Wisdom of Practice
Qualities of Teaching Tied to Student Learning
Identifying the Domains
A. _____ Students are greeted at the door my Ms. G as they enter the room.
B. _____ Mr. J asks students, as part of the lesson, to brainstorm examples of primitive tools.
C. _____ Mr. A. knows that his students have already learned about adjectives. He plans to incorporate this learning into his lesson about the composition of the paragraph.
D. _____ All teachers in the school meet regularly in grade-level learning communities.
E. _____ Students are to write a letter from a fictional civil war soldier.
F. _____ The teacher notices two students text messaging during the lesson; she moves toward them and hand signals them to turn off their phones.
G. _____ After the lesson, Mr. B chats with another teacher about it, and says that in subsequent lessons he will assign fewer students to each group and he will balance the groups by reading ability.
H. _____ The teacher is creating the end of unit test, which will be administered next week.
I. _____ During the week, students in Ms. K’s science class perform experiments on different types of rocks.
J. _____ Mr. D suggests that before he teaches this lesson again, he will revise the written activity, since it failed to capture the essential learnings he was targeting.
K. _____ The high school classroom is well-organized, with all materials clearly labeled and tables arranged for group work.
Exploring Domain 3 Component ______
NOTE: DO NOT restate the rubric. Instead, provide a scenario, or example, that
illustrates that level of performance.
1. Specific “for instance” or example, that matches with the rubric words for the Unsatisfactory level:
2. Specific “for instance” or example, that matches with the rubric words for the
Needs Improving/Progressing level:
3. Specific “for instance” or example, that matches with the rubric words for the
Proficient level:
4. Specific “for instance” or example, that matches with the rubric words for the Distinguished level:
Generalizing about the Levels of Performance
UNSATISFACTORY / NEEDS IMPROVEMENT OR PROGRESSING / PROFICIENT / DISTINGUISHEDReflection Question: What qualities can teachers build into their lessons to make them more engaging?
Lesson Plan
STEP #3: This column completed with teacher through rubric comparison / STEP #1: FORM #1, LESSON PLAN(To be completed by the teacher in advance of announced observation
and sent to evaluator 2 days in advance) / STEP #3: This column completed with teacher through rubric comparison
DOMAIN 1 / DOMAIN 4: List any evidence for D4 that relates to the lesson being taught; evidence not required for all D4 components
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1a. Demonstrating Knowledge of
Content and Pedagogy: What is the content to be taught? What prerequisite learning is required? / 4a. Reflecting on Teaching: What reflections caused you to design the lesson as you did? After the lesson, state whether the objectives have been met, specifically by whom, and how you know. / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students: Characterize the class. How will you modify this lesson for groups or individual students? / 4b. Maintaining Accurate Records: How do you track student learning as it relates to this lesson? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1c. Selecting Instructional Outcomes: What do you want students to learn during this lesson? / 4c. Communicating with Families: What specifically have you learn by communicating with families that impacted your planning of this lesson? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources: What resources were considered for this lesson and rejected? Why? What resources will be used? Why? / 4d. Participating in a Professional Community: In what ways is today’s lesson related to collaboration with colleagues? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1e.Designing Coherent Instruction: List very briefly the steps of the lesson. / 4e. Growing and Developing Professionally: What aspects of this lesson are the result of some recent professional learning? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1f: Designing Student Assessments: How will you measure the goals articulated in 1c? What does success look like? / 4f: Showing Professionalism: In what ways have you been an advocate for students that relate directly to this lesson? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
Lesson Plan
STEP #3: This column completed with teacher through rubric comparison / STEP #1: FORM #1, LESSON PLAN(To be completed by the teacher in advance of announced observation
and sent to evaluator 2 days in advance) / STEP #3: This column completed with teacher through rubric comparison
DOMAIN 1 / DOMAIN 4: List any evidence for D4 that relates to the lesson being taught; evidence not required for all D4 components
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1a. Demonstrating Knowledge of
Content and Pedagogy: What is the content to be taught? What prerequisite learning is required? / 4a. Reflecting on Teaching: What reflections caused you to design the lesson as you did? After the lesson, state whether the objectives have been met, specifically by whom, and how you know. / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students: Characterize the class. How will you modify this lesson for groups or individual students? / 4b. Maintaining Accurate Records: How do you track student learning as it relates to this lesson? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1c. Selecting Instructional Outcomes: What do you want students to learn during this lesson? / 4c. Communicating with Families: What specifically have you learn by communicating with families that impacted your planning of this lesson? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources: What resources were considered for this lesson and rejected? Why? What resources will be used? Why? / 4d. Participating in a Professional Community: In what ways is today’s lesson related to collaboration with colleagues? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1e.Designing Coherent Instruction: List very briefly the steps of the lesson. / 4e. Growing and Developing Professionally: What aspects of this lesson are the result of some recent professional learning? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1f: Designing Student Assessments: How will you measure the goals articulated in 1c? What does success look like? / 4f: Showing Professionalism: In what ways have you been an advocate for students that relate directly to this lesson? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
Lesson Plan
STEP #3: This column completed with teacher through rubric comparison / STEP #1: FORM #1, LESSON PLAN(To be completed by the teacher in advance of announced observation
and sent to evaluator 2 days in advance) / STEP #3: This column completed with teacher through rubric comparison
DOMAIN 1 / DOMAIN 4: List any evidence for D4 that relates to the lesson being taught; evidence not required for all D4 components
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1a. Demonstrating Knowledge of
Content and Pedagogy: What is the content to be taught? What prerequisite learning is required? / 4a. Reflecting on Teaching: What reflections caused you to design the lesson as you did? After the lesson, state whether the objectives have been met, specifically by whom, and how you know. / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students: Characterize the class. How will you modify this lesson for groups or individual students? / 4b. Maintaining Accurate Records: How do you track student learning as it relates to this lesson? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1c. Selecting Instructional Outcomes: What do you want students to learn during this lesson? / 4c. Communicating with Families: What specifically have you learn by communicating with families that impacted your planning of this lesson? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources: What resources were considered for this lesson and rejected? Why? What resources will be used? Why? / 4d. Participating in a Professional Community: In what ways is today’s lesson related to collaboration with colleagues? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1e.Designing Coherent Instruction: List very briefly the steps of the lesson. / 4e. Growing and Developing Professionally: What aspects of this lesson are the result of some recent professional learning? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
o U
o NI
o P
o D / 1f: Designing Student Assessments: How will you measure the goals articulated in 1c? What does success look like? / 4f: Showing Professionalism: In what ways have you been an advocate for students that relate directly to this lesson? / o U
o NI
o P
o D
Focus Questions for Domain 2
2a. The distinguished level of this component refers to individualizing respect. Give an example of what this means.
