MARCH 28, 2011


Victor Harris, Executive Vice President and Chairperson, called the meeting to order at 4:06 pm.

Present: Accounting, Ballroom Dance Club, Billiards Club, Bowling Club,

Brothers for Awareness, CARIBSA, Cheerleading Team, Chemistry Club,

Computer Science Society, Dance Team, Earth First, EBONEE, Education Club,

English Club, Equestrian Team, Feminist Collective, FACE, French Club

Fishing Club, Galen, Go Japan, HASA, Hillel, History Club, Honors Club,

Ice Hockey, Kinesiology Club, marked dance project, Math Club

Muslim Students Association, NAACP, The Network,

National Student Speech Language & Hearing Association, OLAS, Outdoors Club, PERKS, Political Science Club

Pioneer Players, Rugby, SABLE, SAPB, 720 Modeling Group, Ski Club,

Sociology Club, Spanish Club,

St. Jude’s Up ‘Til Dawn, Student Council for Exceptional Children, Student Film Association, Student Investment Club, SIFE,


WPU Society for Leadership & Success, WP Students Against Violence,

WPU Veterans, Women’s Rugby, Veterans Club

Absent: ALPFA, CCMC, Chinese Students & Scholars Association,

Extreme Gamer’s Group, GSO, Italian Club,

Korea Club, Martial Arts Club, MAPS, Moja Sauti-WPU Steppers, Music Education Club,

Psychology, Public Health Club, PCDC, Society of American Youth Secularists, Student Art Association, Student Public Relations Association, Society of Human Resource Management, UPLIFT and Young Democratic Socialists,

Also in Attendance: Donald Bennett, SGA Financial Advisor,

Tristan Tosh, Assistant Director of Campus Activities

AGENDA: Motion to approve the agenda was made by Joshua Zoppi, President of the Ballroom Dance Club with the following additions: Add Valerie Fund Walk Presentation and Peer Health. Motion seconded by

PERKS . Discussion. Marissa Zubalsky, President of Hillel, felt clubs should be receiving the agenda and minutes per e-mail instead of wasting so much copy paper. Much discussion ensued. Nadine Delille from The Network motioned to table the discussion. Marissa was going to e-mail Victor Harris about this problem.

Vote unanimous. Approved agenda with changes.

MINUTES: Motion by Joshua Zoppi from the Ballroom Dance Club to approve the minutes as read. Motion seconded by Phillip Perin from Ski Club. Vote unanimous. Approved the minutes.


Guest Speaker – Bunny Flanders – The Valerie Fund 5K Walk.

Jeff Wakemen introduced Bunny Flanders who is one of the coordinators for this cancer walk. She is looking for students to volunteer or form a group and help raise funds. Bunny said the Valerie Fund Walk was created in 1976, 35 years ago. This is an annual walk which will take place on June 11 in Verona Park. She then showed a video of over 200 teams with about 3,000 walkers helping this cause. Over $250,000.090 was raised. Their goal is to raise $1million this year. She explained that each one of us knows someone who has been stricken with this disease. Newark has the highest number of people suffering from sickle cell anemia. 94% of childhood cancers are curable. Bunny passed around booklets and other information.

Victor Harris thanked Bunny for the presentation.

Club Presidents Meeting Minutes

March 7, 2011

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Peer Health Advocates Jeff said 300 students are needed for this event to be held on April 19th during common hour in Zanfino Plaza. The event tries to explain the facts and myths of alcohol consumption. Faculty and Staff who show up will also be in the picture all wearing the special shirts. Shirts can be picked up by students from Marianne Edmond’s office prior to the event.

Carnival. This will take place on Friday, April 29th from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm. The first twelve clubs that e-mail Maryanne Edmond will receive $500.00 for their stand. If any club does not want to have a stand, then they can help other clubs. Many Greek organizations will be getting a stand.

SGA Resolution on Bulletin Board Usage. Harry Watson, Jr. read out the resolution that will be presented to the Legislature for ratification. Basically it condemns vandalism and people found to be tampering with other people’s flyers will be punished by the Administration.

Parking Garage Open Forum. Victor said this will take place tomorrow in University commons 315 during common hour.

Intellectual Pursuit. Victor advised this meeting will take place on Thursday, March 31st in University Commons 211 at 12:30 pm. This is an opportunity to become aware of the new University Core Curriculum. Faculty and staff will also be in attendance.

Spring Elections. Victor said nominations are now open and the last day is April 6th.

Ice Breaker. The clubs that had not taken part in this exercise did so.

Sanction List. Victor read out the names of clubs which had violated the attendance policy. They were asked to

meet with Victor after the meeting.

Rosters. Tristan Tosh read out the names of all clubs that had a problem with their rosters. In some cases it was because the advisor of the club had not been able to log on. All those clubs with roster problems meet with

Victor after tonight’s meeting.

Sanction List for Attendance. Victor read out the list of all clubs that were sanctioned for non-attendance at Club Presidents meetings.

Crises in Japan. A meeting to coordinate relief efforts will be in University Commons 171 at 4:00 pm.


Donald Bennett, SGA Financial Advisor

Operational Profit Account (OP Account). Don said the balance carries over to the next year, if a club has not spent all these funds.

Budget Modification. Don said that Eric Dryburgh, SGA Treasurer, will be making a Budget Modification by adding $3,000.00 to the Club Account. This is to cover small events that several clubs want to have before the semester ends. Don advised that all moneys not spent by the end of the semester will be put into


SGA Budget. Don said hearings are still going on. There are two more budget meetings coming up on April 7th and April 14th.

Resignation of Don Bennett. Don said, on a personal note, this is his final Club Presidents meeting. His last day is Friday, April 8th. He is transferring to the University’s Budget Office. Francisco Diaz and Jeffrey Wakemen will be sharing the duties of the SGA Financial Officer until a replacement can be found. He concluded by saying it was a pleasure serving all the clubs during the past five years and wished everyone good luck in their future endeavors.

Tristan Tosh, Assistant Director of Campus Activities

Don Bennett. Tristan said Don’s departure is a huge loss and he will definitely be missed.

Community Action Week. Tristan said everyone can come out and support this new program, beginning on April 1st. He listed the events planned for the week. This is an opportunity to do some community service.

Greek Week. Tristan said this begins on Sunday, April 10, 201 . Not all events are for Greeks.


Club Presidents Meeting Minutes

March 7, 2011

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Paper vs. E-Mail. Harry Watson motioned to untable the agenda. Motion seconded by Phillip Perin of the

Ski Club. Discussion. Marissa Zubalsky of Hillel said the SGA is wasting too much paper every time we have a meeting. This information should be e-mailed to everyone. Mark Rivera from marked dance project said he had not been receiving e-mails. The club list needs to be updated. It was suggested that the agenda and e-mail be put on the SGA web site ahead of the meeting. Tristan Tosh said this system will definitely be implemented for next semester whenever Club Presidents meet.

Victor Harris said anyone not receiving e-mails please see him after the meeting and let him have their e-mail.


Campus Police and SGA Soccer Match to be held on April 8th. They will be collecting shoes for the Soles for Souls program at this event.

Network’s Battle of the Sexes. This will be held on Wednesday in University Commons 216 at 8:00 pm. Many prizes and free food are offered.

Night of Elegance. Nadine DeLille said the theme this year is “Hollywood.” It will be held on April 17th in the Ballrooms with food, photos, performances and dancing.

WPTV-6 . The 28th Telethon will take place on April 28th. All proceeds will be donated to the Food Bank of

New Jersey. Students will be requesting donations from the campus community and neighboring towns.

United African Student Organization. Their big event is the 3rd African Culture Night on April 11th from 8 pm to midnight. Students pay $3 and Guests $5. Come and enjoy an evening of poetry, fashion and food.

English Club meets tomorrow in the Atrium at 12:30 pm. This is a “meet and greet” and your opportunity to find out about the English professors and the courses they teach.

Earth First. There is an Environmental Exposition in the Multi Purpose Room on Thursday, April 7th from

10:00 am to 3:00 pm.

Kinesiology Club is putting on a Faculty and Student Volleyball tournament next Thursday during common hour. Come support the students in Wightman Gym during common hour. Free food.


The meeting adjourned at 4:56 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Kalli Protopsaltis

Recording Secretary