Minutes of the meeting of Upwell Parish Council, Monday 7 March 2016, 7.00pm at Upwell Village Hall

Committee Members: Cllr. Lester (Chairman), Cllr. Gooch, Cllr. Robinson, Cllr. A. Harrison, Cllr. Humm,

Cllr. Shorting, Cllr. Pope, Cllr. K Harrison, Cllr. Crofts, Cllr. Carr, Cllr. Melton, Cllr. Schultz, Cllr. Pugh

Those Present: Cllr. Lester (Chairman), Cllr. Gooch, Cllr. Shorting, Cllr. Carr, Cllr. Melton, Cllr. Pope, Cllr. Humm, Cllr. A Harrison, Cllr. Schultz

Public: 4

Apologies: Cllr. K Harrison, Cllr. Crofts, Cllr. Pugh, Cllr. Robinson, County Cllr. Humphries


1. Apologies

1.1 Apologies were given as listed above and accepted.

2.. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest

2.1 No declarations of pecuniary interest were made.

3. To accept the Minutes of the last meeting

3.1 It was resolved to accept the Minutes of the meeting held on 1 February 2016 as a true record of the meeting.

4. To report on matters arising from last month’s minutes

4.1 Item 5 - Clerk confirmed that the Community Safety & Neighbourhood Nuisance team had been in contact with the applicant of planning application 16/00037/CU Change of use of agricultural land and buildings to domestic land and buildings at Three Barns, 61 Small Lode, Upwell over concerns around noise pollution. These are being addressed. The Clerk has updated all concerned.

4.2 Item 4.2 – A list of local businesses to be written to regarding speeding in the parish has been received by the Clerk for action.

4.3 Item 10.1 – Clerk to chase Norfolk County Council Highways again to request an update with the trod for Low Side.

5. Public Forum

5.1 A representative from RASCAL (Residents Against Speeding Cars And Lorries) reported of two meetings with Elizabeth Truss MP who is supporting declassifying the route through the village from an ‘A’ road. Results from vibration machines from various people’s homes showed an unacceptable level of disturbance. They have asked if the parish council would send letters requesting the promised speed camera and speed checks for the village. Clerk to make inquiries with County Cllr. Humphrey regarding high incident black spots in the village.

5.2 A member of the public requested using two short lengths of rail-line in a hedge located adjacent to the former school playing field for producing a memento of the Wisbech to Upwell tramway. All were in favour for the posts to be removed and used for this purpose. The member of the public left the meeting.

5.3 Two residents commented on planning application 16/00208/OM residential development for 22 dwellings at Land on the East side of Pius Drove, Upwell. They have concerns with the apparent lack of a wildlife survey supporting the application. There are allegedly bats, barn owls, muntjac deer and woodpeckers in the orchard. They also have concerns with the proposed access and drainage arrangements at the development. Both residents were advised to document their concerns on the Borough’s planning portal, as will the parish council.

The three remaining members of public left the meeting.

6. To receive reports

i) Police Report

· It was noted that PCSO Writer had been in touch requesting information on current issues in the village. None had been reported other than issues with dog fouling.


· Mr. Peter Evans from Neighbourhood Watch did not attend the meeting.

· The ‘out of hours’ emergency number for BCKLWN is King’s Lynn 01553 616601.


· The SAMS camera will be erected again some time during week commencing 7 March 2016.

ii) Borough Councillor Report

· Councillor Pope reported that he is putting in a challenge for Leadership of the Council.

iii) County Councillor Report

· No report.

iv) Parish Council Affairs/Correspondence

· It was resolved to appoint Mr. Dewdney as a contractor to take over as Village Handyman/ Groundsman at £280.00 per month November to February and £360.00 per month from March to


· October to allow time for grass cutting and strimming fortnightly over the spring/summer months. This contract is to be reviewed after three months, at the 6 June 2016 meeting. It was resolved for Councillor Lester to speak with Mr. Gray to discuss payment for his three month notice period.

· It was resolved to fully support the proposals from the Middle Level Commissioners regarding amended navigation legislation.

· As previously discussed during the public forum, it was resolved to approve the removal of the old tram rails on the former school playing field for use in the production of a memento of the Wisbech to Upwell tramway.

7. Finance

i) All were in favour to approve the list of payments for the month.

ii) The reconciled cashbook for the end of February was approved.

iii) In the absence of Councillor Pugh, discussions regarding Holiday Pay are to be deferred to the April meeting.

