Understand the Challenge: (complete the WIK and WINK chart)
In a basketball game, Harold and Isaac scored a total of 19 points. Isaac and Jacob scored a total of 14 points. Isaac scored as many points as Harold and Jacob together. How many points did each player score?
WIKWhat I know / WINK
What I Need to Know
Make a Plan: (Circle the strategy that you are going to use to solve this problem.)
Guess and Improve Make a Table Solve an Equation
Logical Reasoning Make a Drawing Act It Out
Find a Pattern Work Backward Solve a Simpler Problem
Make a List
(turn over)
Carry Out the Plan: (Show your work. Label and box in your answer.)
Look Back: (Show how you checked your work or explain what you did to solve the problem to an adult. Have the adult sign your paper in this section.)