Paxton Hehmeyer Writing 2

UNIT 3 Grading Rubric

Close Reading

Due: Monday, Dec. 11 at 4 PM

Essay Criteria

/ Score
Thesis: demonstrates clear purpose, sophistication and originality; speculates in an interesting and provocative manner about the work analyzed. / /10
Close Reading: utilizes numerous specific details from the short story to build an interpretive argument to support the thesis; looks closely at the choices the author has made in constructing the story; explores how the close reading reveals the importance of the story to the overall theme of the essay; moves beyond observation to the level of deduction and speculation. / /30
Evidence: all of the evidence and examples are specific, relevant and explanations are given that show how each piece of evidence supports the author's position; inserts source material in appropriate and interesting ways; demonstrates an ability to integrate sources using signal phrases and analysis; does NOT let quotations “speak for themselves.” / /15
Organization: sequence of material supports thesis and purpose; progression of thought from sentence to sentence and paragraph to paragraph is smooth and controlled; use of meaningful transitions and the logical movement from idea to idea strengthen this progression. / /20
Language: shows thought, precision, and control in word choice; uses key words consistently throughout the paper without changing or confusing meanings; writes concisely. / /15
Format and Mechanics: uses forms of grammar, punctuation, spelling, and syntax that are appropriate for standard written English; demonstrates careful attention to proofreading. Correctly cites sources using MLA format for in-text citation and a works cited page; provides page numbers for all summarized, paraphrased and quoted material. / /10

Score x 1.5 = [Total Score] ______/150

Last printed 6/14/2007 10:39:00 AM