University of Louisville – Staff Senate

Credentials & Nominations Committee

Items Required for University-wide Committee Catalog

The Committee Role

1. What is the official name of the committee? Was it ever known by another name? Faculty Senate

2. What is the charge and/or mission of the committee? The University of Louisville Faculty Senate is the representative faculty body of the University of Louisville. It is responsible for continually reviewing University policies and documents affecting the faculty and making subsequent recommendations concerning these matters to the University administration. Jurisdiction over educational policies not reserved for unit faculties and providing recommendations to the Board of Trustees regarding the establishment or termination of degree-granting programs are essentials of governance within the Faculty Senate purview. The Senate addresses and makes recommendations on identified issues and responds to requests for consultation from the administration, the Board of Trustees, and others. The faculty is formally represented on the University of Louisville Board of Trustees by the Chair of the Faculty Senate. State statute establishes the Chair of the Faculty Senate as a full voting member of the University's Board of Trustees.

3. Who does the committee answer to, report to, or advise? Reports to the President and the Provost.

4. Does the committee have by-laws, business rules, or other governing documents? Governing documents are found in the Faculty Senate By-Laws:

5. Does the committee have a website? Faculty Senate website:

The Committee Leadership

6. Who is the chair of the committee? Chair of the Faculty Senate, Beth Boehm

7. Is the role of chair associated with the person’s regular job on an ongoing basis (ie., AVPHR chairs the HRAC), or is it by an elected or assigned position (ie, chair of Faculty Senate is elected on an annual basis)? Elected annually, although practice is for the chair to hold office two consecutive terms.

8. Does the committee have any administrative support or regular contact person that oversees the committee’s roster? Faculty Senate Office: Gretchen Henry (502) 852-7937.

The Committee Membership

9. What is the composition of the committee (i.e. how many faculty, staff, students, administrators, and who do they represent)? The Faculty Senate is comprised of 70 members. There are 62 full-time faculty members who serve rotating, three-year terms. The number of full-time faculty senate seats for each academic unit is determined by the number of full-time faculty within the respective units. Each academic unit elects the appropriate number of faculty to serve as Senators. Also, annual elections are held by the part-time faculty to fill the six seats allocated to Part-Time Faculty members. The Staff Senate and the Student Government Association hold annual elections to fill their respective one-year constituency terms.

10. What are each members voting rights (i.e. full voting member, ex-officio non-voting, etc.)? Staff senate representative is an ex-officio, non-voting member of the Faculty Senate

11. What is the method of appointment for staff senate representatives (i.e., does C&N decide who the appointee will be, or are several names submitted for someone else to select from, and if so, who does that selecting and how many names are to be sent forward)? C&N appoints from preference lists.

12. What is the term of the appointment for the staff senate representative(s)? What are the specific dates of the appointment (e.g. July through June)? What is the expiration date of the current seats/appointments? Is there a limit on the number of terms an appointee may serve? Annual with committee preference list appointment, July-June, no limit.

13. Are there any special conditions for appointment to the committee (i.e. must be a UofL Alum to serve on the Alumni Association Board)? Member of Staff Senate.

14. What is the time commitment for membership on this committee, including frequency and duration of meetings? Monthly meeting, 1st Wednesday at 3:00 p.m.

Prepared by Ginger Brown and submitted to C&N on 2/1/08.