Windsor Lawn Tennis Club / Annual Report and Accounts 2011
President: / Ken Reid
Vice Presidents: / Arthur Norris
Chris Parsons
Chairman: / George Hewitt
Honorary Secretary: / David Williams
Honorary Treasurer: / Martin Drayne
Gordon Addy / David French
Alice Clark / David Gotto
Colin Clear / George Hewitt
David Frazer / Rosamund Thompson
Tennis Captain: / David Frazer
Tennis Vice-Captain: / Alice Clark
Child Protection Officers: / John Adair
Gail Watson


Squash Committee / General Purposes Committee / Tennis Committee
Andrew Glover (Convenor) / David Williams (Convenor) / David Frazer (Convenor)
Stephen Boyd / Martin Drayne / Gordon Addy
Guy Fetherston / George Hewitt / Alice Clark
Olivia Moore / David French
Greg O’Rawe (League Sec) / Greg O’Rawe
David Williams / Rosamund Thompson
Finance Committee / Development Committee
Martin Drayne (Convenor) / George Hewitt (Convenor)
Gordon Addy / Gordon Addy
Colin Clear / David Gotto
Greg O’Rawe

We started the year with the continuing bad weather, and were still in the midst of the Planning process to get the Dome back up. That was successfully concluded but not in time for the end of March re-erection.

Things soon took on a brighter hue with the onset of play both Club and League. David Frazer's report covers the excellent season our teams experienced from Mixed through to Evergreens. I hear there is talk, with the ever-aging demographic creeping up on us, of another Evergreens team - I might even bluff my way to a match or two!

I would also like on behalf of the Club to thank Brian McNulty for his devotion to the crucial Club sessions. These form the heart of the Club where new and old members can mix, and Brian is masterly at matching them up. These sessions have a lot to do with Windsor's well-deserved reputation as a friendly club.

An additional task taken on by the Tennis Committee, and led by Greg O'Rawe, was to visit as many clubs as possible to test surfaces in preparation for the replacement of the playing surface planned for 2012. We owe our thanks to Greg and Co for covering so many miles in their own time and for their work, which proved to be vital when we were forced to accelerate the programme - see below.

So, many thanks to the Tennis Committee for their sterling work organising so many events and activities - including another successful Superset event - during the year.

Another busy year for the Social Committee, and thanks again to David Frazer and his band of trusty helpers. As in most clubs, there tends to be a core of people willing to take the load and organise things, and we are most grateful for their efforts throughout the year.

We would like to see more support for the functions which are being planned for 2012 - if you haven't been to one yet, come along and enjoy a good time - at very reasonable prices. Not to be sniffed at in these difficult times!

The Finance Committee had a torrid year and Martin Drayne, Gordon Addy and Colin Clear had a lot of work to do to face the several un-planned expenditures we were faced with and we thank them for their application to this largely thankless task.

An anomaly which doesn't assist matters is that the Club's financial year begins on 1st January, but a new Council only starts work in April so a significant part of the financial year has already elapsed. To improve financial controls, the outgoing Council has struck a Budget for the year 2012. This will of course be subject to review by the incoming 2012 Council but has worked well for the first 3 months of this year.

Thanks to Wendy and the Staff for taking these stringent budget constraints on board and we look forward to a good 2012 on a better financial footing.

Although it is strictly in the new club year, it would be remiss of me not to thank everyone for the huge amount of work that had to be put in as a result of the storm damage at the beginning of January, 2012. As a result we have accelerated the carpet replacement project and the new carpet has been laid and the significantly re-fettled Dome re-erected.

This outstanding achievement was in large part due to the hours of work put in by our Chief Clerk of Works, David Gotto, and as a result Windsor has the finest playing facilities to look forward to in 2012.

G. H.



7th August 1935 – 29th November 2011

On the 29th of November 2011 Windsor sadly lost one of its longest serving and most respected members. Barry became a member in his teenage years in 1953. During all of the past 58 years he had been involved in all aspects of club life. He had played tennis since joining and squash from when the first squash court was built in 1973. His enthusiasm for clay court tennis was reflected in the strengths of his baseline dominating game. He played for many years in the Ulster tournaments in which most of the competitors were relieved to find they had not been drawn to play him. He represented Belfast at the inter-county championships and also in the annual fixture against Dublin Leagues for a number of years. Barry played for many of the Windsor Senior League and Veterans League winning teams over the years.

His roles in the administrative side of Windsor started in assisting with the organisation and running of the Ulster Senior and Junior Hardcourt Championships. This was followed with being a member of the selection committee for league teams for many years. Barry was a member of the tennis committee during the 1980’s and also Honorary Club Treasurer in that period.

In recognition of his work for the club Barry was awarded an Honorary membership for life. His playing days only finished a couple of years ago and right up until last summer Barry was still performing his duties as “Non-playing captain” of the Veterans Men’s League team.

Barry is sadly missed by all of his friends at Windsor and further afield across Ulster and Irish tennis.

K. R.


19th August 1952 – 10th August 2011

In August 2011 Windsor Squash sadly lost one of its longest serving and most respected members. Ivan became a member of Windsor in the 1970’s after graduating from Queens having studied Economics. After leaving Queens, Ivan began working at Harris Marrion, which later became Willis, where he was a Commercial Sales Director until he fell ill. Ivan was a very important part of the Willis team and was very well respected by his work colleagues and clients for his exceptional organisation and professionalism.

Ivan was the Captain of our ‘B’ team or the ‘Killer Bs’ as he liked to call them. He was also a prominent member of the Veteran Team. A well known figure in Ulster Squash and regarded as a real competitor wherever he would play. Despite being intensely competitive Ivan was always ready to offer a handshake, win or lose and poised to unleash some of that sharp wit and humour after the game. He was responsible for the Wednesday match report which contained a blow by blow account of the night before. This was guaranteed to have us chortling at our computers the following day and I know that many of our opponents from other clubs wanted access to our humorous accounts.

Ivan was also a good hockey player and played for many years for Collegians 1st XI and was still playing for Belfast Harlequins up until his illness. He represented Ireland Veterans and competed in several home nations competitions. As well as competitive hockey, Ivan was very much involved in the social side of hockey. He played for the Grasshoppers, who are legends in social hockey circles. Ivan also played cricket at Collegians, and he was a keen follower of the International game attending many Test Matches around the world. His other great love was Tottenham Hotspur. I am sure he is relishing their recent success and no doubt would have something to say about Harry going to England.

I had the privilege to play alongside Ivan on the B Team and on the hockey field. For me he epitomised the true essence of every great club man, intensely competitive, passionate and very loyal. Total commitment was all Ivan was prepared to give in every aspect of his life. He was a true gentleman and a great ambassador for Windsor Lawn Tennis Club. Ivan is very sadly missed both on and off the court by all his friends at Windsor and all his friends in Ulster Squash.

A.  G.



Tennis Captain Report

The year began with a couple of changes to the Tennis Committee, and we thanked and said farewell to Cathy Fay who we are indebted to for all the hard work she put into the previous year, especially by resurrecting the social scene at Windsor. Simon Hunter also stepped down from the committee after a busy year, however he continued to run the very successful Windsor E-zine ‘The Racquet’. Simon helped us rearrange peak slots on the court booker, a task that required his expert I.T. skills and we thank him for that. I was delighted to welcome Alice Clark onto the committee as our new Vice-Captain.

The players had been chosen for the various B & D Leagues so all we had to do was go out and serve, volley and smash our way to victory or just have a good time trying. So after a multitude of sambos, sticky cakes and speeches we ended up with an amazing twelve trophies; however the biggest match came in the challenge cup when our mixed B team were drawn against our mixed D team. Although the winners did not go on to win the cup, the big showdown between Pats Patriots and Dons Dominators was a great spectacle played in good spirit and much laughter with Pat’s team just edging a close encounter. The Men’s A team had a great double win taking both the Singles league and senior Knockout Cup. Our Men’s team won the autumn league while both Ladies and Men’s Teams won their respective winter leagues. After our B and D teams won their mixed leagues it was the turn of the Men’s evergreen teams to share the spotlight by winning the Division 1 and 2 leagues which will put two Windsor teams in the top league next year, so book your seats early for that one. The hard work Prezmek and Simon are doing with the Junior squads is paying dividends with Windsor’s U14 Boys teams winning two leagues and one cup, well done to them. Very sadly the non-playing Captain of the Men’s evergreen A team Barry Cowan passed away in November.

The popularity of Club night supervised by Simon McFarland has meant that an extra court was provided to cope with the growing numbers. Along with the Saturday Club afternoon they have become a great way for new members to meet other players and enjoy a variety of games over two or three hours. I took over Cathy’s role on the Social Committee just after the Ladies night had taken place in March, good timing I thought, and we started planning for the Summer BBQ in May which was a great night of food and dancing. The Superset tournament in the middle of June took place on a perfect sunny day, it was very enjoyable and a big thanks to the members who helped to provide a wonderful tea. Prezmek Stec and Lynsey McCullough won the Men’s and Ladies sections respectively, repeating their success of 2010.

A membership drive brought some new faces to the club during the early summer period. To help welcome the new members we held a Wimbledon picnic weekend on the 25th June. This was a fun tournament and Przemek our head coach also arrived to join in some of the matches. Afterwards everyone enjoyed food together to end a lovely sunny afternoon.

After the holiday period there was a Summer Saturday tennis day on the 13th August. Brian organised the games, the sun shone and once again we all enjoyed the tea and sandwiches, it was nice to see everyone after the break.

In September to get our Annual Club tournament started we held a pizza/quiz on the Friday night. Gerry Kelly assisted by his wife hosted the quiz, causing much scratching of heads as he put our memories to the test. I am very grateful to Gerry for taking the time to compile the questions and entertain us so well. The Club internal tournament began in very windy conditions which eased allowing calmer weather to arrive for the weekend. There was a large entry and Greg as usual was stirred but not shaken as he juggled the schedules to squeeze all the matches in. As last year we ran the junior tournament alongside the adult one. I am very thank full to Greg and Simon for helping to make the competition run so smoothly and also to Simon Hunter for the gallery of photos which you can see on the Windsor Flikr page. Bacon baps, tea and coffee were provided on finals day, which were gratefully received by players and non players alike.

The Captains night was held on October 8th and Wendy Phillips with her team did a fantastic job transforming the room. We enjoyed an exhibition from the Salsa dancers which was much appreciated. The food was by Randals who provided a very good buffet with desert from the French Village. After the meal, inspired by the Salsa dancers we took to the floor and danced away, well I call it dancing but not quite in time to the beat, in my case anyway. Thanks to everybody who helped plan the evening - I really appreciated your time and effort.

Also in October we invited Ballycastle Tennis Club to come and join us at our Saturday Club afternoon. There were some good matches and we were able to play outside as well once the rain receded. Afterwards we provided a supper and enjoyed the company of our guests. Thanks to Roger Henry for organising the trip down from Ballycastle.

Windsor was well represented at the annual B & D awards dinner in October held at the Boat club. The banter between the clubs was good natured and everyone appeared to have a great evening. We collected a range of cups and shields to cap a very successful year which hopefully will be sustained as we have a lot of new members keen to play competitive tennis.