June 16, 20054:23 PM

(1) Record Keeping: Teachers have a professional responsibility to monitor, record and communicate student progress. Many schools and districts have adopted networked grading systems, and some publish grades on secure websites.
·  Use a your school's gradebook program to develop a report for a real or hypothetical class of ten or more students who are assessed on five or more assignments. Submit a printout of your gradebook and the detailed report card (progress report) for an individual student. If you do not have access to such a program, you may use Gradekeeper or download a sample shareware "gradebook" program.
(2) Assessment: Teachers must regularly assess student progress. Many textbook publishers make test construction easier by providing test generators, software which allows the teacher to quickly compose tests and keys from question databases. Test generators allow the teacher to input questions, and often provide databases of questions the teacher can select from. *TPE-tip A well-structured exam may be used as an artifact for TPE3, Interpretation and Use of Assessments.
·  Use a test generator to construct an exam composed of questions you have selected from existing question banks.
1) / What is the ratio of students to adults in a NAEYC preschool?
a) 2:24 / b) 1:5
c) 1:24 / d) 2:16
2) / How old can a child be to receive Regional Center services?
a) 0-3
b) 2-4
c) 2-7
d) 0-7
3) / When do Regional Services end for a child?
a) 3
b) 2
c) 1
d) 5
4) / What services can a child receive from Regional Center?
a) Physical Therapy
b) Occupational Therapy
c) Speech Therapy
d) All of the above
5) / What age does a child attend Kindergarten?
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 5
6) / When working with ECSE children, what are you mainly doing with the child?
a) observing the child
b) dictating to the child
c) sitting next to the child
d) following their lead
7) / To work in the Preschool field, one must have a B.A. in Early Childhood Education.
a) True
b) False
8) / To work in the Preschool field, one must have completed 9 units in Early Childhood Education.
a) True
b) False
9) / All preschools in California have an inclusion setting.
a) True
b) False
Word Bank:
National Association for the Education of Young Children
10) / N.A.E.Y.C. stands for ______.
·  Software such as Examview allows teachers to develop tests and post them on the Internet. Take this short physics quiz generated with the Examview, or this geology quiz made with Quizmaker. Include a screen capture of your score (actual score is inconsequential) and discuss the benefits and problems associated with online testing.

Some benefits of online testing include a shorter test time period, shorter grading period for the teacher, test-taking at home if sick, economic savings, environmentally safe (paper is saved); and teachers can use multiple versions of the same tests to be given online. A teacher can minimize the cheating thread. In addition, one can create a test bank, where one can draw questions directly into them. Multiple versions can be created through these online test makers through many years. One can print electronic versions. Most textbooks’ questions bank has the test online in the software. Some problems associated with online testing would be when students save tests to distribute later to future students. Another problem with online test taking would be when students take the test at the same time from different locations where they have access to the use of AIM (instant messenger) and other similar communication devices and use it to send each other the answers while taking the test. Sometimes, the online test is unavailable due to server issues. Also, students can cheat with using textbooks and other resources when taking a test unproctored at locations other than the school.

