A level History M. Nichols BWIC 2008-9

Why was it that the 1850 Compromise had started to unravel by 1856? [N. 04]


Like most compromises that of 1850 fully pleased nobody. Couldn’t solve the long-term problems of the USA nor short-term sectionalism. Created seeds of its own destruction. Political, economic, social and even cultural reasons for its failure.

S-T) / Jeffersonian v. Hamiltonian; Louisiana Purchase; US-Mex. War (Grant); Extension of slavery arguments
Unpopular Fugitive Slave Act; splits in Whigs/Democs; creation of Republican Party; Kansas-Nebraska Act; Douglas’ Popular Sovereignty; Death of Clay; partisan politicians; sectional politics and new parties; weak presidents; John Brown; Bleeding Kansas; Lawrence, Kansas;
Economic / Sectional-interests; diff. economic systems; free-soilers (Lincoln); tariffs; Gadsen Purchase
Social / Attitudes towards slaves; Sumner v. Brooks; growing abolitionism; ‘Uncle Tom’s Cabin’; underground railroad; Allan Nevins
Cultural / Wyatt Brown (honour); urban v. rural; immigrant v. non-immigrant populations;


Compromise could not only not solve problems, but exacerbated them and was effectively dead even before 1856; its unravelling laid foundations for Civil War

Analyse the reasons why the US was unable to sustain its policy of neutrality in WWII [N. 02]


FDR did not want to maintain neutrality. US would enter WWII for political, economic, military/strategic & even cultural/social reasons

Political / Dallek versus Divine; analogies with Wilson;
FDR v. AFC; reverse of isolationism (never total anyway)
Dislike of Fascism and Japan; sanctions against Japan; US’ self-interests at stake; FDR propaganda efforts;
Atlantic Charter; Churchill-FDR close relationship;
Economic / Benefits of WWI; arsenal of democracy; Cash and Carry; Lend-Lease; debts of allies; Great Depression solved by WWII; unemployment fell (stats); profits; output of materiel; commercial and trading lifelines;
Military/Strategic / U-boats; dangers of German dominated Europe; Japanese danger to US Pacific interests; Hitler and Japan declared war on US;
Social/Cultural / Anglo-Saxon affinity: history/cultural/language/blood


FDR realised world had changed. US could no longer pursue an ostrich-like policy of isolationism. Dragged along US with him.