Vocabulary and Expressions

·  to have a good vs. bad attitude
·  to have a positive vs. negative attitude
·  flying high
·  feeling low
·  a let-down
·  a persevering attitude
·  attitude is everything / Attitudes and You
·  Do you agree with the statement, “attitude is everything”? Why or why not?
·  How would you describe your attitude to learning English, and why?
·  Give a personal example or story of a time when your attitude completely changed a situation for you.
·  What are some things in your life you have a good attitude to, and why?
·  What are some things in your life you have a bad attitude to, and why?
·  Is it possible to force yourself to have an attitude change – e.g. to be grateful for something – or not?
Changing an Attitude
·  If someone has a bad attitude, what might you suggest to him/her to change it and why?
·  What are some ways a good attitude can become a bad one? / Attitude and Culture
·  In your first culture, do people tend to hide their attitudes towards public matters such as school, government, etc. or do they express their attitudes? Why?
·  How can you tell how someone feels about a particular matter in your first culture?
Attitude and Health
·  Do you think a good attitude can make you healthier? Why or why not?
Is there a difference between mental, physical, and spiritual health? Explain.

A Bad Attitude

Jane: Thelma, I’m not getting up to go to work today. I’m feeling really low.

Thelma: Why, Jane, are you sick? Do you have a cold?

Jane: No, I think I’ve just got a negative attitude towards seeing my co-worker today. I think she’s a real pill!

Thelma: Sounds like you really do have a bad attitude towards seeing her. Why don’t you like working with her?

Jane: She’s so lazy. She always gives me all her work, and her desk is a mess. I think the company would be better off without her, quite frankly.

Thelma: What would she say about you?

Jane: Hmm…well, come to think of it, my desk isn’t always that tidy. And I did leave early yesterday…

Thelma: The truth is hard to face, isn’t it?

Jane: Oooh, yes. Perhaps I’d better have more of a persevering attitude towards her, shouldn’t I?

Thelma: That sounds like a good idea – after all, a wise person once said that “attitude is everything”.

Jane: Well, I don’t know that I’ll be flying high after working with her today, but perhaps I won’t be feeling so low either.

Thelma: Go get ‘em, girl! Change your attitude, and you change the world.

Quick Definitions

1.  To have a good attitude – to decide that you will approach a situation or problem and change it for the better. For instance, “Mark has a good attitude towards his work – every day he decides he will help his co-workers have a good day, no matter what problems they are facing.” CONTRAST: bad attitude.

2.  To have a positive attitude – same as above. CONTRAST: negative attitude.

3.  Flying high – feeling very good. For instance, “After Myra earned a promotion at work, she was flying high.”

4.  Feeling low – feeling very bad or sad. For instance, “After Myra lost her job, she was feeling very low.”

5.  A let-down – After you hoped for something to happen, and it didn’t, you feel sad and disappointed. For instance, “Joe thought he would get into university, but when none of the universities he applied to accepted him, he felt very let down.

6.  A persevering attitude – to think, “I will keep going, keep trying even if there are problems.” For instance, “Martha faced many problems in her work, but she had a persevering attitude – every day she tried to solve the problems.”

7.  Attitude is everything – your attitude determines your success or failure when you do something. “Joe was told he would never walk again, but he decided he would become a marathon runner. When he won the gold medal, he said, “Attitude is everything.””