Wiley Magnet Middle School
1400 NW Blvd.
Winston-Salem, NC27014
(336) 727-2378- Main Office
(336) 727-2502- Guidance Office
(336) 727-8412- Fax
website: wsfcs.k12.nc.us/wileyms
Twitter: @WileyMS
Support Team
Lisa Bodenheimer- Principal
Leigh Walters- Assistant Principal
Trent Watkins- Assistant Principal
Rosalyn Crayton- Lead Secretary
Marlo Smith- Data Manager
Michele Silmser- Curriculum Coordinator
Tracy Landreth-STEAM Coach
TBD- Parent Involvement Coordinator
Heather Dirks- EC Case Manager
Laura Lyons- Media Coordinator
Jeremy Jessup- Guidance Counselor
Catherine Pritchard- Guidance Counselor
Elizabeth Dones- Administrative Asst.
Debbie Morton- Guidance Clerk
Officer Stover- School Resource Officer / Wiley Magnet Middle School
Inspiring Innovative Minds
August 3, 2015
Dear Parents/Guardians and Wiley Magnet Middle School Students,
Welcome back to the 2015-16school year at Wiley Magnet Middle School! I am thrilled to be your new principal and look forward to meeting you. We will host a “Meet the Principal” time for rising 6th grade parents from 12:15-1:00 during the 6th grade Orientation. This is an informal time for you to stop by the media center after dropping off your student and have a chance to meet your new principal and ask any questions that you may have. I will also be available to meet as many students and parents as possible during the Open House.
There are many new faces at Wiley this year. Mr. Trent Watkins is the new assistant principal who will work alongside Mrs. Leigh Walters, returning assistant principal, to complete the administrative team. We have many additions to our faculty and I feel confident that they will exceed what you expect from your teachers.
There are many opportunities on the horizon for parents! Parents are encouraged to be a part of our Wiley P.T.A. We are always looking for volunteers to support our school community. Be sure to pick up a volunteer information sheet that will outline the ways you can be involved. It is critical that all parents find some way to connect to their child’s school. The P.T.A can help you do that. Look for them in the media center during Open House.
This year, we continue our implementation of STEAM @ Wiley on a school-wide level. We are excited to integrate Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics with other educational experiences at Wiley! We thank and recognize our STEAM Community Partners including:
Wake Forest Innovation Quarter SciWorks
Reynolda House SECCA
Junior Achievement Winston-Salem State University
Girl Scouts of America Edible School Yard of Greensboro
River Run Film Festival Truliant Credit Union
We invite our Sixth Grade Students to a special Sixth Grade Orientation event on Tuesday, August 18. Beginning at 12:30 p.m., the sixth gradeteachers will provide an opportunity for our new 6th graders to learn the Wiley Way prior to the first day of school. Parents should drop off their sixth grader by 12:30 p.m. at Wiley.Please return to pick up your child by 3:00 p.m.
Later that evening, we will host the Open House for students and families in grades 6, 7 and 8 from 5:30 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. Student schedules will be ready and available at this time. Remember that the First Day of School is August 24!
Important Note Regarding Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up:
·  Our building opens to students each day at 7:25 a.m. Please do not drop off your child before that time. Teachers are not on duty until 7:25 to supervise students.
·  Car riders should be picked up by 3:00 p.m. to avoid the $10 supervision fee.
As a reminder, the student school day is 7:55 a.m.-2:45 p.m. Students who come to school after 7:55 a.m. are tardy and must sign in at the Main Office. At 7:25 a.m., students report to their homeroom class or to the cafeteria for breakfast. Students will remain in their classrooms during this early morning time where they can read, seek assistance with academic work from coreteachers or visit the Media Center. Dismissal is at 2:45 p.m. each day.
Enclosed with this letter you will find information regarding School Supplies and Standard Mode of Dress (SMOD). This information is also on the school website. Feel free to contact the Main Office if you have any questions regarding this information.
Again, student schedules will be available at Open House. We need these last couple of weeks to ensure all schedules are accurate and that teams and classrooms are scheduled to maximize student learning and success. Please note that the Parent Portal will not be accessible until after school starts.
Enjoy your last days of summer vacation! We are excited about the upcoming school year at Wiley Magnet Middle School. While most things will not change, there will be some things that will be done differently. Expectations for student behavior will be high. A focus on quality classroom instruction that impacts student learning will be evident. Experiences that enrich and extend learning for students will be prevalent. Get ready for the best year you can imagine!
My door is open to students and parents. I welcome your input and pledge my commitment to providing leadership that guides and distinguishes Wiley Magnet School as the best middle school in our district. Thank you for sharing your child with us at Wiley as we inspire every student to become an innovative, creative problem-solver by engaging in their learning through a focus on STEAM.
Lisa Bodenheimer
Wiley Magnet Middle School