Volunteer Application

The Lakeside Chautauqua community members play a vital role in the quality of the Chautauqua program and experience. If interested in volunteering your time and talents, please complete this application and return it to or 236 Walnut Avenue, Lakeside, OH 43440. We appreciate your support.


Lakeside Address (if applicable):


City: State: Zip:


Phone: Date of Birth:

Physical Limitations/Special Needs:

Please indicate which seasonal opportunities (June-Sept.) you are interested in volunteering for:

Chautauqua Choir Kaleidoscope of Color Run/Walk

Project Pickup at Epworth Lodge Lakesider Photographer

Hoover Performance Greeter Rhein Center Artist/Instructor/ Check-in

Hoover Worship Usher Rhein Center Photographer

Lakeside Fund Ambassador Group Housing Preparation Volunteer

Memorial Garden Triathlon (Team/Youth/Individual)

Kelleys Island Swim Raccoon Run

Lakeside in Bloom Volunteer Gardner

Heritage Day Youth/Adult Education Program


Lakeside Chautauqua also is in need of volunteers during the off-season (Sept.-May). Please indicate if you are interested in helping with the following events:

Spring Cleanup Day (Apr.) Lighthouse Festival (Oct.)

Plant Sale & Garden Demonstrations (May) _______ Midwest Birding Symposium (Sept.)

Community Christmas Dinner (Dec.) Other:

Tell us why you would like to volunteer at Lakeside Chautauqua. Do you require community service hours?

Please share your previous work as a volunteer. We encourage you to include volunteer opportunities within Lakeside, as well outside the gates.

Please provide the months, days, weeks, hours, etc. you are available for volunteer work.


Lakeside Address (if applicable):


City: State: Zip:



Signature: Date: