I. Call to Order – Diane Bardhi called the meeting to order at 8:29 am. Members present were Gail Gilman, Sherrie Miller, Ralph Thomas, Pete Scalco, Cypress Rudloe, and David Moody via phone. Guests present were John Ream and Stephen Freeman. Staff present was Diane Bardhi.
II. Citizens to Be Heard – There were no citizens to be heard.
III. Social Media Marketing Review & Discussion – D. Bardhi/S. Freeman/J. Ream
1. FaceBook Posts & Targeted Markets – Reviewed FB posts. The TDC to continue to give direction to The Connect Agency. The marketing calendar approved by the TDC was shared with J. Ream and S. Freeman. D. Moody joined by conference call and stressed importance of continuing to hire area writers to create original content that can be promoted via social media as well as living on the website. D. Bardhi to contact a writer regarding honey/bee keepers and history subjects for blogs and develop blogger timeline. D. Moody also spoke to importance of promoting the Big Bend Scenic Byway.
2. FB Budget – the FB budget was not directly addressed at this time.
3. Instagram & Twitter Growth – The Connect Agency to continue to grow these platforms.
4. Video & Animation – S. Freeman and J. Ream explained the process with which they produce animation in video posts. The members agree that ads produced this way are very engaging. The TDC to continue to share any video produced with the agency. P. Scalco and R. Thomas also commented that Wakulla Springs and the County will be installing cameras that will have live feeds that the website can link to. The Connect Agency also presented an idea to produce videos similar to the Tasty food videos on FaceBook that are so popular. The idea is to highlight local seafood and recipes and encourage viewers to stop by a local seafood market to purchase ingredients and create the recipe themselves. Six short videos were proposed: 4 local recipes including scallops, grouper, soft shell crab and mullet along with 2 instructional videos showing how to clean/prepare flounder and properly shuck oysters. The videos would be produced in house at The Connect Agency to save on costs. The videos would be timeless and live for years via social media and on the website. There was a motion and a second to approve a budget not to exceed $3,000 plus costs of ingredients. The Connect Agency to confirm cost. The motion was unanimously approved.
IV. Goals & Objectives – D. Bardhi
1. Marketing Calendar & Scheduling – D. Bardhi distributed approved marketing calendar and to add Stone Crab season to the calendar.
2. Bloggers/Fam Tours – Lauren Gay, a popular professional blogger from central Florida, is confirmed to visit Wakulla County the weekend of June 9th. The Connect Agency has identified several bloggers and we will schedule the first official blogger FAM trip for after June 9th.
3. Working in conjunction with traditional media – D. Bardhi to get estimate for Forgotten Coast TV, and S. Freeman to get cost for specific cable buys in small to medium markets within 5 hour drive markets.
V. Digital Visitor’s Guide – D. Bardhi
1. Template Discussion – The members approved the direction of the Digital Visitor’s Guide layout. It was noted that we do expect original content and new photography from SGS Technologies. D. Bardhi will
cross reference photos TDC currently has with what we need for the guide. D. Bardhi will also ensure that the project will include an easily printable version (8.5x11 pdf) of the guide.
2. Outline Creation – Outline for Guide discussed. D. Bardhi to send outline and photo request to SGS Technologies.
VI. Next Steps – S. Freeman and J. Ream to work on scheduling of food videos. S. Miller to work on gathering ingredients. D. Bardhi to work with SGS Technologies to finish Digital Visitors Guide.
VII. Adjournment – The meeting was adjourned at 10:31 am. The next meeting will be May 11 at 8:30 am at the Welcome Center.