Want to EARN EXTRA HONORS Credits in Science?

·  Do you want to learn about how to design and implement your very own experiments?

·  Do you want to learn about state of the art equipment and new technologies?

·  Do you want to build business and internship contacts BEFORE you get into college?

Then Check out District 300’s New

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Summer Classes!

Check out one of the following Summer School Sessions:

STEM I – Course 4475 One Summer School Session (.5 Credits)

This is the first course in the STEM Research Program. It focuses on developing scientific research skills and scientific communication. Each student will be part of a research team that will develop and conduct environmental research at Schweitzer Woods Forest Preserve. Each team will write a formal scientific article and create a presentation to their peers summarizing their findings. In addition, individual students will create a formal research proposal that will be investigated during future sessions.

STEM II – Course 4476 Two Summer School Sessions (1 Credit)

This is the second course in sequence of the STEM Research Program. During Session II the students will be required to complete one (1) of two (2) options:

A)  Option A

  1. Students will complete two (2) individual research based projects. One of which may be the formal research proposal from Session I, but both projects must be approved by the instructor.
  2. Students will establish a Business Mentorship with a local business.
  3. Students must choose a Science Competition or Science Journal project that will be completed during Session III.

B)  Option B

  1. Students will conduct one (1) individual research based project.
  2. Students will establish a Business Mentorship with a local business.
  3. Students must assist with and help to design the K-8 STEM Research Camp.
  4. Students must choose a Science Competition or Science Journal project that will be completed during Session III.

If you have questions please email or call Terry Stroh Science Divisional at 847-532-6136 or or speak with a Counselor.