A Juniorette club is a group of young women, ages 9 through 18, who are interested in helping others through volunteering. Juniorette clubs also offer a variety of social opportunities for young women to experience while under the supervision of adults.
Membership in a Juniorette club gives a young woman the opportunity to work with community leaders, other volunteer organizations, her sponsoring or "mother" club, and members of her own club. These opportunities allow young women to become aware of ways that she can work to help others both in her community and throughout the world.
As a member of a Juniorette club a young woman will learn to develop leader- ship skills by planning and carrying out projects in a variety of areas. Involvement in a
Juniorette club can often be used towards school credits if a certain number of community service hours are completed. Past Juniorettes have found that their volunteer experience has given them an edge when applying for jobs and colleges.
You will find a volunteer record sheet to track service hours in this section 16-H. Most importantly membership in a Juniorette club gives a young woman the opportunity to increase her self-esteem through helping others.
A Juniorette club must be sponsored by a Junior club that is a member of Connecticut Junior Women, Inc.
There are two ways to sponsor a Juniorette club. The "mother" club can form a Juniorette Committee, just as it would have an Arts or Homelife committee, or the Juniorettes can function as a "club within a club". Members of the sponsor club should first vote on the formation of a Juniorette club/committee at a general meeting. If the vote is passed then a bylaw should be proposed and accepted that will cover the sponsoring and functioning of the Juniorettes and their Advisor.
A sample bylaw to be added to the sponsor clubs bylaws would be: There shall be a subcommittee of the club that will be open to girls aged (you decide on ages from 9 to 18). They shall be called (name of Juniorette club/committee).
By including the Juniorette committee/club in the sponsor club's bylaws, you will save them from purchasing their own insurance.
1. When a Juniorette club is being formed, the sponsoring club should contact the CJW Juniorette Coordinator, Director and Assistant Director.
2. The application letter for membership in CJW should be addressed to the CJW Corresponding Secretary. It should be written by the President, Secretary, or Juniorette club committee chair. You should also include with the letter:
a. Name, address, phone, and email address of the club's officers and Advisor.
b. A copy of the club's bylaws if you are forming a club and not a committee.
c. A statement of the total number of members on the date of application.
d. A check for dues for that total number of members made out to CJW.
3. The CJW Corresponding Secretary will present the application to the CJW Executive Committee for action at its' next meeting.
Sharing information about CJW, Inc. and other CJW Junior and Juniorette clubs is an important link for your club. Providing your members with news and information about what's going on around the state helps gives them a sense of belonging. Some great new project ideas often come from reading the Junior Bulletin. This information should be passed on through your club newsletter. It's always good to share special CJW accomplishments such as State Project fund-raising amounts to show what can be accomplished when we work together.
Members should be encouraged to attend CJW events. A portion of your dues could be set aside to help defray the cost of attending conferences. You can also sponsor in-club raffles or raffles at conferences to be used to help with costs.
Take some time with your club and review the CJW history found in this Blue Book. It's interesting to read the changes that have taken place as the economy has grown and a woman's place in society has changed. Tracking your own club’s history would be a great job for some of your members. It could also serve as a great source of inspiration!
1969 A Juniorette program is being developed.
1973 New Britain is the first to form a Juniorette club.
1976 The first Juniorette Coordinator is appointed.
1978 Wolcott and Vernon join CJW as Juniorette clubs.
1980 Wallingford Juniorettes become the newest CJW member.
1981 Wallingford Juniorettes are named Outstanding Club during Spring
Conference at the Stamford Marriott.
1982 Four Juniorette clubs are welcomed to CJW: Newington, Hamden, Marlborough, and West Haven. Wolcott is recognized as the Outstanding Club.
1983 Juniorettes total 119 in 8 clubs. Outstanding Club award is a tie between Wallingford and Hamden. Hamden is awarded the Juniorette membership gavel.
1984 Durham Juniorettes join CJW and Newington is the Outstanding Club.
1985 The first Juniorette Arts and Crafts Day was held. There were over forty entries and there was a program on Color Analysis. Oxford Juniorettes joined CJW and Newington was again voted Outstanding Club. Fall Conference was hosted by a Juniorette club for the very first time! Newington Juniorettes hosted "Junior Celebration" complete with a magic show and a balloon launch.
1986 Westville and Vernon joined CJW and Wallingford takes Outstanding Club once again. A new Juniorette Leadership Award was presented, the Sarah Stevens Leadership Pitcher, in honor of Sarah Stevens. Sarah was the daughter of a Tolland Junior. Sarah died of leukemia. The award was won by Newington Juniorettes.
1987 Five new Juniorette clubs joined CJW this year. Monroe, Farmington,
Southington, Tolland, and Woodbury. Monroe was the big winner this year. They took awards for Outstanding Club, the Larina Pettis Membership Gavel and the Sarah Steven's Leadership Pitcher.
1988 CJW celebrated their 50th Anniversary. Monroe Juniorettes won the Outstanding Club award, the Sarah Steven's Leadership Pitcher and the Larina Pettis Membership Gavel once again.
