have a maximum number of 25 entries. Any entries received beyond that will be returned. Order of entry will be determined by the date and time it is received by the category coordinator. So get your entries ready and send off early.

Our turnaround time for judging first round as well as final round is tight. Any entries received after 11:59 PM (Central Standard Time) on March 1, 2010 will be returned.


In the preliminary round, entries will be judged by three qualified judges - WisRWA and other RWA members experienced in critiquing and/or published authors familiar with your genre. The lowest score will be dropped and the remaining two scores averaged. That average score becomes the final score for that entry. If there are ties within the top scores, FAB 5 reserves the right to break the ties based on the highest dropped score for each tied entry to determine the five finalists.

Every effort will be made to ensure that all entrants will receive their score sheets and judges' comments from this preliminary round. Even though a judge's score might be dropped, you could still benefit from that judge's written comments. The top five entries in each category will move to the final round.

The top five finalists in each category will be ranked by the following editors/agents:

Historical: Amanda Bergeron, Harper Collins Publishers

Paranormal: Sara Megibow, Nelson Literary Agency

Romantic Suspense: Katherine Pelz, The Berkley Publishing Group

Series Contemporary (L/S): Kathleen Scheibling, Harlequin Enterprises

Single Title: Mercedes Fernandez, Kensington Publishing Corp.

Women’s Fiction: Danielle Egan-Miller, Browne & Miller Literary Associates

Young Adult: Rachel Vater, Folio Literary Management

Five Fabulous Finalists!

First round finalists will be announced on or about April 10, 2010. Finalists will be posted on WisRWA website and contacted by email or phone.

First place winners in each category will receive the Silver Quill Award. Second, third place, and honorable mention winners will receive certificates. Winners will be announced at WisRWA's Write Touch Conference, May 14-16, 2010. Final placements will be posted on WisRWA website after the conference and will be published in the RWR September 2010 issue.

Non-finaling entries will be returned after finalists are determined and statistical information is complete.



Contest is open to all authors who have not been published or have a signed contract to be published in RWA approved full-length fiction FOR THE LAST FIVE YEARS. Previous Fabulous Five winners are not eligible to re-enter the winning manuscript, even in revised form. For the purposes of this contest, “RWA approved” includes any publisher on RWA’s list of eligible publishers, and “full-length” fiction will be considered anything at least 65,000 words in length.

Entry Deadline & Mailing:

· All entries must be received by March 1, 2010. Any entries received after this date will be returned.

· Do not send your entry form or payment by any means that requires a signature. They will NOT be accepted.

· Mail or email your ENTRY FORM to WisRWA Fabulous Five Contest, c/o appropriate individual Category Coordinator listed on entry form. Submit the form to meet our contest deadline of 11:59 PM CST on March 1, 2010.

· If you choose to enter more than once, each entry should have a separate entry form and should be done as a separate email or first class mail.

· It is the author’s responsibility to enter the manuscript in the correct category. All clarifications as to category should be made prior to submission. One entry cannot be entered in multiple categories, but multiple entries in the same or multiple categories are welcome.

· There is a minimum requirement of 15 entries per category. The Contest Coordinator reserves the right to cancel a category if the minimum entries are not received by the deadline.

· If a category is cancelled, a reasonable effort will be made to move entries to the second choice categories indicated on the entry forms, if those categories have not yet reached the maximum.

· Each category is capped with a 25 entry maximum. Entries received beyond that will be returned. Order of entry will be determined by the date and time it is received by the category coordinator.

Entry Fees:

· Each entry is $18 for WisRWA members

· OR $20 for non-WisRWA members.

Entries from countries other than the US must enter their manuscripts electronically. However, these entries may still use regular mail when submitting their entry form. No SASE is required for these entries. Notification of results will be sent electronically.

Entry Format:

· Entries must be in proper manuscript format (double-spaced, one inch margins all sides, Times New Roman with size 12 font).

· Maximum of 2,500 words

· Any entries not in the correct format will not be accepted.

· NO synopsis required.

· At the top of each manuscript page include contest category, title, approximate word count of finished manuscript, and page number.

· DO NOT put your name on any manuscript pages.

· No cover page is necessary.

· Send the entry as a Microsoft Word document. If you created the document using the Microsoft Vista or Windows 7 operating system or Office 2007, save and submit the entry in an earlier version of Word.

· Send this new file as an attachment in an email to the appropriate category coordinator. In the subject line put FAB 5 entry followed by your entry title.

EXAMPLE: FAB 5 entry—Born to Win.

· Any entries not set up as a Word file or not included as an email attachment will not be accepted.

· We will check all entries when they arrive to make sure they open. We will contact you if there is a problem. We suggest you check your file before you send it to make sure it opens.

· One (1) completed and signed entry form and agreement for each entry. This can either be mailed using regular mail or can be a second attachment with your entry. This can be mailed before you email your entry, but both must arrive by March 1, 2010.

· If you submitted your entry form using first class mail, include a brief message with your entry indicating your method of payment and the date you sent your entry form.

· One (1) check made out to WisRWA for the applicable entry fee OR a PayPal payment.

· If you use the check option, there will be a $25 charge for any checks returned unpaid.

· If you use the PayPal option, you must include the PayPal transaction ID number, transaction date and amount for each entry on the entry form. Email the PayPal receipt to the category coordinator.

· If you enter more than one manuscript in the same category, you can write one check or include all entries for that category in one PayPal transaction. If you enter different categories, separate payments MUST be made for each category.

Category coordinators:


Christine Olson-Mader; 788 S. Douglas St., Ripon, WI 54971;


De Anne Wildes-Mickelson; 713 Moreland Avenue, Schofield, WI 54476;

Romantic Suspense

Molly Maka; 8705 S. Wood Creek Dr. #1, Oak Creek, WI 53154;

Series Contemporary (Long/Short)

Helen Johannes; 512 W. Cleveland St., Marshfield, WI 54449;

Single Title

Joe Fraser; 20670 Manchester Court, Brookfield, WI, 53045;

Woman’s Fiction

Anne Parent; 3731 North Bay Drive, Racine, WI 53402;

Young Adult

December Gephart; 2009 Mt Vernon St, Oshkosh WI 54901;

If you have any questions, please contact the FAB Five Contest Coordinator:

Karen Miller at