University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Bio Sci 401 Lec: MW 1:00 - 1:50 pm
Immunology, Fall 2016
LAP N103 Final Exam Date: Dec. 17th, 12:30-2:30pm
LAP N103
Course Instructor: Dr. Douglas A. Steeber
Office: N211 Lapham Hall Office Hours: MW 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Phone: 414-229-4373 (other times by appointment)
Required Text: Kuby Immunology, 7th edition
Owen, Punt, Stranford
W. H. Freeman
Available bound, loose leaf and as an eBook
Course site: Available on D2L (see below)
Last day to drop without a “W”: Oct. 3rd; Last day to drop: Oct. 28th, 2016.
Sept. 7 Wed. Overview of the Immune System Chapter 1
12 Mon. Cells of the Immune System Chapter 2, pp. 27-40
14 Wed. Tissues of the Immune System Chapter 2, pp. 41-63
19 Mon. Innate Immunity Chapter 5
21 Wed. B and T cell Receptors Chapter 3
26 Mon. B and T cell Receptors, continued Chapter 3
28 Wed. EXAM #1 – Lectures Sept. 7 – 26
Oct. 3 Mon. Cytokines and Chemokines Chapter 4
5 Wed. The Complement System Chapter 6
10 Mon. Organization & Expression of Lymphocyte Chapter 7
Receptor Genes
12 Wed. Organization & Expression of Lymphocyte Chapter 7
Receptor Genes, continued
17 Mon. MHC and Antigen Presentation Chapter 8
19 Wed. MHC and Antigen Presentation, continued Chapter 8
24 Mon. T Cell Development Chapter 9
Graduate Students: Research Paper Outline Due (10 pts)
26 Wed. EXAM #2 – Lectures Oct. 3 – 24
31 Mon. B Cell Development Chapter 10
Nov. 2 Wed. T Cell Activation, Differentiation, Memory Chapter 11
7 Mon. B Cell Activation, Differentiation, Memory Chapter 12
9 Wed. Effector Responses: CMI & AMI Chapter 13
14 Mon. The Immune Response in Space and Time Chapter 14
16 Wed. Hypersensitivity Chapter 15
21 Mon. EXAM #3 – Lectures Oct. 31 – Nov. 1 6
23 Wed. Thanksgiving Vacation
28 Mon. Tolerance and Autoimmunity Chapter 16, pp. 517-536
30 Wed. Transplantation Chapter 16, pp. 536-552
Dec. 5 Mon. Infectious Diseases Chapter 17, pp. 553-574
7 Wed. Vaccines Chapter 17, pp. 574-591
12 Mon. Immunodeficiency Disorders Chapter 18
14 Wed. Cancer and the Immune System Chapter 19
Graduate Students: Research Paper Due (40 pts)
17 Sat. EXAM #4 : FI NAL EXAM – Lectures Nov. 28 – Dec. 1 4 +
cummulative material
12:30 – 2:30 pm, LAP N103
** This schedule is subject to change **
Knowledge of the immune system is essential to understanding our protective responses against foreign agents in our environment. We would not survive as a species if we could not handle the constant assault of microorganisms, such as bacteria, viruses and fungi. This very effective system has many components and levels of responses to match the variety of foreign invaders and how they may enter and establish themselves in the body. The proper functioning of this system results in health and non-optimum function or failure of the system can lead to disease and potentially the death of an individual. Deficiencies of the immune system, as seen with the diseases such as AIDS, serve as examples of the importance of a properly functioning immune system. Knowledge of the immune system will help our understanding of health, disease and the functioning of a biological system. Practical applications of immunity have impact on many of our current health practices. Continued research in immunology promise advances in vaccine development, increased numbers of successful organ transplants, improved and novel cancer therapy and effective treatment of autoimmune diseases.
Upon completion of Immunology 401, you will be able to:
· understand the essential concepts in immunology;
· identify the cells, molecules, and key recognition proteins involved in cell mediated and humoral immunity;
· define the terms commonly used in the science of immunology so that you can intelligently read information in the discipline;
· appreciate how discoveries were made in immunology;
· apply basic concepts to practical problems dealing with the immune system.
