Will New Technology Solve Global Problems?

Throughout this unit you have learned a lot about the challenges facing our world, including global conflicts, limited resources, and environmental concerns. Now you will learn how new technologies and scientific advances have addressed some of the challenges of globalization. You will research to understand the problem and solutions, to analyze the effectiveness of the solutions, and to propose suggestions for the future.

To accomplish this task, you will work in a group to share the research, brainstorm ideas, and prepare a class presentation. The class presentation must include the following:

· Explanation of the problem and why it is a global problem

· Description of technology or scientific solutions that have addressed the problem in the past or are currently addressing the problem

· Analysis of the solutions, including any negative consequences or unresolved issues

· Data from reliable sources that supports the information you present

· At least two suggestions for how to more effectively address the problem

Global Problems

The following four areas have experienced significant advances in the last several decades, yet challenges remain. The statements below provide an overview of the area of advancement, as well as subtopics that will help to narrow your research. You may go beyond what is included but be sure to address all parts of the statement.

Agricultural Advances. Agricultural advances have changed what and how crops are grown globally, resulting in higher crop yields; however, concerns about genetically engineered crops, environmental damage, underpayment of farmers in developing nations, and loss of biodiversity remain unresolved.

Communication Advances. Technological advances in communication have had a major impact on mass culture, and economic and social interactions. Less developed nations have struggled to overcome the emerging digital divide that favors more developed nations.

Medical Advances. Medical advances have improved standards of living for many, including access to health care, vaccinations, antibiotics, AIDS drugs, and preventive care. Despite these advances, inequalities in medical care between developed and less developed nations remain significant.

Energy Advances. Advances in energy technology, including nuclear, wind, solar, biofuels, and clean coal, have shown promise in addressing global energy needs and reducing the effects of global warming; however, many questions and challenges remain.

Understanding the Problem

What’s the problem?

What technology has been developed to address the problem?

Understanding the Solutions

How are international organizations, businesses, or local people addressing the problem?

What have been positive and negative outcomes of using this new technology?

Next Steps for the Future

Evaluate the effectiveness of the technology in addressing the problem.

What do you think the international community needs to do to further address the problem?