2b. What is the difference between this component, A Culture for Learning, and 2a, Respect and Rapport?
2c. At the distinguished level of this component, students manage some of the classroom procedures. Which procedures are appropriate for students to manage? Why?
2d. In the distinguished level of this component, the teacher’s management of student behavior is “subtle and preventive”. Give some examples of this type of management.
2e. What do students have to be specifically taught in order for them to function at the distinguished level of this component?
Domain 1Planning and Preparation
a. Demonstrating Knowledge of Content
and Pedagogy
Knowledge of Content and the Structure of the Discipline
Knowledge of Prerequisite Relationships
Knowledge of Content-Related Pedagogy
b. Demonstrating Knowledge of Students
Knowledge of Child and Adolescent Development
Knowledge of the Learning Process
Knowledge of Students’ Skills, Knowledge, and Language Proficiency
Knowledge of Students’ Interests and Cultural Heritage
Knowledge of Students’ Special Needs
c. Selecting Instructional Outcomes
Value, Sequence, and Alignment
Suitability for Diverse Learners
d. Demonstrating Knowledge of Resources
Resources for Classroom Use
Resources to Extend Content Knowledge and Pedagogy
Resources for Students
e Designing Coherent Instruction
Learning Activities
Instructional Materials and Resources
Instructional Groups
Lesson and Unit Structure
f. Designing Student Assessment
Congruence with Instructional Outcomes
Criteria and Standards
Design of Formative Assessments / Domain 2
The Classroom Environment
a. Creating an Environment of Respect and Rapport
Teacher Interaction with Students
Student Interactions with One Another
b. Establishing a Culture for Learning
Importance of the Content
Expectations for Learning and Achievement
Student Pride in Work
c. Managing Classroom Procedures
Management of Instructional Groups
Management of Transitions
Management of Materials And Supplies
Performance of Non-Instructional Duties
Supervision of Volunteers And Paraprofessionals
d. Managing Student Behavior
Monitoring of Student Behavior
Response to Student Misbehavior
e. Organizing Physical Space
Safety and Accessibility
Arrangement of Furniture and Use of Physical Resources
Domain 4
Professional Responsibilities
a. Reflecting on Teaching
Use in Future Teaching
b. Maintaining Accurate Records
Student Completion of Assignments
Student Progress in Learning
Non-instructional Records
c. Communicating with Families
Information About the Instructional Program
Information About Individual Students
Engagement of Families in the Instructional Program
d. Participating in a Professional
Relationships with Colleagues
Involvement in a Culture of Professional Inquiry
Service to the School
Participation in School and District Projects
e. Growing and Developing Professionally
Enhancement of Content Knowledge and Pedagogical Skill
Receptivity to Feedback from Colleagues
Service to the Profession
f. Demonstrating Professionalism
Integrity And Ethical Conduct
Service To Students
Decision Making / Domain 3
a. Communicating with Students
Expectations for Learning
Directions and Procedures
Explanations of Content
Use of Oral and Written Language
b. Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques
Quality of Questions
Discussion Techniques
Student Participation
c. Engaging Students in Learning
Activities and Assignments
Grouping of Students
Instructional Materials and Resources
Structure and Pacing
d. Using Assessment in Instruction
Assessment Criteria
Monitoring of Student Learning
Feedback to Students
Student Self-Assessment and Monitoring of Progress
e. Demonstrating Flexibility and Responsiveness
Lesson Adjustment
Response to Students
Evidence vs. Opinion
SCENARIO / E/O? / REWRITE OPINION AS EVIDENCE / D/C1. Ss in Mr. T’s biology class don’t seem to like him.
2. Two Ss off task – disrupt others. Mr. P. goes over, stands. Behavior stops.
3. Mr. J.: “Boys shouldn’t take home economics.”
4. (First day of class) Ms. J – roll: “Correct me if I mispronounce your name”
5. Ss didn’t do very well on the biology test.
6. Ms. A. tells Ss, “disappointed” with performance on test.
7. T has difficulty managing several instructional groups at once.
8. Ss experimenting with batteries, bulbs and wire. Two Ss borrow supplies to take home.
9. Ss watch interviews – TV; small group discuss techniques used.
10. When tests are returned, 7 students make comments that they didn’t understand the grading criteria. 2 students said, “Unfair!”
11. Ss demonstrate their findings with pride.
12. The room is attractive and cheerful.
Lesson Plan