Visualization Challenge Entry Form

Submission Deadline: January 21, 2011

To enter, check the appropriate entry category, fill in the required information, and email the completed entry to Michelle Covi, or 737-1772.

Student category



Student full name (please print)


Title of entry


Special software needs


City State Zip

Phone: Email

Release: I give my permission for this entry to be displayed by RENCI at ECU-endorsed exhibits. I understand that entries may be reproduced in RENCI at ECU publications and that winning and representative entries may be posted on the RENCI website at The decision of the judges is final.

Your signature Date

For further information, contact Michelle Covi, or 737-1772.

The mission of RENCI at ECU is to research and improve understanding of the interaction between physical, biological, and human processes in North Carolina’s coastal region, with emphasis on processes related to
coastal hazards.