Verbiage : (verb ka garbage) : Profusion of words usually of little or obscure content.

Futile : (Phat gayi MISSILE, sab ho gaya WASTE sab ho gaya FUTILE) : Completely useless

Perpetuate : (DURACELL - lasts long really long) : Prolong the existence of something

Frugal : (FREE vich no gallan) : Economical in expenditure

1. coquette -- remember shriman shrimati ji .. usme koki ji thi jinke saath unka neighbour flirt karta tha
coquette ( ) n. A woman who makes teasing sexual or romantic overtures; a flirt

2. plethora -- plate mei thoda nhi rhega .. ye india hai .. you will get plethora of dishes


1. An excess of.

2. An excess of a bodily fluid, particularly blood.

abhor: can be read as ab or nahi
means complete hatred.

Salubrious- Health-giving; healthy: "salubrious weather".
Mnemonic- Just like Sallu miyan (apne Salman Bhai, always healthy)

Meaning of some words ve can remember by their opposite word:

For Ex:

1) Bashful : ye garrulous ka opposite h..nd ve kno garrulous means extremely talkative..

2) Impugn : ye defend ka opposite h..nd ve kno wt defend means..

3) Ostensible : opposite of "Real"

4) Apocryphal : Opposite of "authentic"....

5) ducile : opposite of "Obdurate.".

6) Inept: Opposite of "Adept"

7) shallow : opposite of "profound"

8) Wane, deteriorate : opposite of Flourish..

Jagganath temple me vishal rath yatra hoti hai!
Word: juggernaut
Meaning: a very large truck
Usage: The city is surrounded by juggernauts disturbing the peace of citizens.

ji aapka ladka badda hi ghul mil ke rahta hai!
Word: gregarious
Meaning: one who enjoys the company of people
Usage: Vishal is a gregarious person.

Tricks:- Osama Bin Laden is full of (laden) with heavy weapons.

Osama Bin Laden ka jiwan paap karmo se bhara tha.

laden :- full of, filled with great quality

CHIMERICAL- though its prnounced as KI-MERI-KAL, but the learning technique lies in wrong pronounciation


Now think abt AISHWARYA Rai...wat did she do to SALMAN and Vivek.....whenever they asked abt marriage she said -SHE MARRY-KAL , i.e the marriage never took place it was UNREAL, IMAGINARY and FANCIFUL ....which is the meaning of the word CHIMERICA

Servile: We can get the idea of serve from the word servile and that is essentially the meaning of the word, though in a negative sense. It means, trying to please somebody by serving his and obeying his/her each and every command, often to get a favour in return.

Sojourn: SOJOURN can be broken down into short-journey and this would help us to learn the word. Now since you are making a short journey so you will be staying somewhere temporarily as a part of that journey, this is what sojourn means. A temporary stay in a place away from your home

Accessory - Additional; Spare

Accessary - A helper in any act(specially in crime); accomplice; partner

Acrid - Sharp; bitterly pungent

Acrimonious - Stinging; caustic; hostile; rancorous; discordant

Affection - Feeling of love

Affectation - Insincere pretense; artificial show; exaggeration

Allude - To make an indirect reference

Elude - To escape; evade; dodge

Ameliorate: In the movie Amelie by Jean pierre amelie wants to make the life of people better

to make better

Syn- improv

Amanuensis : Stenographer or shorthand typist. For example, read the word like this ... "Aman you and sis" come down for stenography ..... lolz


Peevish : Irritated. For example, Now if you will spit in a soup and ask a boy named vish to drink, wont he get irritated.......lolz


Bacchanalian : Alcohalic (Sharabi). For example, Bacchan was Bacchanalian in the movie Sharabi............lolz

bedizen: kiran bedi ne zen mei aa kar show off kiya

meaning: tastelessly showy

ameliorate: omellete + rate ) high toh better quality

meaning: To make better

PIQUE is a spanish football player

pique provoke his opponent to irritate him to get advantage in game

pique-A sudden outburst of anger

-to arouse anger or resentment in=irritate

Because of certitude behavior of Ram,a" Certificate of Attitude " must be bestowed on him.

read a line in ET-
"Uppity Walmart"
Uppity-Presumptuously arrogant

Upper baith kar kar Walmart arrogant ho gayi hain

1. Phlegmatic :
M : Calm and unemotional.

Synonym : apathetic, imperturbable,sluggish.
Usgae : Being a man with a phlegmatic temperament, people resent his company.

2. Ubiquitous : Found or present everywhere.

M : remember UB Group of Vijaya Malliya. It is present everywhere in India.

Synonym : omnipresent
Antomym : rare, scarce
Usage : The celebrity was pursued by the ubiquitous paparazzi who were anxious to photograph her

ODIUM = hate coupled with disgust

odium sounds very close to podium(a stage type of thing)-well standing on podium when politician delivers speech against their opponents fills us with odium

Pithy = a pithy statement or piece of writing is short and very effective

pi-thy: the math symbol pi is concise and has great meaning

1. ASCETIC (adj) : strictly self-disciplined and avoiding any pleasures or luxuries
M : Ascetic it is pronounced similar to acidic which is sour and colourless,so whosoever is livin sour n colourless life (metaphorically speaking) but not sweet and colourful is a ascetic person because he is avoiding pleasures and luxuries of life.

Synonyms : austere, abstemious, frugal.
Antonym : sybaritic
Usage : He gave up his opulent life for he now preferred to lead an ascetic existence.

2. Discreet : careful not to attract attention or give offence
M : Remove the C from it and it sounds like disrespect,so when you disrespect somebody you bring offence to them.

Synonym : careful, cautious, chary, circumspect, considerate, delicate, diplomatic, guarded.
Antonym : Indiscreet
Usage : They made a few discreet enquiries before clinching the deal.

Vacillate :

waver (in opinion); fluctuate; sway to and fro;

M : connect it with oscillate which moves to and fro here and there.

Vagary :

Capricious happening,an unpredictable or erratic action, occurrence, course, or instance

M : VAGARY agar,magar haan but suno toh.....when something is attached with agar magar,then u never know whts going to be the result i.e it is unpredictable n maybe erratic

Break- divide in pieces
Brake- something that slows the action
Right- Correct
Write- form/compose/spell
Wright- One that constructs/repairs
Rite- ceremony/ceremony act/series of acts

Palatable :

Agreeable,pleasing to the taste

M : 1. PALAT mat agree kar meri baat se
2 PLATE(palat) me jo bhi hai,it is pleasing my tastebuds

Golupcious :

M : Focus on GO UP (GOlUPcious), when you go up u feel delighted,splendid,magnificent.

couldnt find any better

Missive - letter
Missive >When you miss somebody you write a letter to them.

Mitigate - to lesson, to reduce, Appease, moderate.
Mitigate > "Gate pe kutte ki potty pe mitti daal do" why? so that the intensity of bad odour will lessen.

Moodiness - felt of gloom and depression

moodiness > mood die --- u felt gloomy

flout meaning-
1) To treat something e.g. rules or code of conduct with scorn.
2) To show disrespect for something, in this case it is usually followed by at.
3) A disdainful act. (Noun)

my trick-
flout-float in air(feel happy) after flouting something !!!!

1. dirty, foul, or squalid
2. degraded; vile; base a sordid affair
3. selfish and grasping sordid avarice
sordid - unethical or dishonest; "dirty police officers"; "a sordid political campaign";dirty;corrupt
sordid - meanly avaricious and mercenary; "sordid avarice"; "sordid material interests"
mnemonic to remember this word
sordid----feel sorry for what i did as a result if my sordidness

Circumlocation :-

M : Concentrate on circum means gol gol,so when you talk gol matol and not to the point,we say u r circumlocuting.

Deference :

1.respectful submission or yielding to the judgment, opinion, will, etc., of another.
2. respectful or courteous regard: in deference to his wishes.
Deference connect it with reference. If somebody give your reference for something you respect him.

tirade = a speech of violent denunciation
Sounds like tired.. your mom gets tired after a TIRADE..i.e. LONG ANGRY DENUNCIATORY SPEECH

Canard = a deliberately misleading fabrication
It was proved beyond doubt that the allegation against the leader was nothing but a canard.
Remember Kannad movies...their fighting is so unreal..false... so remember canard as being a false portrayal.
Canard - can hard, it can hardly happen. It is exaggerated.

dicey=unreliable;difficult or dangerous; risky; tricky
mnemonic - (die see)
see u can die

Garmi mein to Sprite peena banta hai (chahe jitna bhi health-conscious ho). Aur ek se zyaada baari, woh bhi: Repeat and Repeat Sprite!
For some respite, as simple as that!
Pronunciation: res-pit
Dictionary Kya Bolti Hai Respite ke Baare Mein:
1. A usually short interval of rest or relief.
2. Law Temporary suspension of a death sentence; a reprieve.

1. Abase:
Meaning: lower; degrade; humiliate; make humble; make (oneself) lose self-
Mnemonics: abase-abe(a slang used to degrade a person)+shhh(se)usually
an attempt to degrade a person's opinion..overall goes to humiliate a person....

2. Abash:
Meaning: embarrass
Mnemonics: What happens when u get a bash? (bashing)....u get embarrassed.

3. Abate:
Meaning: To reduce in amount;Put an end to; subside or moderate
Mnemonics: ab+ate , conc on ate, if u ate (spent) all ur money , ur property comes to
an end (abate)

4. Abdicate:
Meaning: renounce; give up (position, right, or responsibility)
Mnemonics: ab (root ab means away as in abandon) + dic (dictatorship) + ate (to
eat and hence reduce) : means to give away (or reduce) dictatorship and hence to give-
up power.

Hubris :
arrogance; excessive self-conceit
Link word:

mnemonic tip for mercenary-
Mercenary bole to aisa banda jo bilkul bhi mercy nahi rakhta, total hard-hearted emotionaless banda. Iski sole motivation power/money etc. hote hai.
Professionally hired soldiers/markemen/bhailog ko mercenary bolte hai.

meaning of mercenary

1. Motivated solely by a desire for monetary or material gain.
2. Hired for service in a foreign army.
3. One who serves or works merely for monetary gain; a hireling. (noun, plural: mercenaries)
4. A professional soldier hired for service in a foreign army. (noun, plural: mercenaries)

The times when Bush was burnt on the streets, not literally, but a representation of him was burnt, it was an effigy that people were setting fire to. We see such examples of effigies being burst almost every day, dont we? Some reviled politician or the other is burst to ashes every now and then.

Meaning of effigy-

1) A representation of a person or a group that is roughly made

2) Image of a person who is disliked and is used to ridicule.

master's tip-

Effigy can be easily learnt with the help of the word jiffy, as the two words are a bit similar in sound. Further, to make it easier, we can say the effigy was reduced to ashes in a jiffy (in an instant).

some sentences-

1) George Bushs effigy was burnt in the streets as a protest against the war. (Noun)

2) Effigies were burnt in the street to protest the westernisation of the Indian culture. (Plural)

3) It was the effigy-like representation of communism that was assaulted in the public view. (Adjective)

4) People were left aghast when they saw the effigies being burnt in the streets. (Plural)

consent- able to participate, who is "legally capable" of giving argument. (matlab HAA )

Assent- kind of back support, unable to legally give agreement (matlab Huu (bina man ka yes))

Haggard :
having a wild, wasted, worn look, as from sleeplessness, grief, or illness
Link word:
Ramlal exclaimed 'HEY GOD' for the HAGGARD look on the Shyamlal's face

vintage:Characterized by excellence,maturity,and enduring appeal; classic.Of the best;Of the most distinctive
mnemonic used-
win(vin) by having these (age)advantages(excellence,maturity...)

kernel -- we all know colonel (kernel) is the most important part of army unit
kernel -- central or vital part; core; whole seed (as of corn)

kindle -- rhymes with candle
kindle --
(verb) cause to start burning
(verb) call forth (emotions, feelings, and responses)
"arouse pity", "raise a smile", "evoke sympathy"

catena -- cat har saal hota hai ye yaad rakkho it is a series of events
catena -- A chain of connected ideas, passages or objects so arranged that each member is closely related to the preceding and following members means lustful ; lechorous
it gives the hint of the hindi word 'sali' can be remebered as a "a characterless jeeja who is salacious for his sali"... means a bad tempered of the like who is always nagging...So
split shrew:sounds like 'She+screwed'...
a girl who screws you is always bad tempered and not very well behaved...hence the meaning.

articulate : "Artist + Late ( Aaram se kaam karega) => Absolute, Good work"

1) adj. --> Expressing oneself easily in clear and effective language: an articulate speaker
2) vb. --> To express in coherent verbal form; give words to: couldn't articulate my fears

expropriate -- it actually means ex-property
expropriate -- Deprive of possessions
"The Communist government expropriated the landowners"

restitution -- after some hard work we REST(itute) to regain energy

1. The restoration of something lost or stolen to its proper owner.

2. Recompense for injury or loss.


it sounds like 'kumm' it is less in quantity or not up tp the required amount...very small in quantity or number

cerebrate: (Not celebrate) : "cerebrum" is part of brain.(U must have learned in school).
So related to thinking.

cerebrate - use or exercise the mind OR one's power of reason in order to make inferences, decisions, or arrive at a solution or judgments;
(Entire reasoning is based on CEREBRATING)

Synonyms: cogitate, think

eg. As they surveyed the damage, Jonathan did not ask his father how he would fix the tree house, instead allowing him stare and cerebrate in silence.

catastrophe - what if "CAT STOP" ---Disaster (Term CAT here used is Common Aptitude Test)
catastrophe - an event resulting in great loss and misfortune; notable disaster or misfortune; OR
A complete failure; a fiasco:
Eg: The food was cold, the guests quarreledthe whole dinner was a catastrophe.

Related word :

cataclysm - a sudden violent change in the earth's surface

subterfuge -- sab taraf fuse udd gya .. and i couldn't recognise the thief
subterfuge -- Something intended to misrepresent the true nature of an activity
"he wasn't sick--it was just a subterfuge"

quarry -- kuwari ladki ko raat ko akele mat bhejo .. there are many anti social elements waiting out there to make her their quarry

quarry -- A person who is the aim of an attack (especially a victim of ridicule or exploitation) by some hostile person or influence.

"he fell quarry to muggers"

vermilion -- achha var mile is liye roz mandir jaa k vermilion color ka teeka lagaate hai
vermilion --- Of a vivid red to reddish-orange colour

pageantry -- there were spectacular fireworks on republic day and newspapers made a page entry of the celebrations
pageantry -- A rich and spectacular ceremony

redact -- remember our teacher used to circle out mistakes with red pen before getting our articles published in the school magazine .. that was a red act

redact -- Prepare for publication or presentation by correcting, revising, or adapting
"redact a book on lexical semantics"