Web Design Terminology

Below is a list of some of the most commonly used terms in web design and development. Research the terms, type definitions below, and when complete SAVE to your H Drive AND Public, Computer Technology Class, 3rd Period GTT folder as your First & Last Name. You may use this web site for your research http://www.webtivitydesigns.com/resources/internet-glossary-terminology.aspx or your own chosen web site to research the answers.

1. Animation:

2. Broken Links:

3. Composite (Comps):

4. Contact Page:

5. Content:

6. Debugging:

7. Design:

8. Design Process:

9. Digital Photography:

10. Domain Name:

11. Graphics:

12. Forms:

13. Homepage:

14. Hosting:

15. Logo:

16. Marketing:

17. Search Engine:

18. Server:

19. Target Audience:

20. Usability: