Hangzhou International School
West Lake MUN 2014
Debate Chair Application
Application Instructions and Timeline
Please submit the following information at the latest by June 8th 2014. Forms may be completed and submitted electronically to . Candidates are encouraged to submit Parts A, B and C of the application as soon possible. Final selections will be announced by mid June.
Statement of Expectations
By submitting this application, the candidate is aware that he or she will be expected to meet the following obligations if selected as a debate chair for West Lake MUN 2014.
1. Discuss debate issues with other conference chairs. This discussion will take place in a conference wiki and will commence as soon as the chairs have been selected. All debate chairs are expected to be active participants in this discussion during the summer.
2. Conduct background research on one of the selected issues and produce a 2000 word research report to be used by delegates. Research reports will be published both on the wiki and in the conference handbook.
3. Foster civil discussion of the issues by the delegates and guide the development of resolutions via the conference wiki in the weeks leading up to the conference and during lobbying and merging.
4. Participate in a pre-conference student officer workshop (approximately two-three hours in length) at Hangzhou International School.
5. Participate in the entire West Lake MUN conference.
Failure to fulfill these obligations in a satisfactory manner may result in the dismissal of the student officer.
Part A: Candidate Background Information
Family Name: / Given Name:School Name:
Age: / Year in School: / Gender:
E-mail address:
Skype ID:
(continued on the next page)
In the table below, list your accomplishments in the Model United Nations program, beginning with the most recent experiences. Include all conferences and other simulations and your role (delegate, chair, advocate, etc.) in each event. Also list club officer positions you have held. Additional pages can be attached.
Dates of Event / Tenure / Name of Event / Organization / Role / PositionPart B: Statement of Interest
Please write a brief statement (less than 300 words) describing your motivations for becoming a debate chair and the strengths you will bring to the position. The statement may be pasted into this document or sent as a separate attachment. At the end, please state your top 5 forums to chair.
*Note chairs for the Security Council need to have been in Security Council at least once before.
Part C: Teacher Recommendation
Please provide a brief recommendation from a teacher or MUN director. The following statement should be shown to the person writing the recommendation.
To the recommender: The student requesting a recommendation is applying for the position of debate chair at West Lake MUN 2014. Please provide a brief statement relating how long you have known this student and your estimation of this student’s potential as a debate chair. As always, anecdotal information is very useful to the selection committee. The statement should be submitted by you directly to <>. The confidentiality of your statement will be strictly maintained by the selection committee.
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