City of Dawson Creek
10105 – 12A Street, Box 150
Dawson Creek BC V1G 4G4
Utility Billing
Pre-Authorized Payments
What are Pre-Authorized Payments (PAP)?
A convenient way to pay your utility bill by means of directly withdrawing funds from your bank account.
Why use PAP?
Save time. You no longer have to write cheques or make trips to the bank or City Hall to pay your utility bill.
What day will my payments be withdrawn from my bank account?
Your payment date will be the 25th day of the same month you receive your utility bill.
Application for Pre-Authorized Payments
Name on Utility Account:
Utility Account Number:
Home Phone Number:
Business Phone Number:
Void Cheque Attached
I hereby authorize the City of Dawson Creek and its Financial Institution to debit the account on the attached “VOIDED” cheque for the balance of the utility account each billing period.
Signature: Date: