4. Pharmacognosy
Video vocabulary exercise. Look at the words below taken from the video. Can you explain their meaning in English or find a suitable synonym?
abscess (n) ......
decoction (n) ......
infusion (n) ......
counterbalance ......
vessel (n) ......
cough (n) ......
playing card (n) ......
pliable (adj) ......
evenly (adj) ......
contraption (n) ......
scoop (n) ......
protrude (v) ......
percolation (n) ......
laxative (n) ......
stir (v) ......
clot (v) ......
lump (n) ......
spirit (n) ......
chloroform (n) ......
weigh (v) ......
Label the pictures of some traditional and natural means used in treatment.[1]
Crude drugs and drug extraction. You will see a video where a Danish pharmacist shows in 2 examples how to prepare crude drugs in the traditional way based on the most elementary principles. Try to put down the individual steps of preparation for each example.
Post-watching exercise. Can you remember what the following numbers refer to in the video?
1619 – 1581 ......
1672 – 3000 ......
100 ......
90 ......
25 ......
15 ......
7 ......
10 ......
200 ......
150 ......
Look at the diagram above and fill in the suggested steps of crude drug preparation. After you complete it, describe the whole process.
Collecting of medicinal plants / stabilization / infusiondrying / use of tooth mills / solvent - solvent precipitation
freeze-drying / Extraction / distillation
manual / Grinding of crude drugs / digestion
Preservation of plant material / use of knife mills / continuous hot extraction
rules for collecting regarding different plant parts / Storage of crude drugs / percolation
suitable time for collection / fermentation / maceration
use of agricultural harvesters / use of hammer mills / decoction
Medicinal herbs
There are many herbs containing active constituents capable of cure or relief of symptoms when used appropriately and in the right dosage. Some of the herbs sold today are safe and are considered to have some therapeutic benefits, while others may have no measurable effects. Some, however, can be toxic and dangerously toxic and fatalities resulting from the use of certain herbal teas have been reported. Over the past decade many herbal teas have been found to contain substances that cause serious poisoning - including disorders of the liver, nervous system, gastrointestinal tract, as well as blood disorders. Since manufacturers are not required to mark potential toxicities visibly and clearly on the packaging of the product, consumers may be exposed to dangerous substances.
Here are some examples of the principal aromatic and medicinal plants and herbs listed in 2000/115/EC: Commission Decision of 24 November 1999 relating to the definitions of the characteristics, the list of agricultural products, the exceptions to the definitions and the regions and districts regarding the surveys on the structure of agricultural holdings (notified under document number C(1999) 3875). Can you guess each herb on the basis of the information in the middle column of the table and add the Czech name?