(3) Communication: Students benefit when teachers clearly state their expectations in written form. When these expectations are available on the Internet, all students and parents can benefit, particularly students who have been absent. A variety of commercial resources exist with which teachers can post calendars, homework assignments, and other important documents.
·  Put your class assignments on the web at Yourhomework, SchoolNotes or similar service. Include a screen capture of your published assignment schedule.
(4) Presentations: Presentation software provides teachers the opportunity to display text and graphics in a slide show fashion. PowerPoint and Keynote are two of the most popular presentation tools. Teachers and professors make extensive use of presentations, but many are concerned about the potentially negative effects such presentations can have on instruction. *TPE-tip A well developed educational presentation can serve as an artifact for TPE 4, Making Content Accessible, or TPE 10, Instructional Time, if used with presenter tools.
·  After reading the articles on the educational use and abuse of presentation software, summarize how presentations should be constructed and delivered to maximize learning and minimize abuse.
The software used in presentations should be engaging to the students. Therefore, it should be a discovery process. It should be interactive and not passive (e.g. not just a linear approach, meaning the text should pop up one by one with or without sound). There should be a good use of graphics to keep the students engaged. A good use of graphics means that the graphics should illustrate purpose. There should be nice transitions, should not too much text, should include animations and sounds, and should include specific literature. The teacher and students should be able to narrate throughout the powerpoint (during the slides, the text, and others) through the “animation” option (e.g. “blinds”), which will increase the attention span and engagement of the students. One wants to use these great graphics and animations in PowerPoint to reduce note taking and no participation and other similar issues such as this.
·  Locate and download one or more PowerPoint presentations relevant to your teaching needs. Include the URL of the location from which you obtained them and summarize the PowerPoint and where in your curriculum you will use it.
This PowerPoint presentation is located at here[1]. In this PowerPoint presentation, the goal is to inform teachers of the child’s phonological awareness skills. The presentation gives teachers sample lesson plans, teaching ideas, and important skills needed in phonics (which will lead to emergent literacy skills, emergent cognitive skills). Mainly, this presentation helps teachers to help preschool children prepare for Kindergarten reading readiness skills. I would actually implement the sample lesson plans at the end of the PowerPoint. Also, I would love to make this presentation for parents to be made aware of the skills that their child should acquire pre-Kindergarten, which would allow the parents ample time to prepare their child for Kindergarten reading skills. I would also implement some of the important attributes needed to educate preschoolers in Reading, listed in the presentation.
·  Make a PowerPoint presentation to teach a lesson in your subject area, keeping in mind the principles that you have outlined above and the guidelines provided (see tutorial). Your presentation should include numerous graphics and be at least 10 slides in length. (a) Provide an electronic copy of your presentation (ppt format) on your website. (b) Embed screen captures of your presentation in the template. Make sure the content is easy to read.
A)  The PowerPoint presentation is located on my homepage.
B)  The screen capture is located on the next page.
·  Using iPhoto (Mac), Picasa (Windows), or similar slide viewer software, create a photo library for your discipline. You should include photos you have taken plus ones retrieved from a graphic search engine. Create two or three slide shows from the library—Slide show 1, slide show 2, slide show 3. Include a screen shot of the slide sorter window for one of your shows. Create a photopage for your website.
(5) Digital Video
·  (5) Digital Video of your Teaching Develop a video of your teaching in accordance with the requirements of PACT.
·  Put your video in your TaskStream account
·  Burn and submit a DVD that includes your movies and other photos

(6) DVD: Develop a lesson using a computer-based DVD-player that includes bookmarks and video clips to access specific scenes.

Identify the DVD and explain why you chose this for a lesson.

I used the DVD, “Planet Earth,” to show the “Seasonal Changes,” “Pollination,” “Weather Occurrences,” “Spring Growth,” and “Hibernation.”

Describe how the scan fast, scan slow, step, mute, bookmark, video clip, and screen size features can be used to enhance your lesson.

Bookmarks- One can bookmark chosen parts of the video to explain, analyze, demonstrate certain changes in the world (concerning animals, plants, flowers, weather, and other science issues) in this video or other issues from other videos.

Video clip- When one adds this to the video (which will be located in a box to the right labeled “video clips,” one can choose and save parts of the video as clips, which can later be shown to the students for further educational purposes.

Screen size features- On a Mac, one can use screen size features to adjust the sizes of the video playing screen. For example, click apple 0, apple 1, apple 2, and apple 3 to show from a full screen size to a notecard sized screen.

Scan fast- On the Mac, one would click apple+ right arrow key to fast forward through the video.

Scan slow- On Mac, one would click apple+ left arrow key to rewind slowly through the video.

Mute- By clicking the “mute” button, the students can narrate the video and give their input on the video clips; and the teacher can narrate the video according to their preference rather than having the volume on where the students could be distracted from the main point of the video. Through the use of the “mute” button, the students can also practice using critical thinking/analysis skills while narrating the video from their seat or during a presentation.

Step procedure- Mainly, the “step procedure” is used in science education where the teacher can talk about chemical reactions, science, and other related materials. Also, a frame can analyze the motion and the careful analysis of changes over time.

(7) Concept Maps: Develop a concept map with graphics and camera, etc.) for your classroom.


[1] Virginia Department of Education. 2008. Schools Teaching Early Phonological Awareness Skills. <>. accessed May 1, 2008.