Process Name:
Date of most recent changes: 1/3/2008
Responsible Office: / Registrar/AdmissionsContact: / Katie Collins/Shae Prosser
Originally Issued: / 12/4/06
Document ID:
SECTION I. Process Information
Process Name: / Admission DecisionDescription: / How to look up admissions decisions in SIS
Actor: / Enrollment Service Representatives
Trigger(s): / Student Request
Outcome/Motivation: / By using these steps, ESRs will be able to give student information on whether or not they have been admitted, denied, or if their status is Pending. Outcome: this process allows us inform students of their next step in the admissions process.
SECTION II. Process Steps
When a student asks to check the status of their application…
Type in SRCH in the FUNCTION: line.
Type in NA in the SEARCH: and Last Name, First Name after the START: line
Ask for student’s Date Of Birth.
If the student’s name and D.O.B. is listed on the screen, then…
Type in STUD in the FUNCTION line
Scroll down and place the curser on either the correct student’s name or L#
This will bring up the student’s summary page. From here you will type in APPL in the FUNCTION line. Enter See next page
Once on the appl screen, look at the ADM DEC at the bottom-left corner of the screen. If it says:
Congratulate the student and tell him/her that they should be receiving a letter soon explaining which Major they have been placed into, their DARS report listing which credits (if any) transferred over. Next, check their ODIM screen to make sure we have all of their immunizations.
Check HOLD and HLD1 to make sure they have no holds on their records. Most transfer students will have an Academic Advisor hold placed on their record, if this is the case, inform the student that before he/she can register, he/she will need to set up an advising appointment and give them the phone # based on the major they have declared.
Inform the student that we have all of their transcripts and are evaluating them in order to make a de-cision. Many times, the student will ask you if you know when they will be finished. It has been helpful for me to tell them that because it is a ‘case-by-case’ basis, there is no way to tell when a decision will be made. This will change as we get more staffing as the process will then take less time.
This admit code means that we have all of the applicants transcripts, but we need to take a closer look at some of the classes listed on one or more of the transcripts from the other institution/s because there are classes listed that we do not have on the Articulation Table. What this means is that we have to research the class description from the original institution to see if it corresponds to what we offer here at UNLV.
If the ADM DEC: is Pending, then type in PVED in the FUNCTION: line. This will bring up the previous education record. Generally, if the application is pending then, usually, there is either an “N”,“I”, “F”, or “U” in the Credit Status: line. This means that we either:
“N” – need transcripts from that institution. Sometimes in Notes: it will say that this college/univ. was listed on another transcript. Sometimes, students aren’t aware that they need to supply official transcripts from every institution they attended, not just the last one.
“I” – the transcripts we have on file are Incomplete. This usually means that there is a discrepancy of some kind. Either a class is listed without a grade or withdraw code, or something else is missing. In most cases, the student just needs to contact the institution and ask them to send complete transcripts. Ask them if they took a class and didn’t complete it.. If they insist that they have never attended that institution, then print out their PVED screen and ask for a contact number and let the student know that you will pull his file. If we listed the institution in error and have no transcripts from them, then we can bring this to the evaluator’s attention to remove the “I”
“F” – Final Transcripts. This means that we received a transcript from that college, but it shows classes without grades (usually work-in-progress for classes they are either taking now, or were taking when when we offered them the Tentative Admission).
“U” – means we received unofficial transcripts from the student. In any of these cases, inform the student that in order for us to make an admission decision, we need to have all official transcripts. NOTE: If the student inquires about the status of their application and it is past the deadline for the term in which the student has applied, then you can give him one of two answers:
1. At the Registrar’s discretion, we can tell students “If you can get us the transcripts as soon as possible, there is still a chance that we can make a decision for admissions for that term”. BUT DO NOT GUARANTEE THAT A DECISION WILL BE MADE,
2. “Unfortunately, we cannot make an admissions decision for the upcoming term because the deadline has passed. But what I can do for you is tell you how you can both keep your file active for the succeeding term and also take classes for the upcoming term. (If they are interested, then tell them how to access both the UNLV UPDATE FORM and the Non-degree student application Form. If they do decide to sign up as a non-degree seeking student, it is important to let them know that they are limited to taking up to 8 credits (which will apply towards their degree) and are ineligible for Federal financial aid, but they can always try to set up private financial aid).
SECTION III. Related Documents
List the names of related university/department internal and external documents that provide helpful, relevant information. (Attach file if readily available)
SECTION IV. Related Policies
List the names (if any) related system and/or university policy that trigger/provide helpful, relevant information. DARS (Admit status states DARWIN) This means that there were classes listed on the transcripts that are not listed on the Articulation Table. In this case, DARS needs to research the class description to see how it corresponds to what we offer and if the class is transferable.
University DocumentsSECTION V. Contacts
The first item is usually “Policy clarification” which directs the reader to the Responsible Office. Other items relate to subject matter in the document about which the reader may have follow-up questions.
Subject Matter (alphabetical order) / Office Name (not the name of an individual) / Telephone Number/
/SECTION VI. Acronyms/commonly used terms (optional)
Define acronyms/commonly used terms that have specialized meanings in the process.
Term (alphabetical order) / Definition /DARWIN / Degree Audit Reporting System Windows Software. Used in articulating courses from classes taken at other institutions.
Non-Degree Student Application. / This application allows students to be put into the system immediately. We do not require transcripts to accompany this application. Students are limited to 8 credits and are not eligible for Federal Financial Aid.
UNLV UPDATE FORM / This form gives permission from the student to re-activate or keep active a file that would normally go into inactive status or through the purge process.
SECTION VII. Forms and Tools/Online Processes (optional)
Forms/Online Processes should be included with information on how to obtain any forms or perform any online processes.
Non-degree Student Application/UNLV UPDATE FORMBoth forms can be found on the Application and Forms page listed in alphabetical order in the Undergraduate section on our website.
SECTION VIII. Appendix (optional)
Appendices are used for informational material that is helpful, but not directly related to the performing of the process.
Section IX. Revision History
Created by: / Nora Langendorf / Date: / 12/04/06Tested by: / Date:
Approved by: / Date:
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