angelica, belladonna, camomile, cumin, digitalis, gentian , hyssop, jasmine, lavender, marigold, marjoram, Melissa, menthe, periwinkle, poppy, psyllium (seed), saffron, sage, valerian
English (Latin) name / synonym or other characteristic / Czech name38 Bach flower remedies
a symbol of sleep, peace, and death
a traditional birthing herb (used to help bring on a delayed labour and to help expel the placenta following childbirth)
commonly used by beekeepers to produce a rich and aromatic honey
contains a carotenoid pigment
deadly nightshade
India is the biggest world producer of this
its florets are edible
lemon balm
over 86 alkaloids extracted from the plant
synonymous with oregano
the symbolic flower of Damascus (Syria)
the tea prepared from its leaves is called a "thinker's tea"
abscess (n) /ˈæbses/ absces
all-heal (n) /ˈɔːlˌhiːl/ kozlík
angelica (n) /ænˈdʒelɪkə/ andělika
arnica (n) /ˈɑːnɪkə/ arnika
belladona (n) /ˌbeləˈdɒnə/ rulík
black cherry (n) /blæk ˈtʃeri/ střemcha pozdní
buckthorn (n) /ˈbʌkˌθɔːn/ řešetlák
camomile (n) /ˈkæməmaɪl/ heřmánek
clot (v) /klɒt/ srazit se, ucpat se
contraption (n) /kənˈtræpʃ(ə)n/ udělátko, zlepšovák
cough (n) /kɒf/ kašel
counterbalance (v) /ˈkaʊntə(r)ˌbæləns/ vyvážit
cumin (n) /ˈkʌmɪn/ or /ˈkjuːmɪn/ kmín
decoction (n) /dɪˈkɒkʃən/ dekokce, odvar
digestion (n) /daɪˈdʒestʃ(ə)n/ digesce (extrakce bylin za tepla)
digitalis (n) /ˌdɪdʒɪˈteɪlɪs/ náprstník
digitalis (n) /ˌdɪdʒɪˈteɪlɪs/ náprstník
distillation (n) /ˌdɪstɪˈleɪʃən/ destilace
elderberry (n) /ˈeldəˌberɪ/ bez černý
evenly (adv) /ˈiːv(ə)nli/ rovnoměrně, pravidelně
gentian (n) /ˈdʒenʃən/ hořec
ginkgo (n) /ˈɡɪŋkɡəʊ/ jinan dvoulaločný
ginseng /ˈdʒɪnˌseŋ/ ženšen
hammer mill (n) /ˈhæmə(r) mɪl/ kladivový mlýn
hawthorn (n) /ˈhɔːˌθɔː(r)n/ hloh
hyssop (n) /ˈhɪsəp/ yzop
chloroform (n) /ˈklɒrəˌfɔː(r)m/ chloroform
infusion (n) /ɪnˈfjuːʒ(ə)n/ infuze, nálev
ispaghula (n) /ˌɪspəˈɡuːlə/ chmelík
jasmine (n) /ˈdʒæz mɪn, ˈdʒæs-/ jasmín
jimson weed (n) /ˈdʒɪmsən wiːd/ durman obecný
knife mill (n) /naɪf mɪl/ nožový mlýn
lavandin (n) /ˈlævəndɪn/ levandule
lavender (n) /ˈlævəndə(r)/ levandule
laxative (n) /ˈlæksətɪv/ projímadlo
liquorice /ˈlɪkərɪs/ or /ˈlɪkərɪʃ/ lékořice
lump (n) /lʌmp/ hrudka, žmolek
maceration (n) /ˌmæsəˈreɪʃ(ə)n/ macerace (vyluhování za studena)
marigold (n) /ˈmærɪˌɡəʊld/ měsíček
marjoram (n) /ˈmɑː(r)dʒərəm/ dobromysl
melissa (n) /məˈlɪs ə/ meduňka
mint (n) /mɪnt/ máta
percolation (n) /ˌpɜː(r)kəˈleɪʃ(ə)n/ perkolace (kontinuální uspořádání)
periwinkle (n) /ˈperɪˌwɪŋkəl/ barvínek
playing card (n) /ˈpleɪɪŋ ˌkɑː(r)d/ hrací karta
pliable (adj) /ˈplaɪəb(ə)l/ ohebný
poppy (n) /ˈpɒpi/ mák
precipitation (n) /prɪˌsɪpɪˈteɪʃən/ precipitace, srážení
protrude (v) /prəˈtruːd/ vyčnívat, trčet
psyllium (n) /ˈsɪlɪəm/ chmelík
saffron (n) /ˈsæfrən/ kurkuma
sage (n) /seɪdʒ/ šalvěj
scoop (n) /skuːp/ naběračka, lžíce, lopatka
silverweed (n) /ˈsɪlvəˌwiːd/ mochna husí
spirit (n) /ˈspɪrɪt/ líh, alkohol
St. John's wort /ˌseɪntˈdʒɒnzˌwɜrt, -ˌwɔrt/ třezalka tečkovaná
stir (v) /stɜː(r)/ míchat
tooth mill (n) /tuːθ mɪl/ mlýn s ozubenými koly
valerian /vəˈlɪər i ən/ kozlík
vessel (n) /ˈves(ə)l/ nádoba
woodruff (n) /ˈwʊd rəf/ svízel vonný, mařinka vonná
[1] https://botanical.com