U rban Wilderness Advisory Board
M inutes of Meeting
March 28, 2007
M embers Present : Marcey Carabelli
Frank Dickinson
Jeffrey Greenfield
Pam Pavsner
Dan Ferstenberg
Joan Kohl
S taff : Gretel Porcaro
Linda Briggs
Laura Frank
C ounty Attorney : Michael Owens
The Urban Wilderness Advisory Board was called to order at 5:30 p.m., role was taken, and the meeting had a quorum. Frank Dickinson (acting Chairperson) called to order.
Board reviewed minutes and material provided by staff. Pam Pavsner noticed errors on the proposed 2007 meetings schedule. The Board moved to table approval of meetings schedule until changes are made. Jeffrey Greenfield questioned the mention of his attendance in the minutes. Michael Owens said that member’s presence is noted for quorum purposes and as long as there is still one, this notation can be stricken. Frank Dickinson motioned to have this stricken from the minutes, Pam Pavsner seconded, all approved.
Dan Ferstenberg motioned to approve minutes from the February 29, 2007 for the Urban Wilderness Advisory Board meeting. Jeffrey Greenfield seconded and all approved.
New Business:
Linda Briggs opened floor for discussion and asked for comments on last month’s presentation of West Creek Pineland Resource Management Plan. Dan Ferstenberg commented that the LiDAR was nicely presented. No further questions were raised from Board members. Dan Ferstenberg motioned to approve West Creek Pineland Resource Management Plan, Pam Pavsner seconded, all in favor.
Dick Martorelli, Broward County Parks and Recreation, Accounting Manager gave a presentation on Broward’s Zero Based Budgeting. He explained that everything in the budget must be scrutinized and justified. He went on to review the Commissions goals and explain that, the first year of the budget process will focus on property tax and the General Fund. Parks & Recreation generates$10 million in revenue, which is a quarter of the Budget. Parks is the only County department generating that much money. Dan Ferstenberg asked if there would be communication from the bottom up and vice versa for information.
Broward County Board of Commissioners has asked for input from everyone. The general public experience day to day events and may suggest a better way or solution. Public meeting dates on the Budget process can be found through the Office of Public Communication. Michael Owens will provide a link with this information to staff secretary in order to forward to the UW Board. The State is considering in property taxes a roll back with a sales tax increase and doubling the Homestead Exemption which would cause concern for Broward County. Broward County items not factored in included public service, State mandates, courthouse needs, voting system impacts, additional Homestead exemptions, and maintenance of facilities. Cuts to Parks and Recreation would be hard hitting ranging from 10 to 40%. For instance, ball parks would suffer if maintenance must be cut. Public hearings are scheduled for 9/11/07 & 9/12/07. Parks staff asked the UW Board to support the natural areas during the upcoming hearings. Please note that Marcey Carabelli arrived at meeting at 6:00 pm. Dick reiterated the fact each department or Board has their own project to support and the Urban Wilderness Advisory Board should support theirs. Dan Ferstenberg asked if Broward County has undertaken the FL Sterling Council work. He suggested that it could help Parks. Dick said the Council has not previously lent itself to Parks. Dan Ferstenberg feels it is something that should be looked into. www.flsterling.com (Sterling Challenge) helps tie budget with work. From past experience Dick stated processes such as grounds maintenance make their assistance harder – Dan Ferstenberg agreed it would need value added line items.
The Board moved on to the letter to retain Al Will on the UW Board. Jeff Greenfield suggested everyone sign, but in the interest of time have Acting Chairperson sign (letter presented is from Acting Chairperson) Pam Pavsner motioned to sign it as is, Dan seconded, all in favor.
Jeff Greenfield motioned to nominate Frank Dickinson to Chair (Frank accepted nomination), Pam Pavsner seconded, all in favor.
Carol Morgenstern would like to make a presentation at the next meeting of sites proposed to be placed on the Urban Wilderness inventory. It will show a brief description and dependant on Board approval, each site will be proposed to be added to the inventory. A draft of the resolution is needed and if Board approves, move on to processing. Gretel Porcaro advised site inventories are required on 5 sites, which can be divided up and spread out (possibly on Saturdays). Marcey Carabelli suggested doing them after work and with longer daylight, weekdays are better for her. Gretel will get a list and schedule them. Michael Owens suggested the inventory could be processed quicker if he gets a draft resolution to present to the Broward County Commissioners. Frank Dickinson said the UW Board needs a motion that staff put together a draft report and recommendations on areas to be added to inventory and draft the resolution. Marcey Carabelli made the motion, Jeff Greenfield seconded, all in favor.
Marcey Carabelli motioned to adjourn.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:25 pm.