Please read, sign and date this agreement form at the bottom.

I have read and agree as a volunteer of Covenant Creatures: Companion Animal Program that I will work towards the benefit of companion animals, having read and understood the mission of this program as outlined in the Statement of Commission.

I release any and all liability of Covenant Creatures and any of their affiliates while working as a volunteer for this program. I understand that there are inherent risks in working with animals, and I assume those risks personally as a volunteer. I also understand that this program will work against cruelty to animals and as a volunteer I completely support the anti-cruelty and neglect issues that this program stands for. Therefore I understand that in the event that I am investigated by the authorities in regards to animal neglect or abuse, I will step away from my volunteer status until the matter is resolved to the complete satisfaction of the director of Covenant Creatures.

Notice of Inclusiveness: As relayed in the “Statement of Commission” this organization functions under Christian perspectives and is therefore a faith based organization. It is hereby noted though, that due to the values that are held for “inclusiveness”, some participants of the program may not embrace Christianity for themselves personally. This volunteer agreement is not a statement of agreement with Christianity, it is the agreement to volunteer within this faith based animal welfare structure. While faith can be a unifying factor it can also be a divisive one as well and I understand that we may not all hold the same faith beliefs. I will respect the values of this organization and all those within it who may have differing personal creeds. I understand that 1) due its’ Christian foundations a participant may do something that is “Christian” in nature (i.e. pray for someone) and while I may personally disagree, I understand this may happen, and I am “OK” with this type of activity within the context of this organization and 2) that it is my responsibility to refrain from participation with this program if I develop a personal or internal conflict with the statements of this volunteer agreement. Our unifying purpose is to work together for the common good of our world and our community through the different facets of pet assistance and to that end I voluntarily commit my time and support as I am able.

Exception of Inclusiveness: I understand that there are multitudes of personal belief systems and I acknowledge that there can be those that are in direct conflict to Christianity and the stated goals of pet care and animal welfare. One such faith based system is broadly known as the “Occult”. While not all of those involved with the varied occultic practices would use animals for ritualistic events, there are those who fully embrace this practice. Due to the distinct and obvious issues surrounding the relationship between animal welfare and the ritualistic use of animals, it is understood those with occultic (i.e. Satanism, Wicca, VooDoo, JuuJuu, Santeria, etc.) beliefs and practices will not be participating in Covenant Creatures. By signing this form I am not stating that I believe such faith systems exist, or are valid or invalid, acceptable or unacceptable practices, but rather I am stating that 1) I do not participate in these occult systems 2) nor would I solicit assistance on behalf of Covenant Creatures from those who hold to these beliefs.

I understand that this agreement may be modified at any time. When done so, I will be given a new agreement to sign thereby invalidating the previous agreement.

Signed: _____________________________________ Date:_________