GENERAL EXPECTATIONS: Students are expected to:
· have an adult level of maturity, self-motivation, and a strong desire to learn the material in this course
· have passed the pre-requisite courses with a C or better
· show up for every lecture, on time
· utilize the lecture outlines provided on the D2L site
· prepare for lecture by looking over the reading assignments before class
· take notes during lecture
· volunteer to answer questions posed by the professor in class and participate in class discussions
· spend at least 6.5 hours/week outside of class studying the material for this class:
o Reading assignments should be completed
o Lecture notes and reading assignments should be reviewed with a study partner or group at least once/week
o Any concepts that are unclear to the student after reading and reviewing should be discussed with the professor at office hours (schedule alternative appointment if you have a class/work conflict with office hours)
Note on attendance: Students are expected to attend all lectures and to be seated prior to the start of class at 1:00 pm. Attendance is required on exam days. Attendance at all lectures is highly advised because of the complex and interrelated nature of the subject. My past experience indicates that those students who perform best in this class are those who attend each class and come to class having printed out and looked over the lecture slides. The lecture slides posted on the D2L course site serve only as an outline, additional material will be provided during class. In addition, there will be some material covered in the lectures that will not appear in either the lecture slides posted on the D2L course site or in the textbook. This material will be included in the exams.
Students registered for graduate credits will be expected to choose a topic for an 8-10 page research paper ideally on a topic related to the student’s own thesis research. If the student does not have a thesis project then the topic should be related to the course. Topics must be approved by the instructor. An abstract, outline, and bibliography of at least 10 recent primary research articles (published within the past 5 years) on the topic are due on Oct. 24th and the final paper will be due on the last day of class (Dec. 14th). Outlines and papers will drop in value by 10% each day after the due date and will not be accepted more than 3 days late.
The lectures for this course will be done as Microsoft PowerPoint presentations. The lecture slides will be available for viewing or downloading from the D2L course site at least one day prior to the scheduled lecture. Most students find it very helpful to print out the slides and bring them to lecture. If you have any trouble logging in or using D2L, contact the 24/7 help desk ( or 229-4040) located in BOL225.
Attendance is required on exam days. If you are absent on an exam day due to illness, your request to make up the exam must be accompanied by a physician’s note. Make up exams must be scheduled within a week of the original date at a time that is approved by the instructor. Accommodations will be made for conflicts due to religious observances, but the instructor must be notified no less than two weeks in advance. If you have not made prior arrangements, you will not be permitted to take a make-up exam. The make-up exams may not be the same ones taken by the rest of the class and they may be in a different format (for example, oral exams).
All exams will be part objective (multiple choice) and part short answer (essay, matching). The objective part of the exam will be computer graded so please bring a #2 pencil. All exams will be administered in the lecture room (LAP N103) unless a room change is given in class. Each exam will cover the lectures indicated in the syllabus. Although the exams are not cumulative, except for the final exam, it will be necessary to use information covered in earlier lectures to understand and answer questions pertaining to the most recent material covered. Note : there will be some material covered in the lectures that will not appear in the lecture slides posted on the D2L course site and may not be covered completely in the textbook. This material will be included in the exams. Therefore, it is strongly encouraged that you attend all of the lectures. The final exam will cover the last section of the course topics and also include cumulative material and will be administered on Saturday , December 1 7 th at 12:30-2:30 pm in LAP N103. The final exam is to be taken on the final exam day and must be started at 12:30pm; please do not request to take it earlier.
Your final grade for the course will be based on the average of the four exams.
Exam #1 100
Exam #2 100
Exam #3 100
Exam #4 (Final Exam) 125
Total 425 points
Graduate students are required to submit a research paper on a topic to be determined together with the instructor (see above). The paper will be worth 50 points (10 points outline + 40 points paper), and the total points used to calculate grades for graduate students will be 475 points.
Final grades may include + and - designations (e.g., A-, B+). Grades for the course will approximate a 100-90% = (A, A-), 89-80% = (B+, B, B-), 79-70% = (C+, C, C-), 69-60% = (D+, D, D-) and less than 60% = (F). Grades will be assigned based on these percentages unless because of extremely low or high grades, a curve appropriate to this class seems a more fair assessment. There is no extra credit in this course although bonus questions may be included on exams. Please assess yourself during the semester as you progress through the course and at any time feel free to ask for your current status in the course. The last day to drop this course is Friday, October 2 8 th.
Cell phones should be turned off before class. Check messages after class and absolutely no texting.
The board of regents has designated certain kinds of conduct as subject to University discipline. UWM expects each student to be honest in academic performance. Failure to do so may result in discipline under rules published by the Board of Regents (UWS 14). The most commonly punished forms of academic dishonesty are cheating and plagiarism. The complete UWM procedures related to academic misconduct can be found online at:
No weapons are permitted in any building on the UWM campus.
ACCOMMODATIONS FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: If you need special accommodations to meet the requirements of this course, please contact the Student Accessibility Center (Mitchell Hall Room 112, 229-6287, and inform the instructor after the first class meeting or at least one week before the first exam.
The Office of the Secretary of the University has created a Web page containing information on policies and procedures related to exams, incomplete grades, religious holidays, discriminatory conduct, student misconduct, grade appeals, and students with disabilities that can be found at: