Algebra 1A
Coach Pate
Why Math?
Math not only teaches us vital skills for everyday use in our school, home and work lives, but it can also teach us to think in different ways that will help us to solve a variety of problems that arise in society everyday. Whether at school, home or on the job, I hope that you can learn to think mathematically all of the time!
Glencoe: Algebra—Concepts and Applications, Volume 1 (Classroom Set Only)
**CD’s of the book are available to take home
Website companion for the book:
Course Overview
There are 37 concepts that you need to master in order to be successful in this class. Some of these concepts are review and some are new. We may not go in order of the book chapters and you won’t have chapter tests. You will be assessed on each of the 36 concepts and graded on your mastery of those concepts, usually 3-5 concepts at a time. Please see the website for a copy of the concept list. Each student will provided with one copy to keep in their binder to keep up with their scores.
Concept Tests or Quizzes—70%
Everything Else—30%
Classroom Rules
1. Respectful classroom actions are expected (seated, quiet, etc.).
2. Come to class prepared everyday—pencil, book, binder, calculator.
Classroom Expectations
C: Care—Care about yourself, your classmates, your peers and your work
A: Attitude—Bring a great attitude to class every day
R: Respect—Respect everyone
E: Effort—Give your best effort everyday
Homework is called PRACTICE in this class. It may be completed in class, after school or at home. When I assign PRACTICE, you will begin working on it immediately, and then complete it when necessary, occasionally at home.
Make-Up Work: According to the Student Handbook, there is a 2-week window, or by the end of the 9 weeks (if absence is within two weeks of the 9 week break), to turn in make-up work. It is the sole responsibility of the student to get the assignment and turn it in.
There are two ways to get your assignments when absent.
1) Check with a fellow classmate.
2) Check the website for the assignment calendar.
Because of the way the concept tests work, makeup tests are not necessary unless there is a prolonged absence.
My Website—
This is where you go to find any information about upcoming or past assignments, plus links to great sites for extra practice.
**Please log onto the website, click on CONTACT FORM, and fill out the information to indicate that you have been offered this information and to earn your first grade of the year.