Coordinated Entry

View/Edit Entity

Page 5

View/Edit Entity (NEW)

1) On the right navigation bar, click Entities > View/Edit Entity (NEW).

2) Search by full or partial entity name, entity types, subtype, or contact last name. To view all by leaving the text field empty and click Search.

3) Entities are arranged in alphabetical order and can be resorted by entity name.

4) You can print the list of entities by clicking on the printer icon.

5) Click the toggle to see the contacts for the entity.

6) Click on the name of the entity to be taken to the Edit Entity page.


7) Click the Contacts tab at the top of the page.

8) Click the + Add New Contact button to create a new contact for the entity.

9) Fill out as much information as possible for the new contact. Click the Save button at the bottom when you are done. First name and last name are required fields.

10) You will have a few ways to manage contacts once they are saved to the entity:

1. Add, edit, or delete phone numbers for the contact.

2. View the contact's information

3. Edit the contact's information

4. Delete the contact


11) Click the Disable to disable an entity.

12) Click the OK button to confirm the disable.

13) An entity that was just disabled can be re-enabled by clicking on the Enable button. Once you navigate away from this page, however, you can enable it again via Manage Entities.

View/Edit Entities Quick-Reference Guide

1. Navigation bar > Entities > View/Edit Entity (NEW)

2. Search for the entity you want to work with

3. Click the toggle to see the contacts for the entity

4. Click on the name of the entity to edit the entity


1. Click the Contacts tab

2. Click the +Add New Contact button

3. Fill out as much information as possible

4. Click the Save button

5. Click Edit in the Edit Phones column to add, edit or delete phone numbers

6. Click the icons in the Take Action column to view, edit, or delete the contact


1. Click disable to disable an entity

2. Click the OK button to confirm the disable

DM #1873417

Coordinated Entry

Add Entity

Page 8

Add Entity

This feature allows you to add an entity for use with:

· Referral Entity: where the referral to Coordinated Entry is coming from if from an agency or organization

· Service Providers: where diversion clients are being referred

1) On the right navigation bar, click Entities > Add New Entity

2) Give the entity a name. This is a required field.

3) Select the entity type(s) for the new entity. This field is required. You can select more than one. Currently, we use Referral Source and Service Provider.

4) Select the entity subtype(s).These will populate based on the entity type(s) you selected in the previous step.

5) Fill in the address, postal code, and phone number for the entity. Enter street address only; ETO identifies city and province through the postal code.

6) Enter an entity description and any notes you may have on the entity.

7) Click the Save.

8) Click the OK on the confirmation pop-up.

Add Entities Quick-Reference Guide

1. Navigation Bar > Entities > Add New Entity (NEW)

2. Fill out as much information as possible. Required fields are indicated by an asterisk

3. Click the Save button

4. Click OK on the confirmation pop-up

DM #1873417