Western Union Elementary School June 2016
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Last Day of School. / Start a summer journal. You will use this for your writing activities.
Measure your family’s height. Make a graph in your journal. / Plan and make a timeline of your summer activities. / Screen Free Day – no TV, computer, video games, etc. / Write your multiplication facts 0-6. / Exercise! How many sit ups, push ups, jumping jacks, can you do?
Father’s Day / Write your multiplication facts 7-9. / How many steps does it take to walk around your house. Try backwards. / Make multiplication and division flash cards. / Make a list of the different states you have visited. / Remember to say “please” and “thank you” today.
Find a friend and eat a popsicle today. / Plan a picnic lunch with your family. Go to your backyard or park and enjoy! / Write a story about fireworks. / Wear red, white, and blue to the Waxhaw 4th of July Parade. / Waxhaw 4th of July Parade
10 am
Western Union Elementary July 2016
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Make a chart and record the high and low temperatures this week. / Have a Spelling Bee with friends. / List 10 friends. Write them in ABC order. / Practice telling time on a clock or watch. / Write your multiplication facts 7-12.
Make up 5 math story problems. Have someone solve them. / Take a hike with your family. / Draw your family tree. / Play a board game. / Find a box. Use your imagination and create something.
Go out to eat with someone. Estimate how much the bill will be. / How many shadow puppets can you make? / Draw a map from your house to the school. / Talk with a pretend accent all day. / Make a list of your family members. Put them in ABC order.
Write a poem or story about your favorite sport or summertime activity. / Do 5 good deeds today. Write them in your journal. / Hula hoop or jump rope today.
Western Union Elementary August 2016
Sunday / Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday
Write a new ending to your favorite fairy tale. / Help an adult with a chore today.
Create a new sandwich. Write a story about your creation. / Play flashlight tag. / Make a word search using names of people in your family. Have someone find the names. / Make something use the recyclables at your house. / Write a story about traveling in time. Will you go to the future? Or back in history?
Sort through your clothes and toys. Donate what you can’t wear or don’t play with. / Watch the weather on TV. Chart the difference between the forecast and the actual weather. / Look at the stars. What constellations do you see? / Do something today that you have never done before. / Measure your family’s height. Make a graph and compare your June graph.
Write a letter to a school friend and bring it to Open House. / Ask an older person about how school was different for them. / Write a letter to your new teacher telling about yourself. Bring it to Open House. / Come to Open House.
Last Names A-K from 4-5 pm and Last Names L-Z from 5-6 pm / Enjoy your last day of Summer Vacation.
First Day of School
August 29, 2016

Mark your calendars:

1st – 5th Grade Open House August 25

Last Name A-K come between 4 – 5 pm

Last Name L-Z come between 5 – 6 pm

Kindergarten Open House September 2 at 4 pm

August 29 – First Day of School

5th Grade Required

4 – composition “cow” notebooks

1– 3 subject notebooks

1 – pencil bag – no boxes please

5 – 2 pocket PLASTIC folder without brads

4 – packs of 3x3 Post It notes

2 – highlighters – any color

2 – large glue sticks

1 – pack of colored pencils (no markers)

1-pair of scissors

1-set of headphones or earbuds

2-quad ruled gridded notebooks

Regular size #2 pencils and wide ruled loose leaf notebook paper needed all year long

Also Appreciated:

2 – packs of Seventh Generation disinfecting wipes

2 – large boxes of Kleenex tissue

1 – box of Zip Lock bags – boys – gallon size and girls – quart size

1 – box of latex free band aids

1 – ream of copy paper

1 - ruler

1 – package of sticky tack


2016 – 2017 5th grade