8. Correspondence

8.1 An email from Anglian Water regarding a new campaign, Pollution Watch, was noted.

8.2 An email from a resident of Three Holes regarding debris in the river at Three Holes Bridge has been passed to the Middle Level Commissioners for action.

8.3 A quote from the Middle Level Commissioners of £1500.00 to tidy up the riverbank from Church Bridge to the Church Bridge mooring was considered too expensive. The email had been passed to the Well Creek Trust who are going to discuss with the Middle Level Commissioners.

8.4 It was noted that there is a large collection of tyres on the track and in the dyke at Robbs Chase, Pius Drove. Attempts to determine the land owner are proving fruitless.

9. Planning

9.1 The second Neighbourhood Plan Consultation meeting had taken place and was very successful with positive feedback. The next one will be on Saturday 19 March in Upwell. One will also be held in Three Holes on Saturday 16 April with a further meeting possibly in Lakes End in May.

9.2 It was resolved to support the petition sent from NorfolkALC encouraging parish councils to sign up to give third parties the right to appeal planning decisions.

10. To receive & discuss NCC issues inc.Highways

10.1 Clerk to send a list of jobs for the Highway Rangers’ visit week commencing 28 March.

11. To consider Village Hall issues

11.1 Assuming there are sufficient funds left in the 2015 2016 budget for village hall repairs, it was resolved to purchase a replacement DVR recorder for the village hall at a cost of £595.00 + VAT. Clerk to ascertain the budget provision before purchasing.

11.2 The Chairman’s February report was noted. Thanks to be recorded to the Village Hall Committee for their continued support of the village hall.

11.3 Saturday 2 April there will be a cleaning morning at the village hall. All help welcome.

12. To discuss Footway lighting issues

12.1 A rebate for the last 14 months has been received from SWALEC - £412.85.

12.2 The general consensus of the sample LED light recently installed along Town Street near the bus shelter was that it was good but there was not a huge difference between that and the current sodium stock. The only obvious advantage is around light pollution. There is none from the LEDs as all the light is generated downwards. Without part-night lighting the savings in running costs do not appear to justify the installation of these lights in the near future.

13. To discuss churchyard/cemetery issues


13.1 Clerk to report the wall between the churchyard and The Five Bells as requiring attention.

13.2 Clerk to report the large piece of concrete with a metal stay in it that has been pulled out of the ground at the gates to the cemetery.

13.3 Clerk to request for the grass to be cut and the spoil at the back of the cemetery to be used to fill up the sunken graves. A proportion of the spoil could also be moved to the churchyard so community workers could use it to fill rabbit holes etc.

13.4 The fence between the allotments and the cemetery needs reinstating.

13.5 Clerk to write to a neighbouring resident of the cemetery regarding their dog fouling in the area.

14. War Memorial

14.1 The grass has been cut and the roses pruned.

14.2 Clerk to contact Brown & Ralph regarding the condition of the memorial.

14.3 The Royal British Legion will be gathering at Hubert Hardiment’s grave in the churchyard on 2 April 2016 at 11.00am as part of a scheme to commemorate all 786 men who served with the Cambridgeshire Regiment and were killed in World War !.

15. Agricultural Allotments

No report.

16. Garden Allotments

16.1 The fence at the bottom of the allotments needs reinstating.

17. To consider Health & Safety issues

17.1 The hand rail has been left intact at the steps to the former mooring on Town Street and cannot be removed. It is not possible to block the gap in the railings to prevent access to the steps.

18. To consider any issues for Three Holes & Lakes End

18.1 A quote from CGM of £900.00 + VAT per annum to cut Three Holes Playing Field twice monthly from March to October was noted.

18.2 A quote had also been sought for Lakes End Playing Field although it should be noted that this playing field is in need of a lot more work as it is very badly overgrown. The quote was to flail cut the field every two weeks to reduce the length of grass by 25% each time until it is suitable to mow - £45.00 + VAT per flail cut.

18.3 It was resolved to agree to pay for twice monthly cuts to Three Holes Playing Field until the end of August when it will hopefully be play-ready for the start of the football season.

18.4 It was resolved to pay for four flail cuts to Lakes End Playing Field at £45.00 per cut to hopefully get the growth to ground level to then allow for conventional mowing.

19. Agenda items for the next meeting

· Holiday pay

· Community Litter Pick, 9 April

There being no further business the meeting closed at 9.00pm.

The next meeting will be the Annual Parish Assembly, Monday 4 April 2016 at 6.30pm followed by an Ordinary Meeting at 7.00pm.

Signed ……………………………………………………… Date……………..……………………

Full Council 8 March 2016 Page 2