Unit 1 Week 2 Day 3: Exploring Space with an Astronaut

Theme: Exploration

High Frequency: everywhere, live, machines, move, woman, work, world

Vocabulary (Amazing Words): orbit, ascend, descend

Grammar: Subjects

(Selection words) / Use Vocabulary Transparency 2 to introduce selection words. Read each sentence as you track the print. Frame each underlined word
Today we are going to be learning more words that are in our story
Exploring Space with an Astronaut.
Follow along as I read these sentences aloud.
Explain the word’s meaning.
astronaut: a person who goes into space.
shuttle: vehicle that carries astronauts into space.
experiment: test to find out something
telescope: an instrument that makes things far away appear to be close.
gravity: the natural force that makes everything on Earth move toward it.
Have students make up a sentence using each of the words in a complete sentence.
Model with each word.
Say: I want to be an astronaut when I get older. You tell me a sentence for
Say: Astronauts ride in a shuttle. You tell me a sentence for shuttle.
Say: The astronauts did experiments in the shuttle. You tell me
sentence for experiments.
Say: The astronauts used a telescope to make things bigger. You tell me a
sentence of telescope.
Say: It would be fun to float without gravity. You tell be a sentence for
Ask students to identify familiar letter-sounds and word parts: astronaut (astro mean stars, as in astronomy) shuttle (two syllables with a double consonant in the middle),
telescope (tele means “far” and scope means “to see”) gravity (blend the syllables: grav, I, ty) experiment (ment shows that the word is a noun.
Encourage students using the selection words by asking them what they think it would be like to be an astronaut on a space shuttle.
High Frequency
Words / everywhere, live, machines, move, woman, work, world
Give two sets of Word Cards (ELL Teaching Guide page 11) to each group of two of three students. Have each group mix the cards together and spread them out face down. One child at a time picks up a card, reads it out loud, and tries to find its matching card. When a child has a match, he r she says a phrase or sentence using that word. The game ends when all the cards have been matched.
Reading Comprehension / Have students turn to page 46 in their reading books. Read the title Exploring Spcae with an Astronaut. Look at the pictures and have students tell what is happening.
Have the students read together the story aloud. Make sure all the students are reading.
Help students to respond to questions using complete sentences when appropriate.
Who is the story about? This story is about astronauts in space
Are the characters people or animals? The characters are people.
Who are the characters? The characters are astronauts. One of the astronauts
Is Eileen Collins.
What is the setting of this story? The setting is in a space shuttle in space.
What kind of person is Eileen Collins? She is a very smart person and works
very hard.
What do Eileen and the other four crew members do together? They did jobs
using an X-ray telescope. They did experiments with plants and exercise
Grammar and Writing / Subjects
Read definition of a sentence.
The subject of a sentence tells who or what does something.
Write examples of a sentence:
Neil Armstrong worked on the moon. Neil Armstrong is the subject.
The moon goes around the Earth. The moon is the subject.
Read (or write) sentences and have the students tell what the subject would be.
Astronauts float around. Astronaut is the subject.
The space shuttles circle the Earth. Space shuttles is the subject.
I will fly in a space shuttle out into space. I is the subject.
The world looks very small from space. World is the subject.
The ship will move very fast in space. Ship is the subject.