1989 Tolland Juniorettes were awarded the top three awards this year.
1990 West Haven Juniorettes joined CJW and a CIP award of $150 was given to Tolland. Woodbury Juniorettes received an honorable mention for their CIP entry. A Juniorette Educational Assistance Grant was given for the first time to two Juniorettes from Wolcott. The top three awards were earned by Tolland again this year. There were 153 Juniorettes in 15 Juniorette clubs in the state.
1991 Tolland Juniorettes took won the top three awards for the third year in a row. A Juniorette Merit Scholarship was awarded for $130.
1992 Trumbull Juniorettes joined CJW. Wolcott Juniorettes won as Outstanding Club. Tolland Juniorettes won the other top awards. A CIP award for $300 was given to Tolland Juniorettes for their "Lasting Observance of Veterans". This was the first year that it was mandatory for all clubs to report to the Director. There were 182 Juniorettes in 12 clubs.
1993 Outstanding club award went to Wolcott Juniorettes. Monroe won the Sarah Stevens Leadership Pitcher. Tolland was awarded to Larina Pettis Membership Gavel. There were 148 Juniorettes in 11 clubs. Glastonbury Juniorettes joined CJW.
1994 There were 11 active Juniorette clubs this year with 191 members. The Outstanding Club award went to Trumbull. Tolland won the Leadership Pitcher and Membership Gavel. Woodbury Juniorettes were inactive this year.
1995 The September Executive Board Meeting was hosted by Vernon Juniorettes. Tolland Juniorettes were awarded the top three awards at Spring Conference. Marie Bates, who had passed away in April, was remembered for her work in initiating the Juniorette program.
1996 There was a tie between Newington and Tolland Juniorettes this year for the Larina Pettis Membership Gavel. Tolland also won the Sarah Stevens Leadership Pitcher. Outstanding Club award went to the Trumbull Young Woman's Club.
1997 Trumbull Young Woman's Club received the Outstanding Club Award and the Sarah Stevens Leadership Pitcher. The Larina Pettis Membership Gavel was awarded to Tolland Juniorettes. There were 128 Juniorettes in 11 clubs.
1998 Tolland was again awarded the Membership Gavel and Trumbull the Leadership Pitcher and Outstanding Club award.
1999 There were 12 Juniorette clubs in the state this year. Top awards were given to Glastonbury for Leadership and Trumbull for Outstanding Club and Membership.
2000 Glastonbury Juniorettes received the Sarah Stevens Leadership Pitcher and the Larina Pettis Membership Gavel. Trumbull Young Woman's Club was voted Outstanding Club.
2001 Wolcott Juniorettes received the first Juniorette Angel Award for reaching out to the residents on monthly visits to a local rest home. Juniorette clubs were judged in small and large club categories for the first time. Outstanding Large Club was Trumbull Young Woman’s Club. Outstanding Small Club was Tolland Juniorettes.
2002 Enfield Juniorettes joined CJW. Outstanding Large Club was Trumbull Young Woman’s Club. Outstanding Small Club was Wolcott Juniorettes. Tolland Juniorettes received the Juniorette Angel Award for their interaction with boys from broken families living in a group home.
2003 The Trumbull Young Woman’s Club received the first State Project Nikki Bear for their year-long statewide Penny War Challenge. The Hebron Juniorettes were recognized with the Juniorette Angel Award for “Hebron’s Most Beautiful” project that raised $1,658 for Time for Life. The new Rocky Hill Juniorettes club was inducted at Spring Conference. The Outstanding Juniorette clubs in the Small category was Wolcott Juniorettes and the large outstanding club was Trumbull Young Woman’s Club.
2004 Beacon Falls Juniorettes club was inducted to CJW at Spring Conference. Engraved gavels were presented to Enfield, Rocky Hill and Beacon Falls Juniorette clubs. The Trumbull Young Woman’s Club was honored with the State Project Nikki Bear for their yearlong statewide Penny War Challenge. Tolland Juniorettes received the Juniorette Angel Award for coordinating a food drive in two elementary schools. The Outstanding Juniorette clubs in the Small category was Wolcott Juniorettes and the large outstanding club was Trumbull Young Woman’s Club.
2005 / Hsted by the Junior Women’s Club of Berlin, a new format was introduced, only major awards would be announced.Juniorette Statistics included 12 clubs, 177 members donating $20,369.58 in monetary and non-monetary goods. Southbury Young Women’s Club was inducted to CJW. Major awards: Overall Large Club: Trumbull Young Women’s Club, Overall Small Club: Beacon Falls Juniorettes Angel Bear Award to Trumbull Young Women’s Club, State Project Nikki Bear to Hebron Juniorettes, Larina Pettis Membership Award to Beacon Falls Juniorettes, Sarah Stevens Leadership Award to Tolland Juniorettes.2006 / 2006 Hosted by the Trumbull Junior Woman’s Club, new
Juniorette Advisor Guidelines were distributed. Juniorette
Statistics included 10 clubs, 136 members donating $23,319.60 in
monetary and non-monetary goods. Major Awards:
Overall Large Club: Wolcott Juniorettes
Overall Small Club: Trumbull Young Woman’s Club
Angel Bear Award to Trumbull Young Woman’s Club, State
Project Nikki Bear Vernon Juniorettes, Larina Pettis Membership
Award to Wolcott Juniorettes, Sarah Stevens Leadership Award to
Trumbull Young Woman’s Club.
2008 / Juniorette Day held on October 15 at the Beardsley Zoo in Bridgeport. 6 clubs participated. They did a clean up at the Zoo, made Halloween cards and goodie bags.
Spring Conference was held May 6th at the Stillwood Inn. Coordinated by the Juniorette Advisor, the guest speaker was Stacey Schiefflin. A professional model for over 20 years she spoke about self esteem and empowering young women. Voting took place regarding Long Term Affiliation. Juniorette Statistics: 9 clubs, 117 members donating $19,184.98 in monetary and non- monetary goods. Major Awards: Overall Small Club:
Trumbull Young Woman’s Club , Over all Large Club: Wolcott Juniorettes , Angel Bear Award to Hebron Juniorettes, State Project Nikki Bear to Vernon Juniorettes, Larina Pettis Membership Award to West Haven Juniorettes, and Sarah Stevens Leadership Award to Trumbull Young Woman’s Club.
2009 / Juniorette Fall Day was held at the headquarters for Curechief Foundations. The girls helped make scarves and packages for recipients. A brown bag lunch and the chance
to interact with other Juniorettes topped off the day. Spring Conference as held at the Portland Senior Center, the theme was a Luau. Decorations and food were serve to fit the theme. Guest Speaker was Jennifer O’Neill, a past Tolland Juniorette, she spoke
about how being a Juniorette can make a difference in your life. Juniorette Statistics: 8 clubs, 127 members donating $16,624.52 in monetary and non-monetary goods. Major Awards: Overall Club Award to Trumbull Young Woman’s Club, Angel Bear Award to
Woodbury Juniorettes, State Project Cherish Award to Tolland Juniorettes, Larina Pettis Membership Award to West Haven Juniorettes, Sarah Stevens Leadership Award to West Haven Juniorettes.
2010 / Juniorette Fall Day was held in Waterbury. The girls held a Halloween Party for children helped by Covenant to Care for Children. They did face painting, cookie decorations and handed out pumpkins and costumes to the children. Spring Conference was held at the Stillwood Inn in Wallingford, CT the theme for the event was “A RED CARPET AFFAIR”. Girls walked on the red carpet to accept their awards and the “paparazzi” took their photos.Juniorette Statistics: 7 clubs 131 members donating $13,154.50 in monetary and non-monetary goods. Major Awards presented: Outstanding Juniorette Club: Trumbull Young Woman’s Club, Angel Award to Southbury Juniorettes, State Project Award
Cherish to Southbury Juniorettes, Larina Pettis Membership Award to Trumbull Young Woman’s Club and Sarah Stevens Leadership Award to Trumbull Young Woman’s Club.
Two Marie Bates Scholarship awarded and one Campership
2011 / Juniorette Fall Day was once again held at the headquarters for CureChief foundation. The girls helped make giant wearable cupcakes for a promotion that the CureChief was holding. They also had cupcakes for dessert. Spring Conference was held in
Wallingford at a park. The theme for the event was “A Juniorette Hoe Down”. A BBQ was provided, dancing to “Cotton Eyed Joe”, and cornstalks and bales of hay provided for an outdoor venue. The girls were encouraged to wear jeans and sneakers, cowboy
hats and bandanas. Juniorette Statistics: 7 clubs, 100 members donating $11,441.59 in monetary and non monetary goods. Major Awards were presented: Outstanding Juniorette Club to Trumbull Young Woman’s Club, Angel Award to Trumbull Young Woman’s Club, State Project Award Cherish to Tolland Juniorettes, Larina Pettis Membership Award to Southbury Juniorettes, and Sarah Stevens Leadership Award to Trumbull Young Woman’s Club. Seven Marie Bates Scholarships were awarded as well as two Camperships.
2012 / Juniorette Fall Day was cancelled due to the bad weather twice. No event was held. Spring Conference had been planned at the Stillwood Inn but last minute cancellations forced us to cancel that event also. A teleconference was held for all Juniorette Club
Advisors and members. It was well received by the attendees. Voting for the new LTA was held via email and results presented at CJW Spring Conference. Juniorette Statistics: 6 clubs, 73 members donating $ in monetary and non-monetary goods. Major Awards presented: Outstanding Juniorette Club to Wolcott Juniorettes, State Project
Cherish Award to Wolcott Juniorettes, Larina Pettis Membership Award to Southbury Juniorettes. Four Marie Bates Scholarships were awarded as well as one Campership.